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MK Special Forces 01 7993

Since when was Jax a pirate?


Awwww yeeaaahhhh...


Mortal Kombat: Special Forces is an action game released for the Playstation in 2000. A spin off of the popular Mortal Kombat fighting series, the game revolves around Jax and his quest to avenge the deaths of his special combat unit at the hands of the Black Dragon.

Taking place before the events of the first Mortal Kombat, the game begins with Black Dragon leader Kano breaking his gang out of jail and Jax out for revenge. Soon Jax discovers that they're after the "Eye of Shitian", a powerful relic and aims to stop them getting their hands on the artifact.

The game suffered development problems, including half the original Midway team leaving (along with series co-founder John Tobias), the story being rewritten half way through and being rushed out to release.

Followed, game-wise, by Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. Spinoff-wise, followed by Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks.

Tropes used in Mortal Kombat: Special Forces include: