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  • Fan Nickname:
    • Some fans call the God of Earth as "Ohona", though it's unknown where the name came from, or "Chijin", the name of the Japanese god of earth.
    • For the same reasons as above, "Kumari" or "Suijin" for the Water God. Due to one fan-made sprite comic, he's also occasionally called O'Shin.
    • "Hinoka" or "Kajin" for the Fire God.
  • Franchise Killer: The entire Mythologies series was shelved after the game sold poorly and was panned by critics.
  • Hey, It's That Guy!:
    • John Turk is Sub-Zero's performer here and in 3. In that game, he also performed: *deep breath* Shang Tsung, Reptile, Scorpion, Ermac, Rain and Noob Saibot.
    • Sai Divita, who performed in 3 as Nightwolf, Sektor, Cyrax and Smoke, plays Scorpion.
    • Richard Divizio, Kano's and Kabal's performer in 3, plays Quan Chi and Shang Tsung.
    • Lia Montelongo, Sindel's performer in 3, plays Sareena.
    • Tony Marquez, Kung Lao's performer in 3, plays Fujin.
    • Brian Glynn, Shao Khan's performer in 2 and 3, plays the Water God.
    • Kerri Hoskins, Sonya's performer in the Mortal Kombat 3 games, plays Kia.
  • Stillborn Franchise: This was intended to be the start of a "Mythologies" beat-em-up series, but it instead froze those plans until 2005.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • Sareena was supposed to become a Canon Immigrant, but was cut from the roster all the way until Armageddon. Specifically, she was supposed to appear in 4 (Fujin took her place), Deadly Alliance and Deception. She did make it into the Tournament Edition for GBA, but her moveset borrowed from other characters who had been cut from that game.
    • Sareena's beta name was Eia.