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The oxygen generating machine and several solar energy panels for a lunar colony has become damaged in a meteor shower. A team of astronauts are sent to fix the damage done as fast as possible, or else the colony's air supply will run out. However, maintaining control of the situation proves difficult at first, as several of the components crucial to the operation of the colony's life support systems are heavily damaged, and some are outright broken. It will take all their training to fix this mess before the colony runs out of air and time.

Moonbase Alpha, a game developed by the makers of America's Army and published by NASA, intends to be a simulation of what the normal missions of an astronaut would be in a rather dire futuristic situation and to give people a chance to stomp about on the moon in the boots of an astronaut. Reactions were mixed, although the game does seem to provide its dual purpose of amusement and slight education (or wish fulfillment). The game is also infamous for an option to turn on a Stephen Hawking-esque voice synthesizer program, the abuse of which became wildly popular (and, unintentionally, the game's biggest attraction).

The game can be downloaded from Steam for free.

Tropes used in Moonbase Alpha include:
  • Inherently Funny Words: Aeiou.
  • Name's the Same: As the Swedish name for Space: 1999. Which wouldn't have been important if 'Månbas Alpha' hadn't been the only science fiction show on at a time when there were only two channels.
  • No Seat Belts: Your astronaut's backpack instead clamps into the lunar buggy. This somehow allows them to control it.
    • Judging by the shape of the suit, it seems that the astronauts clamp onto the command center or buggy and probably slide out the back of the suit.
    • This is actually a proposed concept as a replacement to an airlock, the astronaut in question clamps the suit on and does indeed slide out through the back of the suit.
  • Quick Time Event: Repairing circuitry in good time requires you to perform a small minigame to bypass unnecessary circuits when welding.
  • Race Against the Clock: If you don't restore functionality in time, the colony and the research involved with it goes down.
  • Space Does Not Work That Way: Mostly averted. NASA wanted to provide as realistic a simulation as possible while not forsaking the fun.
    • The game also includes the option to turn off sound effects such as welding, robots or buggies (at least on the outside). The sound of player's breathing and stepping remains.
  • Synthetic Voice Actor: Available as an option in the chat window. Griefing ensues.