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  • Banned In Australia:
    • According to this article, Australia's censors banned the game due to the graphic violence in the fatalities, to such a point that they had the border patrol on the lookout for attempts to import the game. A solution was reached in 2013: the Komplete Edition was given an R18 rating, specifically created to deal with similar games. (Mortal Kombat X also received it)
    • It's also banned in Germany. However, importing "banned" games isn't a big problem there.
    • Sheeva's ending in the game pokes fun at this controversy: she cuts a deal with Earthrealm... and she and the Shokan are literally given Australia so they can reign there!
    • The game was banned in Cuba not just for the same reasons but also due to things present in the game that are closely resembling Castro. Yeah, Cuba is just like Germany and Australia, but Cuba is more stricter than Germany and Australia, owing to the country's communist regime.
    • The game was also denied a release in China for the same reasons as Australia.
  • Canon Name: The bios and vignettes reveal at least three of the Lin Kuei's real names: Bi-Han (Sub-Zero the elder/Noob Saibot), Kuai Liang (Tundra/Sub-Zero the younger), and Tomas Vrbada (Smoke).'
  • Development Gag: The younger Sub-Zero (Kuai Liang, aka the younger Sub-Zero), according to his bio, went by the Code Name of Tundra before taking up his brother's title. Tundra was the original name considered for Sub-Zero.
  • Fan Nickname:
    • Cyb-Zero for... guess.
    • "Portal Kombat": The release date of the game itself, simply for coinciding with that of Portal 2's; the temptation to switch out the "M" in "Mortal" for a "P" proved to be too great.
      • Scorpion and Noob Saibot's second fatalities and the latter's Babality wouldn't seem too out of place in the Aperture Science Enrichment Center.
    • Gravity Squeeze for Ermac's "Cannonball Slam" X-ray Move, due to its aesthetic similarities to Magneto's Level 3 in MvC3.
    • Kittentaro: Kintaro's more feline appearance in this game (he more closely resembled a tiger in Armageddon). Can also be applied to his Babality.
    • Mortal Kombat 9 itself is a Fan Nickname, as the game's official title is Mortal Kombat. Depending on what community you're a part of, Mortal Kombat 2011 is also a common nickname.
    • Thunder Idiot or God of Blunder for Raiden due to his many What an Idiot! moments throughout the game.
    • Raidude (used by Johnny once in Story Mode) also seems to be picking up in certain circles.
  • Flip-Flop of God: In development, earlier reports noted that the Sub-Zero in this game was Bi-Han, the elder Sub-Zero. Sub-Zero's vignette and combo video shown that it was Kuai Liang, the younger brother instead, once again taking up his brother's title and out for Scorpion's blood. In the end, both Sub-Zeroes (and Noob Saibot), in a way, made the cut for the game, and none of them remains as human Sub-Zero: Bi-Han is killed by Scorpion and turned by Quan Chi into Noob Saibot; and Kuai Liang, the Sub-Zero of the roster, is turned into Cyber Sub-Zero. There's even a battle between them at some point. Of note is that both Sub-Zeroes have different costumes, and Bi-Han's one is the alternate.
  • Hey, It's That Sound: The "End of Rage" sound from the DC crossover comes back in several circumstances in this game.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!:
  • I Knew It!:
    • Seeing as Deception's Konquest mode established that Kenshi (the Blind Weaponmaster swordsman from Deadly Alliance and one of the few Ensemble Darkhorses from the post-MK3 era) had been around since the time of the first game (he had apparently Missed the Call for joining the tournament, and thus missed his chance to enact his revenge on Shang Tsung), many assumed that he had a good chance of making it onto the roster here. He was confirmed as DLC.
    • There had also been a fan theory since the time of Gold (thanks to Cyrax's ending) that the Lin Kuei's ranks do not consist exclusively of Chinese people (or those of Chinese ancestry in the case of the Chinese-American-Cyromancer Sub-Zero bros., who were taken to China against their will by their father). Smoke and Cyrax's bios confirm this to be true; the former hails from Prague and is named Tomas Vrbada, while the latter is Motswana and was recruited to join the clan (so... Slavic and African "ninjas"?).
  • Jossed: It had been assumed for years among the fandom that Jade's parents were Edenian nobility, thus explaining how she and Kitana were so close during their childhood and beyond. In reality, Jade was actually offered as a tribute to Shao Kahn in her infant years, where she was raised alongside Kitana as one of Kahn's assassins.
  • The Other Darrin: Most of the VAs for the MK side from vs. DCU return here, with a few exceptions:
  • Relationship Voice Actor:
  • Talking to Himself:
    • Michael McConnohie voices both Ermac and Kano.
    • Karen Strassman voices both Kitana and Mileena.
    • Lani Minella voices both Sindel and Sheeva.
    • Jamieson Price voices both Noob Saibot and the Announcer.
    • Andrew Kishino voices both Shang Tsung and Sektor.
    • Bob Carter voices Shao Kahn and Baraka.
    • Ken Lally voices Smoke, Goro, and Shinnok.
    • Rhasaan Orange voices Cyrax and Kintaro.
    • Dana Lyn Baron voices both Sonya and Skarlet.
    • Patrick Seitz voices both Scorpion and Freddy.
  • Shown Their Work: All of Freddy's attacks and combos are named after the many puns and one-liners he used in his movies.
  • Shout-Out: