A Fan Film series by Beatdown Boogie, "Modern War Gear Solid" is a Crossover series pitting Solid Snake and Simon "Ghost" Riley against rogue paramilitary group Activist Sun, led by Liquid Ocelot and Vladmir Makarov, who is developing a new line of Metal Gear called Modern Gear.
This series provides examples of:[]
- Accidental Innuendo: "Ghost, get in my box!"
- Acting for Two: Snake, Liquid and Kotickovich are played by the same actor.
- The same goes for Ghost and Master Chief.
- Battle Strip: Done by Liquid before fighting Ghost. Paired with The Coats Are Off since it's the only thing Liquid's wearing on top.
- The Can Kicked Him: While infiltrating Activist Sun HQ, Ghost hides in one of the bathrooms and kills a guard in the stalls.
- Double Knockout: Occurs in the fight between Snake and Master Chief.
- Dressing as the Enemy: Inverted. Ghost dresses a captive guard in his trademark face mask. The other guards take the bait and kill their comrade.
- Gun Porn: Being tied to the MGS-verse, this is no surprise.
- His Name Is: Done by a guard watching a captured Ghost just as Snake knifes him in the neck. The guard continues repeating "his name is" and Snake keeps stabbing him before he can reveal the name.
- Lampshade Hanging: Ghost, as the Straight Man of the duo, spends most of his time pointing out the ridiculousness of the Metal Gear Solid logic.
- Mini-Mecha: What Modern Gear turns out to be.
- Male Gaze: Snake (and later Ghost) gets it bad whenever Naomi talks. It's one of the reasons why Ghost wears shades.
- The Man Behind the Man: Bobby Kotickovich is this to Makarov and Liquid.
- Ms. Fanservice: Naomi, naturally (see Male Gaze). There's even a sequence in which she starts taking off clothes, letting down her hair and shaking it loose, and gesturing to her breasts.
- My New Gift Is Lame: Before heading out on a mission, Naomi and Otacon give our heroes gifts. Snake gets a beauty of a rifle with a scope and bipod. Ghost gets...skeleton gloves to match his mask. (He does end up wearing them, though.)
- Spit Take: Done by Snake when seeing Liquid in the series beginning on a TV in a coffee shop.
- Talking Is a Free Action: Snake stops in the middle of sneaking up on a guard to take an unnecessarily long codec call from Otacon. The guard never turns around.
- Wham! Episode: Episode 3 showcases the introduction of Master Chief.
- You Killed My Unit: Ghost's motivation throughout the series is to find the person responsible for the death of all the men in his previous squad. Kotickovich is responsible.