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  • Like the canon, more than a few Pretty Cure fanseries villains get in one or another:
    • In Pretty Cure Perfume Preppy, Raflesina makes an attempt on her own daughter's life for switching sides.
    • In the spinoff Pretty Cure Heavy Metal, Ramirez uses an Akumana to possess W. Benny Bara, and Kuroimetaru offs Gacy without waiting for Lady Marilyn's orders. Even Lady Marilyn herself saw the act as the point of no return, warning him that she'd execute him if he wasn't so vital to Mansonia's security. Of course, it's no surprise, given his constantly killing innocent bystanders — he tap-dances over the Moral Event Horizon four times each day before breakfast. An example would be when he fed someone to the sharks and left a note reading "He disagreed with something that ate him." in episode 41.
    • In Pretty Cure Full Color, Furyze bumps off Belldandy using the very attack meant for the Cures.
    • In Bokura wa Gaia Pretty Cure, Canis offs Rheo right before he could switch sides.
    • Kainatrol from Futari wa Pretty Cure Blue Moon erases her own sister from existence in front of the man she was going to run away with, then gives him the choice of joining the Etherium or being erased with the rest of the world. He reluctantly joins, hating himself for his weakness from then on — and she continues to play with his emotions and remind him of his failures, knowing full well what's going through his mind. For 150 years. No wonder they hate each other.
  • The Firefly fic Forward introduces Inducer One-One-Nine, another Academy escapee who seems like she might be just as sympathetic as River....and then leaps across the MEH in the span of a single chapter, when she reveals she's been behind a violent murder spree and the massacre of a village, and then uses her Psychic Powers to force a nearby man to shoot and beat Mal into a coma, Mind Rapes River into being her protector/bodyguard, and kills the entire crew of a freighter as a distraction. And that's just the start of it, as in the next part of the story, she forces a man to commit suicide just because he worked for Blue Sun, and then causes an entire space station of over eight hundred people to go berserk and start killing each other just to delay a pair of Hands of Blue. Any doubt that she's a Complete Monster is thrown out the window very quickly.
    • This doesn't make her death in any way satisfying for the reader, or the person who pulls the trigger. Inducer One-One-Nine is, at most, twelve years old. We also get to read a snippet from an leaked internal document from the Academy about another subject going through "combat testing", during which the report suggests that further trials should be suspended "until the subject enters adolescence"; the Mind Rape they were inflicting on River is also being tested on pre-teens. If the Academy didn't already cross the Moral Event Horizon with what they did to River, they sure as hell have now.
  • Prussia could have been a Magnificent Bastard in the Darker and Edgier fic All He Ever Wanted, but his place as a Complete Monster is definitely settled in The Seventh Door, when he brings Hungary to the cell occupied by an already-captured Austria, and brutally tortures and rapes her while forcing a helpless Austria to watch, and twisting the knife even more by telling Austria that "it's for his benefit". This was so cruel and over the top that many readers swore off AHEW as a whole, and it's often brought up as the part in which the fic series Jumped the Shark.
    • He crossed it again when he raped Liechstenstein. Just For the Evulz.
    • Hungary may have crossed it for some readers, losing the sympathy points from the first incident when she teaches Liechtenstein to become Prussia's lover alongside her, so they can get benefits from it. Yes, a rape victim coaches another into giving sexual pleasure to their common rapist. Others may consider it more of a mere Kick the Dog brought by the harsh circumstances both of them are caught in, though.
    • Imperial Japan crosses it in An Asian's Harem of Asians by keeping his own family (China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, both Koreas, Vietnam, Thailand and other OC!Asian nations) as his Sex Slaves, either molesting/raping them or forcing them to molest/rape each other for his amusement. Not even "his precious little sister" Taiwan is free, as Japan promises to not violate her/have her violated but still forces her to witness her siblings's rape while giving him erotic massages, which she does out of Stockholm Syndrome. And his worst act is obligating both North and South Korea to rape China, then raping China himself. .... Eeeeew.
