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A 1986 monster movie spoof by Troma in which the titular creature emerges from its lair (guess where that is) and begins slaughtering citizens in a small Californian town. It's up to would-be newspaper reporter Richard Clark and scientist Diane Bennett to find a way of killing it. Very very campy, but doesn't take itself at all seriously, and is amusing if viewed in the right frame of mind.
Contains examples of:[]
- Absent-Minded Professor: Dr. Pennyworth, to the nth power.
- The Cameo: John Carradine plays a blind victim of the monster. Stella Stevens drops in for a quick parody of Psycho.
- Child Prodigy: 'Professor' Bennett.
- Da Editor: Played by Jesse White of "Maytag repairman" fame.
- Expy: The monster pretty blatantly steals some design ideas from the Xenomorph in Alien.
- For Science!: Dr. Pennyworth's attitude towards life in general. It gets him killed.
- Frickin' Laser Beams: 'Professor' builds one to use against the monster. It doesn't help.
- Fridge Logic: Why would a blind person have a lamp on in his house?
- General Ripper: General Turnbull.
- The Glasses Gotta Go: Clark "becomes" literally mesmerizingly handsome when he takes his glasses off.
- Hot Scientist: Diane, of course.
- Impending Doom POV: Parodied.
- Jerkass: Clark's fellow reporter Scoop; you're likely to cheer more when he gets his comeuppance than when the monster is defeated.
- Large Ham: The two leads are fairly subdued, but much of the supporting cast goes to town with this trope.
- Meaningful Background Event: The monster lumbers into view behind young Professor while the latter is working in a school classroom.
- Monster Misogyny / Touch of the Monster: Parodied; see Stealth Pun below.
- Nigh Invulnerable: The monster; it turns out the only way to destroy it is to destroy every closet in the world.
- Police Are Useless: The sheriff tries his best, but..
- Shout-Out: The heroes try to kill the monster using an electrocution setup exactly like the one used to destroy the 1950's version of the Thing. It has no effect.
- Stealth Pun: The movie's title, assuming the monster is male, which is never made clear.
- There Was a Door: The heroes are attempting to lure the monster into a trap, and are waiting at the end of a hallway, with the front door open to the outdoors. The monster comes smashing through the interior door they are leaning against.
- Things That Go Bump in the Night