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Here are the characters who debuted in Mortal Kombat: Armageddon.

Every other character, including Blaze, can be found at their respective sheets.



MK Daegon 01 7035

  "So you know. Yes, I killed them. I had to! Lord Shinnok warned me that they had decided to assist you! (...) With the very weapons Father gave us to use against Blaze. And now I will use them to destroy you. Fight!"



MK Taven 01 9088
  • Abel: To Daegon's Cain.
  • Awful Truth: His brother founded the Red Dragon clan and was trying to kill him all along.

 Taven: "Why are you here?" [at the Red Dragon caverns]

Daegon: "This is my stronghold."

Taven: "Your stronghold? And these warriors...?"

Daegon: "I founded the Red Dragon Clan many ages ago."

Taven: "There must be some misunderstanding. Your soldiers have been hunting me."

Daegon: "There is no misunderstanding. For years, my clan has been infiltrating every corner of Earthrealm searching for you. Scouting parties were placed in locations where you were likely to appear. At our parents' temple, for instance." (...)

Taven: "Why would you send your clan after me?"

Daegon: "Isn't it obvious? I intend to kill you."

Taven: "What!?"

Daegon: "The prize will be mine, Taven. I will not risk losing it to you."


 Fujin: "Stop, Taven!"

Taven: "Fujin!"

Fujin: "I sense that there's more significance to your actions here than it's apparent. I suggest you to return to Edenia immediately".

Taven: "I would like some information first. The Red Dragon have attacked me twice. I'd like to know the reason, and I'm not leaving until I find it!"

Fujin: "Such ignorance! I will stop you — by force if necessary."

Taven: "I respect you, Fujin. You are a friend to my family. But I will not leave."

Fujin: "Then you leave me no choice. Fight!"

    • And then, after defeating him:

  "I didn't want to do that. Fujin has been an ally for many ages. (...)"

  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: After defeating Daegon in Konquest, he takes his stolen sword back. Changing to his weapon style in the final fight with Blaze reveals... the same damn sword he's been using the entire game.
  • Idiot Hero: Is pretty gullible all in all. Some of it can be attributed to how long he's been asleep: he is extremely out of the loop regarding, well, near everything.
  • Sealed Good in a Can
  • Spanner in the Works: His quest ends up derailing several villains' plans. For example, he stalls Sektor and his Tekunin long enough for the Special Forces to attack, helps fends off Noob and Smoke's attack on the Lin Kuei temple (including saving Sub-Zero's life), and breaks Quan Chi's hold over Sareena.
  • Tall, Dark and Handsome
  • Teleport Spam: His "Escape" attack.
  • Time Stands Still: His "Time Stop" attack.

Non Playable[]





Wu Lae[]


  The leader of the Tengu clan Taven encounters in his quest in Arctika. Said clan is a rival clan of the Lin Kuei.