  • In a Hetalia Alternate Universe Roleplay in which the nations are captured, kept prisoner and then tentatively brainwashed into believing themselves to be just human, a human doctor crosses it when first he uses an OC!Ireland as his guinea pig via blackmailing him into harming the others if he doesn't, then having Latvia tortured despite having promised to not do so. And that's after his Hot Scientist partner in crime, herself NOT a saint since she subjected Latvia to a cruel Hannibal Lecture For Science!, openly objects.
      • Link please?
        • It was a private RP, so it's lost forever. Rather sadly... Or maybe it's for the best.
  • Cornelius Fudge in Never Alone Never Again. He sent Aurors to ambush the Wesley house to arrest Harry, attacking everyone including the unarmed ones. Then he ordered an adult dose for Harry, which could potentially kill him at his age and even after Harry gave his truthful statement, Fudge didn't believe him and promptly tossed him in Azkaban. But one of the worst things he did was hide that Voldemort had returned and ordering his people to take the murdered victims and burn their bodies so no one would know about them. Dozens of witches, wizards and children were dead and more kept dying and all he cared about was keeping his image. His eventual fate seemed a bit too easy, considering what he had done, as Ron angrily pointed out.
  • Yuyuko's Yukkuri Farm, one of DOS's yukkuri comics for the Touhou series, focuses on a Marisa yukkuri being cared for by Yuyuko, who at first seems to be quite caring to her, feeding her well and even giving her friends to play with in the form of other yukkuris. The Marisa yukkuri loves Yuyuko, and as she grows, she soon becomes pregnant, and then gives birth to a koyukkuri (basically a yukkuri baby). Yuyuko picks the little yukkuri up before then proceeding to snarf it down right in front of its poor mother — and then telling the distraught mother yukkuri that the baby was nothing but a snack to her, and that this is the entire reason she's been caring for her, which catapults this particular version of Yuyuko straight into Complete Monster territory. And from there, It Gets Worse.
  • While it's not the first time he's killed anyone without cause or even his worst act, Vash of Christian Humber Reloaded crosses it by killing his friend Soku, her entire family, all her friends and the rest of her town in revenge for turning him in to the police.
  • Lord Zedd crosses the Moral Event Horizon in Agony in Pink by creating Tortura, a monster made from books about the human anatomy and torture, to torture Kimberly to death in order to demoralize the rest of the Power Rangers.
  • Nevel crosses this in the ICarly fanfic IGet Committed when he gets Carly sent to an insane asylum by posing as her grandfather, simply so that he can get her show cancelled.
  • In the infamous Kimagure Orange Road fic Revenge Road, a completely maddened Hikaru brutally crosses the MEH not just by shooting Madoka in the head, but by also subjecting Kyousuke to a Cruel and Unusual Death by slowly slitting his throat right after her murder of Madoka. All because Kyousuke chose Madoka over her, several years ago. Can we say, "Yikes?"
  • In the Mass Effect fanfic The Council Era, those who've read the series consider it extremely debatable exactly when certain characters (especially the Villain Protagonist Tyrin Lieph and his Worthy Opponent antagonist Halak Marr) crossed the irredeemable line. Tyrin commits numerous horrific acts, including the mass-murder of the dezban race, the dissolution of the manaban people's religion and government, and the murder of 150,000 krogan in order to force their leader into a compromise, but he's also fully aware that he deserves and will receive consequences for his actions. However, he has no regrets, believing that Utopia Justifies the Means and that he is Necessarily Evil. In the opinion of the series' author, Tyrin's Moral Event Horizon is his taking advantage of both his son's death and the Council's and public's sympathy for said death to sway them into supporting the genocide of the dezban race. He antagonized the dezba by killing one of their high chieftains, resulting in the dezban revolt, and thus orchestrated the deaths of 7000 civilians and soldiers in the dezban revolt in order to make the public support the dezban genocide.
      • In-universe: To his own devoted soldiers, Tyrin's MEH is considered to be planning to betray his krogan allies in an effort to completely purge the galaxy of their race.
    • During the ending of Part I,Marr threatens to unleash the power of a fleet of krogan cruisers to destroy the entire Citadel, in retaliation for Tyrin's poisoning of a portion of the krogan military forces, if Tyrin does not allow for the krogans to receive a council seat and the status of being the majority race in the Citadel military.
