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  • In Episode 5, Flit riding what amounts to an AGE universe Segway.
  • Woolf's introduction episode. The man starts off by flinging away a towel and admiring himself in the mirror, struts into the mess hall, and proceeds to purposely annoy the hell out of everyone inside.
  • Woolf showing off his Grand Prix driving skills to Emily, Flit, and Dique when they go to visit Mardona's workshop. They are not happy about being his passengers.
  • Much to Emily's and Yunoa's shock, Vargas still asks for seconds despite being 80 years old during dinner in Episode 16.
  • One of the photos in Episode 18 shows Romary in her swimwear. The note written on the photo (in Surprisingly Good English)? Hey! Don't Stare!!
  • In episode 20, in order to get Asemu to buck up out of his downer demeanor, Arisa floats around behind him and heartily slaps him on his ass. Apparently, it's a Gunhale thing.
  • Episode 25, Obright proposes to Ruth out of freaking nowhere. Predictably, she doesn't know what to do and runs off in embarrassment. Then the rest of the techs shake their heads at Obright.
  • In episode 29, the beginning of the third generation, Flit explains to Kio that he can pilot the Gundam because the MS Simulators he gave to him as a child were actually based off of the Gundam's OS. Cue an image of a giddy little Kio running to Flit, who is lugging a very large present to his grandson. (This troper, for the love of her, cannot find an image of it to link and apologizes.)
    • That's okay. This troper does. [1]