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Moonhawk Studios Presents is a entertainment focused podcast founded on April 15, 2009 by host Micheal C. Prokop AKA MacPaladin and co-host Adam Dayton AKA ShardShinjuku which is recorded live on TalkShoe every Wednesday night at 10:00 PM EST/7:00 PM PST. The Initial regular cast members also included Emerald Winter artist Jamie Jennings who was also the first interview done for the show and still makes the occasional guest appearance from time to time. There was also former color commentator Aurondarklord who was brought in to spice up the conversations but departed the show a year later. Also in that early time period longtime Moonhawk Studios collaborator and creator of Salient Caligation Kimberly Godwin and former Mysteries Of The Arcana artist Keith W. joined the cast as guest panel members.
Moonhawk Studios Presents is a ninety minute podcast show designed to cover the business and creation of webcomics but has since expanded to include a wide variety of topics ranging from video games, music, print, visual mediums, other podcasts reviews, web video productions (such as Channel Awesome programming and Let's Play videos found on YouTube) and a host of other entertainment topics. In February 2011 the show saw another redesign with the addition of Naka Teleeli and ElementalOgre to the permanent cast and the formation of the Fragments of Silicon segment, in which Adam, Naka, and Ogre get together to talk about game topics for a half hour with Mac the other members should they choose. Also in February 2011 Keith W. was promoted to full time musical director, bringing live music into the equation.
The TalkShoe recording site and live chatroom can be found here.
The MSP Main page can be found here.
The MSP Forum can be found here.
Tropes that apply to them[]
- Absentee Actor: Naka has been unable to attend many Season 6 episodes due to scheduling conflicts.
- Angrish: Mac is ultimate perpetrator. Everyone else can sink into this from time to time. Specific examples include Naka and Sonic Colors, also anytime Adam had to deal with Auron.
- Ascended Extra - Naka and Ogre were initially slated to be one shot guests but they were like well enough by the staff to make them into permanently recurring players.
- Berserk Button - Adam when IOS ports of classic games and in-app purchases are mentioned.
- By "No" I Mean "Yes": Mac frequently does this on the show. And by that, we mean, not really.
- Catch Phrase: Naka - "On a scale of one to Japan" Mac - "You no likea da penis?"
- Crossover: With Lord Kat Live during and after the May 2, 2011 Episode
- Five-Man Band:
- Mac — The Hero
- Adam — The Lancer
- Ogre — The Big Guy
- Kim — The Chick - (Subverted)
- Naka — The Smart Guy
- Keith — Sixth Ranger
- Jamie — Guest Star Party Member
- Grammar Nazi - A frequently occurring motif on the program
- Let Us Never Speak of This Again - The Season 5 Finale
- Man of a Thousand Voices - The Whole Cast but mostly Keith; some goading required.
- Mathematician's Answer - "Mac, how is X going today?" Mac - "Yes"
- Put on a Bus: Aurondarklord after the one year anniversary show.
- Running Gag: Rengeki Bonus, "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room,"; "I can't deal with this right now!" "Hold the fucking phone."