  • From Yukari Is Free, we have Fedt-Geszhine, the bespectacled, diminutive Dragon to the planet-conquering Alien Warlord Gathuum-Sythaal. Fedt-Geszhine leapt merrily across the horizon at a young age, when he killed his mother so he wouldn't get in trouble for drilling a hole in his sister's head. He hasn't looked back since, willfully sentencing people to slavery, sadistic experimentation, or to be melted down into fuel for his Bio-Reactor, if he doesn't have any use for them.
  • A:TLAR - Warden Liruk, of Chapter Four: Shooting one of his own guards in the head as a demonstration of how he uses his Weapon for Intimidation, so that Katara would willingly go to his private quarters for...let's try not to think about that.
    • The Enforcers, of Chapter Six: The brutal murder of Xin Fu on the grounds of gambling debts certainly counts.
    • Pick any moment from Jet's backstory section in Chapter Eight.
    • This will be updated as the series progresses.
  • In How I Became Yours, Mai killing Katara's unborn baby via poisoned fruit is meant to be this. For more objective readers, it's actually Katara bloodbending Mai to death (and in broad daylight), when she was perfectly capable of merely incapacitating her so Mai would be taken to trial for attempted murder.
  • In Naruto Veangance Revelaitons, Ronan does many terrible things, including agreeing to Sakura's proposal to cut off her own vagina in order to prove she loves him, raping her while she is unconscious, and having fans of modern music put to death (although this is later commuted to life in prison), but the author remains on his side. While his villains hardly seem terrible in comparison, the President of the Kibusi Corporation kills most of the Land of Earth because it wasn't a suitable place to do business.
  • The Pony POV Series version of Discord did this, as far as in fic canon goes, by breaking Trixie so severely that she remained "Discorded" weeks after his downfall and even Twilight's memory spell alone couldn't free her (of course, due to the author not revealing Loneliness' origins, she may have been there even before Discord got his claws in her, but we can't be sure). Unlike the Mane Cast, Trixie wasn't a direct threat to him (yet), she was just simular enough to Twilight he could "warm up" on her first.
    • Loneliness crosses this in her first appearance by impaling Twilight and breaking Trixie's leg. While she'd done some awful things before then, this was the point where it showed Trixie wasn't as much of a Morality Pet for her as it seemed.
  • It Takes a Village this is done in Chapter 10 by those who want Spike out of Ponyville when someone launches a harpoon at Spike while he's flying with ponies on his back.
  • In the RP I do with Lightsnake, we created a villain for our huge Naruto RP named Hiro. If its not the fact he manipulated Biri, or that he tried to off his brother Kuro, its the fact he implanted a special seal on every slavegirl in his harem in Kumogakure. So that if he dies...he can drain their life and be reborn years later.
  • In the MLP fanfic My Sweetie, during a flashback, Derpy's mom crosses it when she abandons Derpy in the Everfree Forest simply because Derpy's presence cuts into time shared with Derpy's dad. Sufficed to say, this troper was glad that Derpy's dad divorced her.
  • In the Sonic the Hedgehog fanfic Prison Island Break Head Warden Mephiles is consistently portrayed as pretty irredeemable, but the specific moment you're supposed to realise he's worse than any of the cons is when he bullies the prison doctor Amy Rose into performing sexual acts for his pleasure, while taking photographs to use against her as blackmail material in the future, just in case. And just in case you didn't get the message, he finally turns around and tells her she is the one who is a disgrace.
  • Several villains in the Continuity Porn-filled Power Rangers Dark Fic series Prophecies of the Morphing Grid cross this, fittingly enough for a Dark Fic, and even more disturbingly, most of these villains are completely human:
    • The first we're made aware of is Shredder (yes, he's in this; Continuity Porn, remember?) reorganizing the Foot by having any member with any standards whatsoever brutally killed, then dumping their corpses in the sewer for the protagonists to find.
