Cyber Sub-Zero beating both Goro and Kintaro in a handicap match.
Stryker taking on Reptile, Mileena, Kintaro, and Ermac all in a row and WINNING!
Liu Kang defeating Shao Kahn after the later killed Kung Lao
Shao Kahn's speech at the intro; atop a pyramid surrounded by the bodies of dead Kombatants, he delivers an extremely Badass Boast as he delivers a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown to Raiden about how he has won, and it marks The End of the World as We Know It. The Call Back at the end of the game suggests he had the speech planned out years in advance, and it shows.
Kung Lao singlehandedly taking out the duo of Shang Tsung and Quan Chi. Keep in mind that in the original timeline, those two mopped up Kung Lao and his companions. Furthermore, Kung Lao bests Kintaro immediately afterwards.