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Normal Mode[]

As the killer[]

  • Me and a friend played a game in which she was the killer. At the beginning of the game, she announced to everyone in the Courtyard that she'd killed the teacher. She explained that in doing some background research, she'd discovered that the teacher was a previously convicted child molester, who'd had her identity changed. I was playing as a guy who's father was a Prosecutor, and was a Phoenix Wright fan, so the first half of the game was spent trying to work my way through any contradictions that came up in the explanation. Eventually, it came to a point where she revealed that the Prosecutor that failed to get the teacher convicted was none other my character's father. Unable to take this in, my character ran off and spent some time in the tea room alone. My friend came in later, for a final touching scene in which I apologized for being a jerk, before she escaped the school to avoid being arrested for murder.
  • This troper was the killer. He'd been the killer two times in a row previously and he was getting sick of being stealthy about it, so he decided to get into the principal's office and announce that he would start killing people unless they provided him with pointy weaponry by leaving it in the basement. A group of the others bashed the door down while I was on the intercom. Creepy Red and Black boy immediately prepared to kill me, but Pink told them that they shouldn't take justice into their own hands and instead proposed that they beat me up and lock me in the freezer. So they did. And from within the freezer, I managed to convince a few of them into killing everyone else. Despite the fact that the character I was R Ping was completely, utterly insane and despite the fact that all of them knew that I was the killer, they decided to kill everyone else for me. Unfortunately, the psychopaths were all killed in self defense and I myself was death-noted (which is actually against the server's rules) but it's still epic that I managed to indirectly kill alot of people from within a freezer.
  • A mild one. Playing as a girl has it's advantages. How? One round, when I was the killer, there was a rather amourous fellow. I decided to play along, and we ended up in a bathroom. I managed to get him to undress one piece of clothing at a time. Once he was nude, I made him bend over. Then, I drove a taser into his balls. The game overall was awesome, with me using a Split Personality to end up killing a loyal henchperson and using a nonexistent security card to get people to do my bidding.
  • In one game where this troper was the killer, he met up with a happy and energetic girl who too readily believed that he was trapping her in for "protection". I stabbed her twice with a knife but due to lag she got away. Next time I saw her she was ranting about psychos loose in the school. She ended up being the last one alive after killing myself and two others.
  • A CMOA for RPing in general was had by this troper (but given the killer's role, it'll go here). Redhead, Green (LEE YUMZUKA [sic] - And don't you forget it!) and Gray (the 'mute' killer) were in a group (extremely grudgingly, on Lee's part), as were Sunglasses, Brown and Pink. Purple, in the meantime, had just plain gone crazy and was scurrying around the school. Lee and Redhead made it into the security room, but found the tapes wiped, soon thereafter getting attacked by an Ax Crazy Purple, who fled the scene. Everyone else (Lee, Redhead, Brown, Pink, Sunglasses and Gray) met up, and decided to split up to hunt down Purple the 'killer'. Lee, Redhead and Gray stumbled upon Purple again, with Redhead almost being killed before Lee stepped in to take the killer out to save who'd become his love interest. The entire group then headed back to the security room for the timeout, thinking the killer was dead... to discover they'd been in the group all along! Much OOC shock was exhibited.
    • This troper (who was in the group) would like to add that the general consensus after the round was that although Gray was the Killer, The true villain was Purple.
  • Well, one time this troper was the killer, decided to tell the others that the teacher that was murdered had been having an affair with other students (including myself). Because she had a knife on her, I told them that she had tried to attack me when I turned her down and killed her in self defense. I pulled it off so brilliantly that the others started to believe me. However, as time passed, I started to reveal to them that my player had split personalities and by the end of the game, I had killed all but the two that had supported me, allowing them to live as I left the building. This was only due to a time limit however. Had it gone on longer, I would have shown that my character had a thing for the Green-Haired Girl (the girlfriend of the Boy with Goggles). I would have killed Goggles and then took the Green Haired Girl with me.
  • One round I(sunglasses) went around telling people "Go in groups of 3, if you go in group of 2 you may be with the killer!" No one listened, so i went to look for a 3rd person with my friend goggles, we went to the upstairs kitchen for knives and goggles took out his knife and started walking slowly towards me, i was backed against the freezer, he said "Your right, going in twos is dangerous!" it was ironic, as he was the killer, he trapped me in the freezer after K.Oing me. When i awoke the door opened, and everyone was there, and goggles was with them, saying i attacked the end, they killed me and goggles won, awesomly.
  • One game just recently, this troper was Silver girl and started off as a normal student. Spawning with Black, she went into the courtyard and ALMOST failed to notice the teacher's body before noticing it and freaking out. People swarmed to the courtyard, including Green boy, who suddenly called Silver 'Mima-chan'. Silver freaked out at the revelation that Green knew her name, asking what was going on while severely overreacting and passing out (I played really dramatically that round). Green (female) was also freaking out as the other Green discovered her name. Green (male) replied that he had the Shini Eyes (you can spawn with it in normal) and he could see other's names in red letters. At this point, Black took off his headphones and started freaking out as he saw Silver passed out on the floor. Red girl also came to help. Black pulled Silver up and asked her what was going on. Silver replied that Green boy was crazy, and he could tell other's names. Green replied to Black "Your name is (whatever it was), correct?" Black's response was "W-WHAT?!" and he agreed to Silver and Red he was crazy. Anyway, in the chat at that point the RPer of Green girl (the killer) said she had to leave, and someone else needed to take on the killer role. I volunteered and got it. Green girl died of a weird vending machine mishap. Silver looted the body and took a feather, something else I forgot, and a PDA. Everyone headed off to a new destination and Silver learnt Green's PDA from a piece of paper he had given to Purple. I stored the PDA on a Notebook file I had open and used Green's former PDA to send Green a message (signed 'The Killer') to tell him she was coming to get him. Later on, she wandered upon Green hiding in the in the dark corners. He was carrying an axe and really freaked out. Silver learnt from him that he was hiding from the others, who didn't like him for the shini eyes and also that the killer was trying to get him, because earlier he got a message on his PDA saying that they were coming to get him. She found that Purple and Black were also helping defend Green. Silver went off on her merry way after learning this, but found Gray with an axe and reported to Green that she found he was a suspect. A bit of boringness happpened until I ended up AFK in a room from midnight to 3am game time. After coming back, I returned to the group, where Black swore to protect me. We went off to one of the corner rooms in the dark corridors. Big mistake. We talked for a while, and I asked Black to come inside completely. Switching my knife for a taser, I whispered in his ear I had a secret to tell him (emoting in order to not be heard by Goggles and Blue outside). He asked what it was, but then said it might have to wait (it was 5am by this point). I told him I wouldn't wait, grabbed him by the shoulders, and tased him, telling him "I'm the killer.". Knifing him to death, I started laughing madly, freaking out Goggles and Blue outside, and opened up the PDA to send a message to Green, but the game timed out before I could do that. Everyone congradulated me on the round, and it was probably the best round I've played as the killer before (not counting custom maps where being the killer means nothing).
  • This Troper played a round in which almost everyone was AFK, so we decided to go along with it. Very first thing, I wake up in class to see a guy staring at me, which freaks me out, and when I try to talk to him, he doesn't talk or move, so I decide he's a statue that looks very real. I go outside and find a bunch of the statues, including one room with two girls standing right by each other. A little later, I run into another living person, White (Girl), who's suspicious of me. I convince the both of us we are in a game show because the doors are locked and the phones are dead, not to mention the many statues, and that we'd appear on some game show in six months. I suggest we break into the camera room to see who's watching us, and when we get in, we don't see anyone. We decide to watch the tape and don't see anything useful. White glances quickly around the school using the camera, then screams. I look through the camera into the court room, and one of the "statues" was knocked over, dead, bleeding from a caved in skull. We start to panic, rushing through the whole school, looking at all the statues, finding them dead. So, finally, we go to the last ones I could remember from earlier, the two girls, to find one of the two, (Green, I think) eating the others (Red's) flesh, having cut off her limbs while we searched. I freak out, bash the door down as she tries to have "dinner", she runs off, and I'm forced to put the poor limbless girl down. Green comes back to watch, so White shoves her into the room and blocks the door. We realize she must be the killer, and the one paralyzing the other students. I take my axe and cut her apart to stop her horrible experiments. My character breaks down, having killed two people, and White reassures me it was the right thing to do. We decide to look for a way out and end up in the basement. White blocks off the door, pulls an axe, and starts walking towards me. She says "Green was the perfect scapegoat." I turn to look at her. She explains that she'd been manipulating me this whole time, and that she'd been the one to paralyze the other students, and Green had just been some crazy person. I have a BSOD at this time, she raises the axe and starts cutting. Half dead, I beg for my life. I say "I've killed as much as you, please let me go. I wont tell anyone." She say I've seen to much and slams the axe down one final time. The best round I've ever had with three active players.

As a normal student[]

  • This troper recently played a game in which one person had horrendous lag. She (the Purple Haired Girl) and a complete stranger (the Brown Haired Boy) ended up playing along with the lag, pretending they were snails, even going so far as to lug around storage containers to walk at the same speed as the lagger!
  • This troper recently played a game, where he and friend had a roleplay going about the teacher having accidentally killed one of their friends a year beforehand. Most of the game was spent on them coming to terms with it and forgiving their teacher. At one point, they ran into a girl who was looking for someone. They hadn't seen him for a while, so the girl went off looking for him again. Shortly afterwards, they heard the girl talking to the guy she'd been looking for, but the room they were in was locked, so they went on their way. Later, after witnessing a double suicide by two crazy girls, the girl from before ran into the room crying about how she'd found her friend dead. This troper hesitantly mentioned having heard her talking to him. The girl struggled to provide them with a suitable excuse, before simply lapsing into an Evil Laugh and congratulated the two of them on figuring it out. When asked if she'd killed the teacher, she simply laughed and said she did. Overcome with the shock, they accidentally let the girl escape. They gave chase and found her standing in the courtyard laughing. She told the two that one year ago, she'd killed her brother in that very spot. Upon learning that their friend's death was murder, by the hands of the girl in front of them, rather than an accident by the hands of the deceased teacher, the two of them had an epic Heroic BSOD, flying into a firey rage and savagely beat the girl to death. The final moments of the game was a heartwarming scene where the two of them sat on the grass together, wondering if things would finally return to normal.
  • This troper recently played a game in which she was the long pink haired girl, and she was trying to find the killer. However, blue and brown haired girls are pacifists, and trying hard to stop her from killing Silver boy, who was insane. Silver boy turns out that he's been on drugs....and kills himself. Brown sees this, thinks she has failed at protecting everyone, and kills herself, telling pink to live on for her and silver. Pink has a slight mental breakdown, and glasses appears, asking pink to kill him for all the trouble he's been through. Pink tries to tell him to live on, but he runs away saying that he'll find someone else to do it. Green appears with the passkey to get out, and Pink is very greatful. Her last line in the game? "...Brown...Silver. I'll live on for you. Rest in peace." The most awesome and heartwarming game this troper has been in.
  • This Troper once played a game in Normal Mode, where, upon getting Cid (goggles), decided for shits and giggles to RP a Southerner. After heading into the bat room, he was locked in there by the red haired girl, who, after a short while, came back saying that she'd only done it 'for his protection'. After yelling at her to the point of her tears, he felt sorry and apologized. She then revealed that she had found the 7th Holy Scripture, and gave it to him, saying that it was too heavy for her. After showing him how to use it, she then announced herself as the killer, saying that right now they were on their way to kill her, then killed herself, passing her mantle onto him. This Troper managed to kill every other student in the school. When asked why he continued on, he said "It's like my mamma always said, when someone says somethin' with their dyin' breath, well, ya jus' gotta take it as the god damned gospel.", before firing.
  • This troper managed to come up with a reasonable explanation for everything in Mitadake High. Why there are no windows, a ridiculously designed security system, why all of the teachers are armed with tasers. The reason? Mitadake High is an Asylum. The crowning moment comes in when I start using this in practice. Essentially my character has snapped long before the game and now has split-personality disorder. One was incredibly shy, naive and innocent. The other killed people.In the end the innocent personality stabbed themselves with the knife in order to stop himself. There was only one survivor, blue girl, who managed to bring out both personalities at once, allowing the Innocent personality to find out the truth about the school and about himself in time to kill himself. The girl got out alive.
  • This Troper once remembers a game in which himself and another girl started off in a classroom. Naturally, the two of us teamed up to go off in search of "monsters" (wielding bokkens and knives along the way). Both of us being happy-go-lucky childish students, we immediately cornered the most obvious suspect (having the color hair on the video tape, being covered in blood, being the only other person alive save the one who mysteriously died) and proceeded to beat the ever-living bejeesus out of him. He had an Alondite, and by the time I was finished I'd had no health left. I smiled in victory...then keeled over dead. The actual killer? My happy-go-lucky partner. She'd managed to slip away when one person shut the lights off, killed someone, then found her way back, in one of the best Crowning Moments Of Awesome I'd encountered.
  • This troper received a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming from a recent round, while playing as a Silver Haired Boy who was also a shellshocked survivor who had been in the same situation before, and was the only survivor. That said, he was completely unhinged and paranoid, doing all he could to 'save' other people from being killed by locking them in a basement and threatening to kill anyone who try to break in, along with hunting down any people besides himself who looked suspicious or homicidal. Finally, he'd be cornered by Orange haired girl, who he would calm down upon seeing her. This would be because he'd be mistaking her for his dead girlfriend 'Tomiko', who was implied to have been murdered in the first lockdown he was in. While Orange is scared out of her wits, he breaks down and begs for 'Tomiko' to never leave him again and that he'd always watch out for her from then on. Orange decides to go along with it and tells him, still frightened, that there should be 'no more death'. While one may have expected him to take that literally, he only gave his first genuine smile in years and said "Don't worry, Tomiko-chan. I promise, I'll be good for you again, okay?" They make a pinky swear and Silver gives her a hug just as the round ends.
  • Dmboogie Once played a round on a female key, rping as a young girl who was trying to find her sister (who wasn't actually a player, to clear this up) and met up with an older student who decided to help her find her sister. We searched for a while, then locked ourselves inside of the Teacher's Lounge, and essentially talked and became friends for the rest of the round. This Crowning Moment of Heartwarming esque moment was kinda offset by all of the madness the rest of the students were up to... (No, you are not getting details.)
  • Staghorn. Dmboogie. The Rika Furude RP. Not the first one, but the second one that worked. No more really needs to be said, really.
    • I disagree; you haven't told us anything that makes this worthy of being a CMoA moment. A little detail would be appreciated
      • Dmboogie, coming in to save the day! Well, both RP things had a pretty similar basis, with Staghorn roleplaying as a girl who had been experimented upon, to be given the personality of Rika Furude from Higurashi no Naku Koro ni. Both involved me becoming friends with her, but... the first was interrupted by a mind control cookie cult, and both of us ended up dead. The second one, on the other hand, had both of us surviving, with another girl who joined us roughly halfway through, and I ended up saving her from that wall-knife-forehead thing. If you saw the anime, you probably know what I mean.
  • Not mine, but it was awesome. I was Blonde, and I was locked in the security room with the killer, Blue (who came out of the vents right as I checked the tapes. Fortunately, the killer was merciful (and RPing as not being good with killing), so she didn't stab me instantly. During that time, Sunglasses had popped in, and was shoved out. Then, Sunglasses said, paraphrased, "Open this door so I can slit your throat!". The door was opened, to reveal... Brown. Blue nevertheless charged out of the room after him, when Sunglasses came out through the freakin' vents and attacked Blue. One of the simpler Plans I've seen, but it was awesome.
  • This troper played a round with a group of friends (Survival of the Fittest members) which seemed to start on a damp squib. Silver-hair (this troper) found out the killer (Creepy Red) very early on, managing to convince a fellow student (Brown) of Red's guilt, before Silver took a knife to him (in view of Green and Purple, who accordingly freaked out). Red fled, but was then taken out by Brown. It seemed that'd be the end of it, and it was just going to be a waiting game. However... Sunglasses had previously locked himself in a room, the player RPing it as him going crazy before ultimately commiting suicide. Silver then came upon Brown in the throws of a Heroic BSOD, and leaving him briefly, returned to find he'd been killed by Red's 'brother' - Goggles! Goggles was then cornered by Silver, Green and Purple, with Silver insisting he be killed and the latter two freaking out. Goggles managed to escape, before proceeding to drag Red's corpse to the dead teacher and killing himself. Green and Purple then decided that Silver was the killer all along (due to the fact this troper was RPing him as an asshole), and double teamed him, with Silver narrowly escaping death before barricading himself in a room. Purple then showed up, and had an My God, What Have I Done? moment, also killing himself. Green was soon on the scene, and thinking that Silver had killed Purple, attacked. The end result of the bloody fight was Silver being the last man standing - after the killer had died almost six hours previously!
  • During a round this Troper was hosting, the server glitched up as a player joined and left in the exact second the game booted up, causing the round to glitch up. The only immediately noticeable effect was that there was no announcement, so, this troper (being the host), declared the round to have nothing to do with a murder, and moved the body out of the way.
  • As I was playing on a female key, I decided to go after a particular player (Red boy), RPing as if he'd been a childhood friend. The player decided not to go along with it, so in the end, my character (Purple girl), decided to kill him. She chased him into the bat room and beat him mercilessly. She stumbled out of the room into a crowd of the other players, and in tears, explained what happened, both securing her safety and getting them on her side. Sunglasses took her to get cleaned up, but on the way, he was attacked by an RKer, so, to protect him, she chased him down and killed him too. Glasses had run off at this point, so Grey led her to the bathrooms, where she failed to clean out the blood, only managed to drench herself from head to toe in water.
    She went to lie down in the nurse's office, along with most of the remaining players (shortly afterwards, a player who had to leave died of an "asthma attack")
    It was shortly after this that she noticed that the clocks weren't moving. She dismissed it initially, thinking her PDA was broken from the water, but then when the others also reported the clocks being stuck, they realized something was wrong.
    The Blonde girl went insane from the revelation and killed herself, while I ran off to hide, completely and utterly disturbed by the night's events.
    Now, what was really happening, was that the game's time system had broken when the game glitched, so we decided to incorporate this into the RP.
    With a timeskip of two "weeks", I returned to the others, who hadn't had any luck in finding out what the problem was. At this point, there were several players left. These were: Purple girl (me), Sunglasses, Grey boy, Black boy, White Girl, Brown girl and Purple boy. Brown girl and White girl hadn't been seen for some time.
    We realized that the bodies hadn't changed state the whole two weeks, nor had any of our injuries healed, confirming our suspicions that time had stopped.
    Shortly afterward, Sunglasses ambushed me and Grey in the freezer (After a comical display where I'd locked Grey in the freezer without realizing). He hurt me badly, but, along with Grey to help, he went down easily. This sparked something in my characters memory and she ran off to check.
    She'd read a book a few months ago that accurately described their situation. What they were in was called a "Lethal Time Lock"; a point in space in which time is frozen completely, until only one human being is alive. This caused great discomfort in the remaining characters (which included Brown girl at this point). White girl suddenly showed up, and had the time lock explained to her. She took the obvious route and moved to attack us, but realizing that she'd be overwhelmed with all of us together, ran off to see if she could get any of us by ourselves. We all split up to chase after her, realizing we'd all be in danger if she was left alive.
    My character was slowly starting to break at this point, so she backstabbed Brown girl. She stumbled into Grey on her way to wash up, so she claimed that she and Brown were attacked by White. Grey believed it and called for a meeting in the courtyard, of the four remaining survivors, not counting White. They decided to split up to look for her. My character went with Grey, while Purple went with Black. She led him to the downstair's nurse's office to try and backstab him, but he managed to escape and went running to Purple, who was standing over White's body, who'd managed to kill Black before dying. Purple had no idea to believe, and eventually took a neutal stance on the matter as me and Grey dueled to the death. Eventually, I managed to kill him in the basement, but took heavy damage from the alondite he took from White, and was bleeding all over the place. Purple boy had a taser, so I didn't think I'd be able to win. I played innocent when he showed up, gaining his trust, and then sprayed him with paint, slashing him with Grey's alondite as many times as possible, before running out of the basement, blocking the exit with a bin, allowing me to gain an extra hit before he escaped. I barricaded myself in the office and sent an announcement, revealing my intentions to being the last one standing, to esacpe the Time Lock. He predictably showed up to try and get me with his taser, but was unable to approach the barricade without taking the final attacks needed to kill him, leaving me as the last one standing, the one to escape the Lethal Time Lock.
    Overall, the game lasted nearly three hours, being full awesomely psychological parts, and generally turning out awesome fun.
    Lethal Time Locks are now an in-joke on this troper's server~
  • This troper had a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming when they was on their girl account.(yes This troper created seperate accounts) Anyways this troper (Purple) was in a Hospital custom map. Everyone was given roles and she was the receptionist. Then after a while, a detective (Green Haired Boy) came in and offered me a security clearance card in exchange for sexual favors. (So when the two got to a room, he didn't do it and gave this troper the card even though this troper didn't do anything.
  • This troper once saw a Crowning Moment of Funny happen when the person playing sunglassesd shouted "GAAAH THESE GLASSES ARE NAILED TO MY FACE AND THIS HAIR IS MADE OF HOTGLUE AND LOOKS LIKE ITS FROM THE 80's IM DOOMED!!!" and promptly suicided. No, seriously.
  • This troper had his crowning moment quite recently. While searching for the killer, Goggles and I (Silver Haired) ended up getting locked up in the freezer by the killer (Blue Haired Boy). We were locked in there for at least 20 minutes before we were saved by the blonde hair girl. Meanwhile, the blue haired boy was trying to convince the others that the blue haired girl was responsible for the murders. Well, after being pissed that I had been locked up, I didn't give him much of a chance before I hacked him to death from behind. And as icing for the cake, I stood over his body saying "That's for locking me in the freezer."
  • This troper had his when he, killing Blue thinking that he was the killer, was left in a room with Sunglasses, who was helping him with his Out, Damned Spot! issues. Sunglasses asked if killing Blue was fun, and I said that it wasn't. He said "I would've enjoyed it just as much as I enjoyed killing the teacher.". He had Alondite, I had a small knife. I was eventually killed by Brown, who used my being surrounded in two corpses as an excuse.
    • He had another while doing a Shin Megami Tensei RP as the Silver-haired boy. He was playing a Chaos-allignment character, on a mission from Louis Cypher. Somebody else was playing as a God in Human Form, and he was stalking them. Eventually, two Flat Earth Atheists walked in on them, and tried to kill them for "being irrational". Silver tried to calm them all down, but gave up, faking switching sides to Neutral after being put on a mission where he was Surrounded by Idiots. Cue a chaotic fight. Since You Kill It, You Bought It was in effect, the boy with sunglasses became God. After telling everybody else about the You Kill It, You Bought It clause to cause even more chaos, Sunglasses gave up on his divinity, giving it to Silver, who left with his security card, screaming "I'd say for all of you to go to Hell, but since that's where I'm going back to, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!".
  • This troper had a crowning moment of awesome recently, while playing as Silver Girl - We'd established that the 'school' was really a front to conduct horrific experiments. I played Silver as a channeler (Since I'd started with Shinigami Eyes), and since Blue had gone Ax Crazy, I informed him that he'd been possessed by the spirits of the children who'd died in the experiments. Long story short, we had a full-blown exorcism in the tearoom, culmination in me pulling out a knife, and lunging forward - only to stop just short of hitting Blue. We then ran for the door and slammed it shut just in time to seal the spirits in forever. Even better, everyone who'd heard Blue cry out for help bought the story and forgave both of us, including the ones who'd seen Blue previously attack and kill someone for pushing him.
  • This troper witness a Crowning moment of awesome as a watcher. In a 4 player match, The purple boy is rping as a drug addicted kid, and purple girl is his GF. They're in the nurses office and she's healing his drug wounds, and very sweet dialouge is going on. And all the while, The orange girl is the Ax Crazy killer and chasing The Red haired girl during all of this. Red comes in the nurses office to hide with them. While the door is open, the purple boy runs off crazily, and the other two go after him. Orange catches Red, and kills her, while purple girl catches purple boy, and they lock themselves in the bat room. Arming themselves with billhooks, the orange girl finds theroom, but cannot get in, so she goes to find an ax. During this, the purple girl is trying to stop the purple boy from doing drugs, but then, the orange girl comes back with an axe and begins to chop the door down. She gets in, and shoots the purple boy with a feather. She corners the purple girl, tazes her and kills her. The purple boy escapes, and the chase begins. However at the last minute he pulls out a tazer, shocks her and kills her, becoming the winner. What makes this awesome? Purple presumably did all this while being high.
  • This troper once role-played as stoic Jerkass With a Heart of Gold, who was forced into a group with a shy pink haired girl, and an energetic boy with goggles. The round started off uninteresting, until we made our way to the security tapes. Now, on the first tape that I saw, it showed me that the boy with blue hair was the killer, and it did the same for my friends. However, when another group shows up to investigate, it shows them that I am the killer. I, of course doubted this, so I checked again, and low and behold it said I was the killer. I wasn't of course, but I had no proof of this, so I tried to reason with the group. This didn't work, and they were about to kill me, when both the shy pink haired girl, and the boy with the goggles fought them off and were able to knock them out. The three of us left them there, and ran to barricade ourselves in a classroom, with everyone thinking I was the killer. Anyways, time passed, and our characters where beginning to grow closer, when suddenly we are found by the surviving students, only to find out that they are running from the true killer. We let them in, but the boy with Blue hair sees us. The others are all banged up, and the killer has an axe, so I decided to distract him. I run up and stab him once with my knife, and then I run off with him chasing me. I don't get far before the girl with purple hair stops me, tasers me, and takes me to the killer. I got killed, but I bought my friends enough time to survive the round.
  • In Misuterii high, during a Shiki round, This Troper's character, long-pink was being attacked by Cabbage-kun,and a guy with a bandanna played a Big Damn Heroes and saved her.
  • This Troper was playing as Goggles-chan in Misuterii High Normal Mode as a Genki Girl. She had joined late, and became a Fourth Ranger to the detective's group. The killer was Silver-kun, who manipulated her into becoming his accomplice. However, Goggles-chan, who's name in the round was Yuki Hakagure, had FRIENDS. Orange-chan, Blue-kun, and Sunglasses-chan, the detective. When she went to attack them, she dropped her weapon in shock at what she is doing. Then Silver attempted a You Have Failed Me, causing a Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal. Her friends took her back in, and they killed the killer!
  • This Troper was in normal mode, and was playing Red-chan, and this is the story of how a whimpering coward became a Badass Adorable. So, she fell for Cabbage-kun. He reciprocated her feelings. She also made friends with Blue-chan and Bandanna-kun. When Red and Cabbage became an Official Couple, things were good. He protected her. Then he ran into the basement, and when everyone found him, he was dead. Her reaction wasn't pretty. " is dead, Takashi-kun is dead, they'll come for us next, Takashi-kun is dead, Takashi-kun is dead, one of us killed...Takashi-kun is dead, Takashi-kun is dead..." Yes, it was repeated even more than that. Blue-chan was freaked out. Bandanna-kun said "Saki! Saki! Pull yourself together, Saki!" Then, he slapped her. Red was back to reality. They found out the killer was Blonde-kun. Red killed him singlehandedly.

Death Note Mode[]

As Kira[]

  • This troper once played a game (as Kira) where she stuffed the Death Note into the hands of the player she spawned with and ran off acting like a cat. Despite the other player telling everyone about what she'd done, no one believed him due to the fact that she'd only talked in "Mewww", "Meow", etc. While she was innocently acting around, all the other players killed each other for various reasons. The only person who saw through her act was the Shinigami Eyes, who wrote out a list of everybody's names and gave it to her in secret before escaping the school. Eventually, there were only three players left. One discovered that the aforementioned guy had the Death Note and killed him. The second he dropped dead, she pinched the Death Note back and wrote the remaining player's name down right in front of him, speaking normally for the first time in the whole game. The quote? "Just as planned." (This troper was dubbed "Kira the Kitty" after the match.)
  • The very first time this troper got Kira, he found a security card in the room he spawned in, and spent the entire game lurking around and being as unobtrusive as possible. He very quickly figured out that Goggles was Eyes, and that the others thought that Googles was the killer. He then spent the rest of the game tailing Goggles just out of sight of everyone else. By the time it was down to three, Silver had figured it out, but it was too late. The troper the revealed himself to Goggles, dropped the note, and left the buolding, leaving Goggles to take the blame.
  • Starting as a normal student, but let's face it, this is Kira's story...This Troper was mostly keeping an eye out for himself and had kinda figured out who Kira and the Eyes were, but didn't have enough evidence to justify an attack...until the Eyes (Sunglasses) turned on Kira (Purple girl), who escaped and ran into the freezer while Eyes shouted that she was Kira. So I locked her in the freezer, and she asked me to keep her safe while she started writing down Eyes' name. I then opened the door for her...and tased her when she was coming out, stole the Note and shoved her back in the freezer. It gets better; when I opened the Note to see all the names, she had forgotten to capitalize any of them. About then, Eyes came along; he tried to push his way into the freezer, I told him to stop, and when he went in anyway, Purple came running out, and while they were chasing each other I wrote down Eyes' name, and then Brown's name when he came in (Brown gave out his name freely and I figured he knew too much). Then Purple came back in, and announced that now I was Kira, she had to obey me, and promptly started kissing me just as Blue and White (Brown's girlfriend) came in. They immediately knew what I was, with Purple hanging on me and two dead bodies. By process of elimination I guessed Blue's name, and wrote him down, causing White to break down and say that Purple and I would blame her for everything, she'd go to jail for it, and we'd go free. Then I asked her, "It's not fair, is it?" I began to explain how cruel the world was, and that it wasn't my fault that the world was this way, and that I was trying to fix everything, and capped it by slipping around to whisper to Purple: "Kiss her." And then, to seal my victory: "I would never turn you over to the police. I love you both so much." Five minutes later, I was running toward the courtyard as the true Kira, with two gorgeous and devoted women by my side, Brown and Blue completely forgotten.
  • This Troper decided to try the game out again, as the last time I played was nearly 4 years ago. In my first game, a Death Note game, I was Kira/Long Pink Haired Girl. First, I made idle conversation with the one next to me with the goal of persuading him that I was not Kira. I learned that the Silver Haired Girl had the Shinigami Eyes, and I saw an oppertunity to hatch a scheme: A pact was whispered between this Troper and Silver: "In the lobby. One hour. Give me $50, and I'll give you the DN." With our pact set, I took that time to go to the girl's bathroom and write my name in the death note, putting my time of death after dawn. After I gave Silver the DN, I sought out the first male with an axe that I could find, Cabbage-kun, then told him that Silver was the Kira, and through that conversation, I found out that Cabbage-kun had found a security keycard for the main door: I talked him into giving it to me, saying that fighting was against my religeon and I wouldn't last long. Word of mouth soon began to spread about Silver's nature, and everyone who tried to kill Silver died of conspicuously inconspicous heart attacks. I stayed out of the way, roleplaying, until there were only three left: Me, Silver, and Sunglasses. I was on my way to give Silver the keycard so she could leave after she killed Sunglasses. I was on my way to winning without hardly lifting a finger. Total Global Saturation, right? Well, no. You see, Sunglasses somehow knew my plan all along, maybe guessing my motives from my lack of rigor mortis, but like a regular Chris Redfield he foiled my plan at Exactly the right time: He tazed me, took the keycard, and left the building. I tried to kill the Silver Haired girl to salvage my victory, but wound up dead with an axe in my head... I guess the real Crowning moment of Awesome was Sunglasses: I don't know if it was dumb blind luck that made him taze me at the Exact wrong time, or if he knew exactly what he was doing and what I was doing, but the simple fact is, I was out-gambited, and I respect Sunglasses as a worthy foe.

As the Shinigami Eyes[]

  • This troper, as the Creepy Red-Haired Boy, acted like your standard ditz, right down to accidentally letting it slip that he had the eyes. Hints of his true nature began to show up when he manipulated the Green-Haired Girl into thinking that she had told him her full name. Eventually, they let him borrow the Note, to test if it was real. He pretended to test it on his friend, using the pseudonym Minato Arisato. He wrote the names of three of the four survivors, sparing the Green-Haired Girl, since, while he hated everybody, he was in love with her. They killed him, but their reactions were priceless.
    • In a later RP, he managed to get the Note from Kira, write the names of everybody else, brag to Kira, and then get behind a locked door when he tried to kill me. With more RPing, of course.
  • This Troper was the Eyes at one point. They were also rping as a Valley Girl as she was the Blonde Girl. So Blonde just went around acting stupid around the others, Which gave them reactions to her like "What an idiot" and "I never thought I'd ever see an ACTUAL blonde stereotype here." She runs into Goggles being killed by everyone else and when he finally dies, she picks up the Death Note, revealing that he was Kira. She runs into the vents, writes down everyone's names and then at 5:00, everyone was dead except for Creepy Red haired boy. When she ran into him, She said "Oh man, I like misspelled your name! Giggle!" and then proceeded to write his name down. When the game ended and in chat everyone was like "I'm never trusting a blonde again"
  • This Troper spawned as the Eyes (purple male) one game, and quickly found the game's Kira (white female). She wasn't being especially subtle, asking for names in the basement. I offered to help and took her to a private spot, and revealed that my character had been abusing his powers for years to make money. Initially disbelieving the Death Note, he had it tested on a character who'd annoyed him earlier (Red male), then told her they needed to stay separate, obtaining her PDA number to text her names to use in order to kill anyone he thought might suspect something or be a threat. This led to a sweet moment where sunglasses had her cornered in a locked room, but I'd remembered his name from earlier, allowing her to kill him. Eventually, it was just the two of them, plus the AFK players. I sent in the AFK names and made my way to the principal's office to find her (I had my suspicions). As I'd said throughout the round, I told her once more we made a great team. As I hit her with the taser I'd found at the start of the round, I added, "Too bad I'm a solo act." I took both her Death Notes (apparently bonus Death Notes are more common than you'd think), but she came to before I could leave, but I managed to escape her axe (on VERY HIGH Lethality, I might add). But the problem is I couldn't tell what her first name was, because of the Shinigami Eyes' weird font. So I had to escape her again after hunting her down to check. I even sent her a text after writing her name down (as best as I could read it). Forty seconds later, a thud, and the round was mine. She told me after that she'd been trying to betray me (to no surprise), but she couldn't find a name in the computer to match up to his given alias of "TK". His name was Takashi something-or-other. The funny part? She had my PDA number and could have easily used that. (Although, I did use multiple PD As)
  • This Troper got eyes in DN, we all go up to the corpse, and a girl suddenly starts insulting everyone, i slapped her, she KNIFED me... sience i knew her name (Something Nanaya; lets call her Rosa) i found a paper and wrote with blood "Rosa Nanaya must die" like fifteen times, minutes later, she comes and drops thousands of papers saying I WILL NOT DIE TO YOU! I WILL NOT DIE TO YOU!... She died, just like that, in that moment

As a normal student[]

  • This troper THINKS it was Dn, but is not sure. In any case, I was creepy Red, and was being a father type figure, or trying. Eventually, i met green boy and orange girl. Because i hugged orange, green thought i loved her, and yelled at me. At about the same time, Orange ran off. Turns out, Orange was a Rape victim from earlier in life, and no longer trusted guys. Eventually, we consoled her, and stuck together, meeting up with Green's brother, blue. Now, goggles had gone paranoid, and i have no idea what glasses's problem was, but, goggles killed blue, and then killed green, who both I and Orange had much affection for. Now, Orange ran off, with me screaming her name, and i had no idea where she went, as the lights were off. At one point, i crawled off in a classroom and almost commited suicide. But, i could not make myself, and ran off to find Orange. I found her, and was glad she did not commit suicide, and she told me, of course not, we have to live for green. Then, eventually, we catch up with goggles... And unlike the rest of you, we do not kill him, but forgive him. He only killed green because he was *VERY* Paranoid, and claustrophobic. Now, we brought green's corpse, so we could bury it. In the courtyard. We were playing in a custom map, and the courtyard looked very good. Orange gave a wonderful line. "A beautiful spot for a beautiful soul."Then Silver runs in, and accuses orange, saying that Green left a note implicating her. I beat her up on the spot, getting her to run away for daring to accuse orange. The funny thing? She dropped a note green HAD left, except, i knew the real context, which was nothing of the sort. It was an awesome game full of aww.
  • This troper managed to find out who Kira and eyes were... Without even trying to. It wasn't that they were idiots, it was that he was playing an idiot. Basically I decided to RP a Cloud Cuckoo Lander, spouting nonsense while writing random things down and declaring them the greatest art mankind has ever seen, while talking to various imaginary superheroes. Because of the writing, eyes got the idea I was Kira and revealed herself to me, only to be dissapointed when she searched me. I later noticed eyes was constantly hanging around with another student, and made fun of them for it while giving the rest of the players just enough hints to work out what was going on.
  • This Troper once got handed the Death Note by a friend of Kira and played keep away with it the whole game...without ever using it and without dying.
  • This Troper had gotten a friend into the game. On his friend's SECOND GAME EVER, he was Kira. Understandably, he panicked. This troper took him to the computer room, turned off the lights and had him copy all the names down on a piece of paper. Someone walked in and asked what we were doing, and this troper fooled him by telling him they were having a gay RP. The person told us the killer "might have a sword", and left. We then went to the cafeteria, where he gave me the Death note (he couldn't figure out how to use it.) I wrote every name down except our own, when someone came to the door. Our hearts stopped for a moment...but all he did was yell "STOP FUCKING IN THERE, FAGS!" and left. After I finished writing down the names, I found the guy from the computer room. I walked up to him and told him "You remember how you told me the killer might have a sword? Well, it turns out the pen is mightier than the sword." And he dropped dead moments later.
  • Not one from this troper, but another player. The orange haired girl was the Eyes (making no effort to hide it, acting real innocent), and then we saw the pink-haired girl emerge from a room, covered in blood. Inside was the corpse of the black-haired boy. So me (Blue-haired boy), the orange-haired girl, sunglasses and red-haired boy all cornered her in the bathroom. After a trial where pink-hair RP'd circles around us, we decided to kill her, though orange protested. Pink blinded me and sunglasses, and when our vision was restored, Red was dead and she and orange were gone. We went after her, but didn't see her...or indeed, anyone else. Me and Sunglasses got seperated, when she ambushed me in the courtyard...with orange on her arm, apparently converting her to the dark side while we were away. Pink had given Orange the Death Note(she was Kira), and while she mocked me and beat my ass with a pipe, Orange wrote my name in the note and I dropped dead. Sunglasses found my corpse, as well as orange and pink. Unlike me, he didn't attack. Pink asked him "Do you want to end up like your friend here?" He answered "No." She responded with a "Too bad", and moments later, he fell too. Not only that, Pink had both security cards, and took her and orange out of the school moments before the game ended. It turns out she had killed off every player secretly (granted, there was only 8 or 9 total) except for orange and goggles, who had holed up in the security room. When we all congratulated her on chat, she called the game a "boring one", wished for some players who could challenge her, and left. HO-LEE SHIT.
  • This troper had a round where he (Sunglasses) was working with Eyes (Black) and Kira (Purple). Black was reluctantly gathering names and texting them to Purple. Purple was manipulating Sunglasses' feelings for her, and he was making it clear that he didn't like that. After taking down Blonde, White, and Green, Blue and Gray (who had already been established to have a Death Note) arrived, and were suspicious of us. They searched us, and found nothing. However, they noticed Black texting, and when Gray suddenly dropped dead, Blue forced Black to let him search his PDA. Right as our cover was about to get blown, Blue dies. Sunglasses grabs the other DN from Gray's corpse, and asks Black for Purple's name. Purple hears this, and writes down Sunglasses' name right after he's written down hers. Purple shouts at him to go to Hell, to which he replies that he'd be seeing her there. She then realizes that he wrote her name and begins a MAGNIFICENT Villainous Breakdown. After he dies, she notices that she's not dead and begins to brag... just as she realizes that he wrote her name for the next hour.
  • This Troper managed a pretty sweet moment that might also be heartwarming and a bit of a tearjerker (plus a possible CMOF from the players' perspective). He spawned as the black-haired male, and right in the class he was in, was a randomly-spawned Death Note. The person he spawned with? The Shinigami Eyes player (white female). He began by announcing his discovery to her and laughing it off as nothing, even writing his own name in it (for 8:00 AM). That game's Kira was being noobishly blunt about looking for the Shinigami Eyes, which led to the revelation of the truth for myself and the Eyes, and we realized that the Kira player (Purple male) had killed the teacher and would kill again, and that I was doomed. So, I D Ned Kira before he could kill a single player. Then we spent the rest of the round trying to find his Death Note (which someone else had hidden), and it ended with us getting separated, reuniting and being happy at each other's welfare, and the last line of the game being "Thanks for staying with me tonight."

Nanaya Mode[]

  • One of this troper's earlier games was an attempt to RP a round of Nanaya. While it started pretty chaotic, it ramped up in quality once this Troper (the creepy Red Haired Boy) met the Green Haired Girl and exchanged PDA numbers. For the rest of the game, we exchanged messages, and eventually realized who was peaceful and who was not. The awesome part? Once Goggles, one of the violent players, broke into her safe room, I came to rescue her. Goggles pushed me into a bathroom and locked me inside. Expecting to be stuck there, I opened my PDA to tell her that I was stuck, when he killed me. I still had my PDA open, which allowed me to send "Goggles locked me in the bathroom. I am dead. Best of luck, Red." Of course, the rest of the game quickly went downhill due to neither group doing anything, but it still felt pretty awesome when I saw Green freak out from getting the message while in Watcher mode.
  • The most recent game this troper played was a round of RP Nanaya. So, almost everyone in the happy Nanaya family met in the courtyard and after the typical discussion the dying started. The brown haired girl (I) and the brown haired boy quickly became close, disregarding that they're related. So, After the purple haired boy goes on a talk about how they're failed Nanaya experiments that were meant to be emotionless killing machines, the word "failure" struck the Brown girl. Hard. She continued to repeat "Failurefailurefailurefailure" and her nii-chan, the Brown haired boy, tried to cheer her up. She decided to come out of the Nanaya experiment alive. She wanted to be the best. Brown haired boy carried her away though to 1-B, where he confessed his love for her. Aww. Brown haired girl, for a few, considered staying in the classroom but in the end she pushed him away, whispering "I'll come back alive, nii-chan! You won't lose me!". Although I didn't get to be a Badass Adorable because the round ended in mid-RP, it was very aww-inducing.

Ramiel Mode[]

  • It was the first time this troper was the killer, and after getting a ladle and a knife from the kitchen, was thinking of how to kill the others...when Ramiel showed up. First thing he did was raid a nurses office for medical supplies (taking everything that could heal himself) then hunted down the whatever-it-was, avoiding the video cameras like the plague in the pitch black hallways, due to the nasty side effect of Ramiel using a tele-frag power that affects the area around every single one of those points (About 2-3 times would kill you if left untreated. And it's a bloodless least on the outside). Turns out, he was the only one to actually try taking on the beast, and whenever Ramiel used his tele-frag to himself and this troper away away, a first-aid kit was used, then the hunt was back on. What the others where doing was unknown, all this troper knew was that in less than five minutes, the entire game was over, with Ramiel and himself being the only survivors, everyone else was dead (probably due to an internal critical existence failure). The only regret was that he wasn't able to kill the tele-fraging bastard.
  • Once, this troper was playing a round of normal mode. Everything was fine, this troper was even stuck with Cabbage-kun like always. Ready to get into character she starts pilfering desks for stuff, then BANG! off go the lights. Ramiel mode. Cue the host swearing profusely at the game. You see, the host had just got their favourite combination: Purple Boy and the killer. And as always being the killer means nothing in Ramiel mode. So as this troper here panics and looks for a weapon the host is already chasing down Ramiel in an Unstoppable Rage. As this troper was close by as to see the text but not able to see the sprites, what she can assume was the host furiously stabbing Ramiel to death all by themselves with a knife. It was totally badass in this troper's mind.
    • That sounds a lot like a typical Ramiel attack on Espeh's server (except replace Purple boy with Purple girl).