    • The most extreme example probably goes to President Fullenton, who, while he had begun flirting with Knight Templar-ism while fighting the war against the revived United Alliance of Evil, initially seemed like a decent enough guy. Then he spectacularly toboggans down the slippery slope to become a President Evil by firing a Kill Sat at the nation of Sudan (which had allied with the UAE), burning every living thing within said nation to a horrible, horrible death. The later revelation that he's actually one of the leaders of the UAE, and had been playing both sides of the war to increase his own power and subvert the governments of Earth from within (the author's favorite villain in anything is Darth Sidious, can't you tell?) just seems like a formality after this.
    • Senator John Thorne, leader of an anti-alien hate group, crosses when he has his men massacre a defenseless alien refugee camp, treating us to scenes of soldiers doing things like burning down houses, then throwing alien children into the fire. Kat Manx, who was serving as a doctor to the camp, is the only survivor.
    • Mr. Stonefeld, crooked Texas oilman and Omniscient Council of Vagueness member, crosses when, after the Rangers leave for space to gather a resistance movement against Fullenton's aforementioned subverted government, he has a hit put out on their families still on Earth, to break their spirit. These are actual characters we'd recognize from the TV show, and we get to watch (err, read) them die in loving detail.
    • Biotechnology mogul Jacob Russell crossed retroactively, when it's revealed that he had Trini's lovable old Uncle Howard (again, an actual character from the show) murdered and his death made to look like a suicide for his scientific research.
    • Another retroactive crossing goes to Gregory Roschin, the head of the aforementioned Omniscient Council of Vagueness, when in the '80s he had the entire Yeti race wiped out for their fur (ever wonder why Norg was the only one we saw?). Stonefeld helped with this one, too.
    • And yet another retroactive one goes to Captain Logan (yes, that's right, the Big Good from Time Force), when it's revealed he shot Ransik's wife, simply for giving birth to a mutant (she was completely human).
  • Daemon from the Tamers Forever Series was already an Ax Crazy Omnicidal Maniac. but he cements his status as a Complete Monster when he tries to kill Suzie Wong
    • The Fake Gennai crosses over when he kidnaps Mimi's unborn child and then leaves Mimi to wander the wilderness while her grief slowly drives her insane
  • Dread Raven killing Sir Loin in The Tainted Grimoire.
  • Enigma, the Big Bad for the tenth and final story arc in Streets of Rage Saga is an Ax Crazy Blood Knight when he's first introduced in the ninth arc, and he does a lot of generic evil stuff that would be expected of a villain. However, there's one moment in the tenth story that pinpoints him as an utterly sickening individual: he telepathically gives Axel's sister Tina a horrifying vision of his intended plans to merge Earth with the hell-dimension currently supplying his powers, followed by compelling her to jump off a rooftop to her death.
  • In White Devil of the Moon, Precia Testarossa is already past the Moral Event Horizon, but she does something even Fate finds unforgivable when she attacks Alicia, the daughter that she cloned Fate from and wants her to be a Replacement Goldfish to, to try to stop her from whipping her "sister" Fate.
  • Twilight Sparkle's "coming out party" is probably one of the more shocking examples from a MLP fanfic. Having succumbed to her "Queen of Darkness" persona, she attacks Pinkie Pie and takes her prisoner. When Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy show up to save her, Twilight incapacitates Fluttershy as well and then threatens to kill her if Rainbow Dash doesn't rape Pinkie. Applejack arrives and saves them though only after Dash has been forced to go through with it, but Twilight then responds by sealing them all in the building and setting it on fire in an attempt to kill them. It nearly succeeds, but they're saved by the Elements of Harmony.
  • In Ponies Make War, General Esteem crosses it before he's even officially introduced, when it's revealed that he was the one who forced the Sliver of Darkness into Twilight by pushing it through her eye, thus turning her into Nihilus.
    • Speaking of whom, Nihilus crosses it in her first appearance, Mind Raping Rainbow Dash in order to turn her into her servant, before attempting to kill the other Mane Six.
  • In Ace Combat: The Equestrian War, the griffins are ordered by General Silverbeak to kidnap fillies and use them as hostages to demoralize ponies in the first phase of the war. But it is revealed in chapter 14 that it was an order of Red Cyclone. Then, his plan comes into the picture...
  • Metroid: Kamen Rider Generations Vol. 3: Fates Intertwined: