The Hansen kids are in a jam. Adam and his best friend have gotten their hands on some tickets for the Headless Horseman concert, and his sister Chelsea has a date with her dreamy boyfriend Peter.
The only problem is they're both grounded. Chelsea and Adam will do whatever it takes to get their mom Lynette out of the house, even if it includes a chance meeting with a very mysterious man. Everything seems to go according to plan until their little brother Taylor realizes that this stranger might be... a vampire.
Tropes used in Mom's Got a Date with a Vampire include:
- Badass Adorable: A beautiful, sweet, kind-hearted vampire who can kick some serious werewolf ass.
- Berserk Button: Try to hurt my kids!!!
- British Accent
- Cute Bruiser: Little Taylor.
- Disney Death: The vampire dosen't actually get killed during the movie. But it's implied to be he eventual fate.
- Friendly Neighborhood Vampires: He lives in the neiberhood, but he's not so friendly.
- Mysterious Past: Taylor's Vampire Hunter friend.
- Our Vampires Are Different
- Really 700 Years Old
- Shout-Out: To vampire movies, of course.
- Troubled but Cute: The Vampire Hunter