Morgan Freeman is God[]
- Why is this under WMG? We all know it is true.
- His Through The Wormhole narrations were actually made to explain his creation to interdimensional realestate investors.
- Oh dear, real estate? That implies a buyer... does that mean he's selling us? I hope our new owner is nice...
- I, for one, welcome our new Morgan Freeman approved overlords.
- Oh dear, real estate? That implies a buyer... does that mean he's selling us? I hope our new owner is nice...
Morgan Freeman is Satan.[]
Thankfully, the Devil's evil is all lies. Nowadays, God and Satan have reconciled, or at least have a nice rivalry.
Under no circumstances is Morgan Freeman a Time Lord.[]
- Being God means that he made all of the Time Lords.
- Sounds like a Suspiciously Specific Denial to me!
- If he isn't a Time Lord, he sure as hell didn't travel through time and space to edit this page, either.
Morgan Freeman isn't really God, in the literal sense, but...[]
He's Jesus on His Second Mission. When he decides to be tired of seeing what Humanity can do, He'll make the Apocalypse happen. And we'll be screwed.
- In the film Bruce Almighty, he turns from his disguise as a human into God, while holding a said that said "Armageddon out of here". It wasn't a statement; it was a statement and an imperative! "Armageddon! Everybody out!"
Morgan Freeman is Haruhi Suzumiya's Father.[]
Search your feelings, you know it to be true!
- Geez, you coulda put a spoiler tag on that...
- Actually he is Crispin Freeman's father. Who plays Kyon again?
Morgan Freeman is Chuck Norris's father.[]
Which, assuming a certain theory on a certain other WMG page is true, would also mean that Squirrel Girl is Morgan Freeman's granddaughter. Badass Families have never been this Badass.
- The only flaw in this is that Morgan Freeman's literally only about 3 years older than Chuck Norris. Then again, I wouldn't put time travel past either of them.
When they will make a movie out of Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol, Mr. Freeman will be cast as Warren Bellamy.[]
Come on, Freeman is just perfect for this role!
That voice!
When you Half Life with Godmode on, Gordon changes his name to Morgan.[]
Pretty much self explainatory.
If they make Anansi Boys into a movie...[]
...Morgan Freeman will play Anansi.