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Words to live by, and to get confused by.


 But I already knows... it's is right beneath my foots.


The sequel to Mondo Medicals, also by Cactus. As suggested by that page, it could make more or less sense.

The basic plot involves the actions of one Mondo Agency to prevent "the president" from being assassinated. To do this, they send Agent-65386 to... well, it's not clear. Obstensibly, he's going to the president to make sure he's okay, but through the game, he must stop at various places and perform odd tasks, such as starting a machine the size of a skyscraper or killing seizure-inducing "natives" - or, as they are often called, LASER INDIANS!

In between levels — or as they are now called "submissions", as in "sub-missions" — there are monologues from the Boss, your superior within Mondo Agency. Instead of screaming about cancer, he tranquilly philosophizes and hints what the next "submission" will be like.

The ending involves finally reaching the President. His aide tells you not to push the buttons in front of the President; inexplicably, that's the only thing to do. Yes, it kills him. Once Agent-65386 returns, the Boss angrily fires him. The last moments of the game are the now Civilian-65385 walking down a path inscribed with the credits before entering a teleporter that closes the game.

And, yes, everyone still has a TV head. But they spin now.

It's going to have a sequel called Mondo Nation (Spoilered because some people don't want its name until it comes out). It's about fighting terrorism, and takes place in a world closer to our own, containing such wonders as fire and insects. Only it seems that it's a TV head that's on fire. Whatever. These games are hard to describe.

A Lets Play can be found here.

Tropes used in Mondo Agency include: