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  • This troper once had an RP where his character (Makoto, purple-haired) had a Bodyguard Crush with Sanz (the blonde-haired girl), who was going through an emotional breakdown from the murder, and was in love with Rei (fittingly, the blue-haired girl). Rei was also in love with her, although we only found out later. Sanz was terrified by the corpses, so she had a hard time, since Soujiro (the boy with Goggles) had already been killed in self-defense. Rei, Sanz, and Makoto ran to the nurse's office. Outside of it they found Kazuo (black-haired), "Anne" (real name: Kayoko, green-haired), and Kaede (purple-haired). Kaede hit his head, and had amnesia. Since he had the mind of a child, Goggles' actions made him think that killing people was for their own good. Makoto had Rei and Sanz run into the nurse's office, and joined them, locking the door. While Kazuo and Kayoko (who was at this time feigning goodness) took out Kaede, Sanz and Rei confessed their love for each other. This prompted Makoto to attempt suicide so that he wouldn't subconsciously try to interfere with their romance. Kazuo talked him out of it, and since by this point Kayoko's true colors were beginning to show, Makoto and the two lovers came up with a plan; Makoto would distract Kayoko, and the two would leave the building. Eventually, Kayoko killed Kazuo and set her sights on Makoto. He ran as fast as he could to the entrance to be sure that they both escaped, and when they did, he died in peace. The entire thing was generally depressing.

 Himuro: Farewell, my sister, Rachel. Farewell, my brother, Kitami. You take good care of her, okay? So long, space cowboys.

  • This troper (Green ) had a very bad start to a round, he had a crush(Orange) who kept running away from him, at one point, he and purple had baricaded the office, but goggles showed up, belive i was the killer, along with his friend black, purple took out and anlodite and started attacking through our barricade at goggles, who was stabbing me, purple killed them ad i was severly hurt, then I said " her", orange was just outside the office, I died from bloodloss ad she ran up to me, crying, next thing she knew, purple dropped dead (He was D Ned) she asked "Why....why is everyone dying?" She held my body close as the round ended.
  • This is the story of goggles, the 7 year old. He was asking what words like tampon and pregnancy meant and the blue haired girl told him a pregnancy was in the freezer and trapped him in....but he was saved...but much later he was trapped in a room by green ,purple and Brown , all are girls, both genders of reds were murdered, Gray and red girl had stood up for him, red was killed by purple while defending him, which caused him to attempt to attack green, but the billhook was too heavy but then they killed gray, which enraged him, he charged at her with his hammer...but green killed which point purple relized what they did was wrong and killed herself...all in all, this round was very sad.
  • The same story as above but from a different perspective.....Shiki (Green Boy) hated when people looked at him, so the dark was his best friend. He always tried to be a hero despite his shyness. Throughout the craziness he met Nanako (Blonde) and Rikku (Blue Girl), and hid with them in the downstair's nurses office. When Black, one of the last remaining psychos came a knockin', he shoved a security card into Nanako's hands, ran off to distract Black, and died in the process. His sacrifice gave Nanako enough time to escape, leaving Black as the only one left alive in the school.
  • In Misuterii's Shiki mode, This Troper's character, Suzy (Orange Girl) was a Jinrou, in love with Takeshi, the Shiki. She bit someone thinking there were no witnesses, and was caught. She blamed it on having an Ax Crazy split personality, People believed her, but it went horribly right and she was imprisoned. She still had her PDA, and used it to talk to Takeshi. When it was taken away, she had a Villainous Breakdown and started crying. Then she took a stake, and right before her suicide, cried out "Takeshi...please..remember me."