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  • {{Psyga 315 This troper}} was playing the Creepy Red Head in Normal Mode with the Shinigami Eyes (I don’t know how). Creepy then meets the Blonde Haired Woman, whose last name happens to be Kiriyama. After explaining why Creepy does not trust Blonde, Blonde gets confused. He then reveals that he got the eyes from a Shinigami (IIRC, most people in Mitadake would say IC they were born with it.) A while later, Green Haired Man calls Creepy into a meeting, and they discuss about the eyes, and how he should use it to figure out the Red Haired Woman’s name. While that sideplot went nowhere, Creepy found a clearance card in thge very room they were in. At first he talked to Green about using it, but then developed a thought for Blonde. So he gives it to her. The last thing Creepy said to Blonde as she leaves the school, and maybe his life (remember, I used the Eyes deal from the show instead of saying he was born with it, so that means…)? “Sayonara, Inoue-kun." Awww…
  • Two characters who spawn in the same room become friends - their first friends, respectively, since arriving at the school. One of these characters is the Shini Eyes; the other is Kira. Shini Eyes initially decides to duel Kira, but after a few misadventures, the two friends wind up in the girls' bathroom and Shini Eyes finds that she's Kira and promises not to hurt her, and they team up... only for the other players, convinced that the Shini Eyes is Kira, to show up and block the doorway, prompting Shini Eyes to hold them off with words and the 7th Holy Scripture while calling their names to Kira and promising that he won't die or let her be hurt. Awwwww.
  • The most recent game this troper played was a round of RP Nanaya. So, almost everyone in the happy Nanaya family met in the courtyard and after the typical discussion the dying started. The brown haired girl (I) and the brown haired boy quickly became close, disregarding that they're related. So, After the purple haired boy goes on a talk about how they're failed Nanaya experiments that were meant to be emotionless killing machines, the word "failure" struck the Brown girl. Hard. She continued to repeat "Failurefailurefailurefailure" and her nii-chan, the Brown haired boy, tried to cheer her up. She decided to come out of the Nanaya experiment alive. She wanted to be the best. Brown haired boy carried her away though to 1-B, where he confessed his love for her. Aww. Brown haired girl, for a few, considered staying in the classroom but in the end she pushed him away, whispering "I'll come back alive, nii-chan! You won't lose me!". Although I didn't get to be a Badass Adorable because the round ended in mid-RP, it was very aww-inducing.
    • I remember that round. The only I can't remember, was I Brown or Purple...
  • Maltramac's server, a "Touhou Round" - basically, a normal round, but everybody's R Ping as a Touhou character (Don't think about it too hard). This troper got Killer and Orange Girl, who may as well be blonde. Naturally, Flandre was picked. At first she figured Reimu - the stand-in for the dead teacher - was faking it...until "Cirno" called her a "Big Meany" and Patchy pointed out that Reimu wasn't faking. Flandre spent most of that round crying over her accident, until Patchy - the only one who actively recognized that Flan killed Reimu and didn't hate her - told her to act like "a big girl". It culminated in a heartwarming moment in the office, with lots Flandre apologizing to Cirno and lots of hugging...and of course, as with a lot of things Touhou, Shipping.
  • This troper just started and I just had one Normal game that fits this to a T. I was the silver-haired boy and the first person I met was the red-headed girl. My character had no idea what was going on, but she did and proceeded to tell my character everything. From that point on we stuck together for the whole game, we grew to completely trust each other and whenever we were separated my character made sure to rectify this ASAP. Two characters, Goggles Boy and Green Hair Boy, were working together at killing everyone, killing off the rest of the characters besides us except for Brown Hair Boy, who killed Green. Before Green's death, Red and I ran into the duo in the basement, but we barricaded the door before hand, so they just left, taunting us. After this the two of us left the basement and ran into Goggles who was trying to kill Brown. My character murdered Goggles in self-defense, much to his own horror. Eventually, Brown turned on the two of us and my character was forced to kill him too, much to his further disgust. Finally, it was just me and Red. She realized that we only found one security card to escape. She told me to go ahead and leave without her. After some hesitation, my character agreed, thanked her for everything, promised he would call the police and come back for her and then gave her a huge hug. Finally my character gave her his PDA number for them to contact each other again and then with some posturing from her due to my character taking too long, my character left with a smile on his face. Emoticon tears were shed by the watchers.
