Monarch of the Glen is a British TV series in the "eccentric country folk" vein. The eccentric country folk in this case live in the Scottish Highlands, on and around the estate of the Laird of Glenbogle.
The central character is Archie MacDonald (Alastair Mackenzie), reluctant new Laird and latest in the line of Glenbogle, who would really rather be running a restaurant in London than dealing with the crumbling and cash-strapped estate. Richard Briers and Susan Hampshire are his parents, Hector and Molly.
Monarch of the Glen provides examples of:[]
- Adorkable: Duncan.
- The Alleged Car
- Big Fancy House: Glenbogle House. And it's old and falling apart.
- Biggus Dickus / Gag Penis: Golly, evidently. See: Only Known by Their Nickname below.
- Bizarre and Improbable Golf Game: Hector occasionally plays golf inside the house.
- Bonnie Scotland
- Brotherhood of Funny Hats: The Highland Hundred. No funny hats, but a funny secret greeting. And they're not actually as secret as they thought they were.
- Childhood Friend Romance: Archie and Katrina.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Hector. Molly is usually pretty sharp, but she has her moments of this, too.
- Come Back to Bed, Honey
- Embarrassing Middle Name: One of Lord Kilwillie's middle names is Sharon.
- Especially Zoidberg
- Fawlty Towers Plot: Hector has gotten himself into a couple of these. Lord Kilwillie was almost always involved.
- First Girl Wins: Katrina. Averted.
- Happily Married: Hector and Molly.
- Ice Queen: Justine, Archie's girlfriend from London.
- Impoverished Patrician
- Jumping on a Grenade
- Kissing Under the Influence: Archie, Lexie, and a bottle of whiskey on the train home from London.
- Land Poor
- Love Dodecahedron: In series two, Duncan loves Lexie, Lexie loves Archie, Archie loves Katrina, Katrina loves Fergal, and to top it all off, in one episode, Lexie and Fergal flirted in the kitchen!
- MacGuffin Escort Mission: Played for laughs, of course. Hector and Kilwillie are determined to drink a cask of 1970 whiskey that Archie wants to auction off for lots of money, so they spend the entire episode trying to keep it away from/get it back from Archie. Ends in a case of No MacGuffin, No Winner, as the whiskey has gone bad and is undrinkable.
- Man in a Kilt: All the time.
- Not What It Looks Like
- Only Known by Their Nickname: Golly, who got his nickname when the wind blew his kilt aside and a girl who witnessed it said, "Golly!". His first name is eventually revealed to be Aloysius.
- Only Sane Man: Archie.
- Slap Slap Kiss: Archie and Katrina.
- The Clan: Clan MacDonald, of course!
- The Unfavourite
- Undignified Death
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Hector and Lord Kilwillie, Type 2.
- What's in It For Me?
- Your Cheating Heart: Justine.