The newest series from D.J. MacHale, author of the New York Times best-selling series The Pendragon Adventure. The three installments are The Light, The Black, and The Blood.
The series focuses on a pair of friends from Pendragon's Stony Brook, Marshall "Marsh" Seaver and Cooper Foley. Cooper unknowingly scalped some counterfeit Yankees tickets to help his sister, Sydney, pay her hospital bill after she got an infection because of a tattoo she wanted to keep secret. In order to avoid spending the summer in Juvie, Cooper ratted on the guys who gave him the tickets, and had to spend the summer at his parents' lake house. When he disappears without a trace, Marshall and Sydney start getting haunted by Gravedigger, a comic book character Marshall created. This eventually leads them to the lake, where they discover that Cooper was killed in a boating accident. But they soon realize that this is only the beginning...
This series contains examples of:
- A Million Is a Statistic-- Damon's philosophy of life (and death) in a nutshell.
- Ancient Grome-- Damon and Adeipho were generals in Alexander the Great's army, and the Roman Colosseum features prominently in The Blood.
- Big Bad-- Damon
- Bigger Bad-- Brennus, whose plans make Saint Dane and Damon's look reasonable by comparison.
- Defrosting Ice Queen-- Sydney to Marshall.
- Even Evil Has Standards-- Damon agrees to stop Brennus when it becomes apparent he plans to march on, and conquer Solara.
- Lost Superweapon-- The Poleax is apparently one of these.
- Obstructive Code of Conduct-- The ghosts are supposedly forbidden to interfere with the living. Not that this stops Cooper and Damon.
- Our Ghosts Are Different-- Oh boy, are they!
- Our Souls Are Different
- POV Sequel-- The Light is told from Marshall's POV and The Black is from Cooper's.
- Samus Is a Girl-- Ree is actually Terri Seaver, Marshall's mother. Adeipho's daughter, Zoe, is introduced this way as well.
- Spin-Off-- Of The Pendragon Adventure. The Blood confirms this series takes place in the same universe.
- And it was already known that The Pendragon Adventure took place in the same universe as the movie Tower of Terror.
- Take a Third Option-- Cooper does this in regards to Damon's offer.