  • I think I'm blackie, can't remember. Well, I decide I'm going to play a bi. I'm paired up with Green haired Girl, the eyes. We chat a little, me saying "Hey, don't worry, there's still hope Ino." Then Cabbage boy comes in. Ino punches him, but I mistake it for him punching her. So I give him a slash, telling him not to touch her. This causes cabbage to spray both me and Ino, blinding her, only allowing her to see the names. He also cuts me up pretty bad. Some more dialogue later, Cabbage comes back and explains himself. I don't care though. He gets angry, so we fight. He runs off. "You okay darling?" I say, looking at Ino. "Darling?" "Yeap. You are the one." "YAY!" Sometime, Green gives the DN to the Pink-haired Girl, Hikaru. Big mistake. "Hikaru wants Kouji and Ino to be happy forever. Together." She said, writing Cabbage and Blue-boy's names down. They both collapse. Unfortunatly, Green had gotten to poison Ino with all the spray paint. Hikaru tells us to get to the hospital accross the street. I say I can't move very much, still aching from my wounds. Hikaru injects me with a super-regenative, almost fully healing me. "Hikaru wants Kouji and Ino to escape. Otherwise..." So I speed off for a card. I find one and bring it back to Ino. "Kouji, she's been poisoned. She needs first aid." So I go and stick her with a sr that I found. Unfortunatly, when I was looking for the other card, she collapsed. Technically, that game was over, but I put an Epilogue in the Chat, saying that when Kouji comes back, seeing the body of his dead loved one, he kills himself, saying "Ino... I'm right behind you."
  • This troper recently played the Red Haired Girl in a DN game, and started in the same room as the Grey Haired Boy. We decided to look around a while, but shut ourselves in the kitchen after the bodies started showing up. After a while, Grey said "Hey, Red... If we get out of here, do you wanna go somewhere? I know a nice, quiet spot out near the bay..." I smiled and said "...yeah. I'd like that." Gray came over and leaned in for a kiss... then tased me. His last words to me were "Check the fridge." When I woke up, he was gone. In the fridge was a billhook and a note. The note said this: "My PDA number is (number). Call me if you get into trouble. Don't leave the room. Stay safe." It was signed with his name.
  • It was this troper's first game, ever. She was Purple, who was completely clueless. Looking for protection, she latched on to Brown Haired Girl. Brown Haired Girl worked for a secret organization that she promised would save them. Both of them survive to the end of the game, where Brown Haired girl revealed that they were long-lost sisters (we had the same in-game last name). Cue lots of tears and hugging.
  • This troper was gray in normal a while after they meet in the courtyard Orange dragged him off to the basement for weapons, they were alone and she was like a kid in a candy store, cut to a while later Purple and green were talking about the big bang and magic, attracting orange, gray headed to the bathroom, and when he left he saw black's bloody corpse...he returned to orange and after a while the tapes said white hair, leaving gray and silver, goggles was quick to say gray, but orange defended him, "You would never do that!" and gray was like " g-g-guess " And he whispers to her "I'm sorry, i did it"
  • Everyone left and gray started explaining, "I could have killed you in the basement...but I just couldn't, as for black...he killed himself, i just made the bloody mess", she replied "I...I can't hate you.....Because...were friends!" they headed off to the tea room...they talked and talked, shared feelings, and as they were hugging, gray was about to say it...but she suffered a heart attack. he found a key card on her and promised he'd get her out of here and to a doctor, as he was leaving he shouted "I leave you these words, i am the killer" and he left, bu the doors closed before he could bring orange and she was gone...he also left just before red could attack him.
  • This troper was the silver haired girl in normal mode. She wound up the classroom with the red haired girl and the two quickly became friends, deciding that the announcement was just one in a series of fake broadcasts from some prankster. The girls had decided to take advantage of the fake lockdown and have fun when they stumbled on the teacher's corpse. After poking it for a bit, Silver decided it was a fake, but Red wasn't so sure. She had a slight mental breakdown in the girl's bathroom, saying that she didn't want to die. Silver said that she didn't want to die either and promised to protect her princess, no matter what. Red smiled and called Silver 'sir'. The two were inseparable after that. It gave this troper a nasty case of the warmfuzzies.
  • I was playing Green haired Girl as a French foreign exchange student named Remilia, Who had previously been part of a murder in her home country where her father had been murdered, this trauma had taught her to stay calm in such situations, and for the most part, she did. after spending majority of the time calming down otherwise raging people she started growing a attachment for the Creepy red haired boy, named Donald. There friendship grew too a great trust, and when the group got a card, she and the Goggle wearing boy gave it to him, but before leaving, he hugged her close and she kissed him, telling him that she would be strong, so that she could see him on the outside (Red had to leave anyways). So after some time she started getting more brave sticking up for people and even stopping Goggles from committing suicide. But soon all hell broke loose where in one of the people she took time to heal, died right in front of her at the hands of someone insane... there she fell to her knees and began crying saying "I cant save anyone..." with only the Long Blue haired boy to comfort her, before game end. in the end she survived and presumably met up with Donald. (i like to think this is both heartwarming and Tear Jerking)