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Moonlight Mask was Japan's first Tokusatsu series from 1958, starting as a TV series and then having six movies. The series was very popular with kids, but was cancelled due to a kid dying trying to imitate Gekko Kamen/Moonlight Mask's stunts. It was later adapted into an anime in 1972, named Seigi wo Ai Suru Mono - Gekkō Kamen (正義を愛する者 - 月光仮面, literally The One Who Loves Justice - Moonlight Mask, and again in the 90s as a Gag Series named Gozonji! Gekkô Kamen-kun (ごぞんじ!月光仮面くん , or We Know You, Young Moonlight Mask!)

Definitely not to be confused with Kekko Kamen (although the latter was named in parody of the former).

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