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  • After a bike race, the ending order is 1. Lekime 2. Tagginett 3. Uppda 4. Haas and 5. Levinette
    • The bike race in general. Nothing funnier than a bunch of grown men riding hilariously small tricycles while making "vroom" noises.
  • A contestant is tasked with drawing "Catbird on a Stick" and does it in two brush strokes.
    • The commentators' reactions to it make it even funnier.

 "Right up there with the great masters! Gaugin, Monet..."

"Ron Jeremy."


  • One of the contestants during an episode with the rolling rock challenge gets crushed against the wall by one of the obviously styrofoam rocks, but the bone-crunching sound effects and screaming added in makes it hilarious.
  • A contestant was getting a running start and getting extremely hyper, and decided to throw in some flips along the way. He goes for a backflip... and lands right on the back of his neck.
    • Then there's the interview he gives afterwards. "Did I win?" "I have blood in my stool."
    • What makes this even funnier is that unlike other wipeouts, we pan to Vic and Kenny with a look that says "You've gotta be fucking kidding me." They then forget about the contestant's actual performance during the challenge and continue to comment on the backflip gone wrong.
  • During one challenge in which contestants much run up a hill where giant rocks are hurtling toward them from upslope, with the only shelter populated by show personnel there to keep them out for a challenge, one of the contestants pulls one of them out of his hiding spot, and the second gameshow personnel falls over trying to catch them both. And they all wind up getting crushed.
  • Any of the Most Painful Eliminations, but in particular, this one, especially number one.
  • After the injuries a previous contestant suffered during Boulder Dash, a new safety suit is made and Kenny decides to test it during a Boulder Dash run. He comes out of it with crushed nuts after he ends up "hugging" one of the boulders due to minimal padding in the "groinal-sack region" and stuff dripping out of his ears after a second boulder his him directly in the head despite the helmet.
    • On his way to test the suit, Kenny purposely hits his head against the wall to test the helmet.
  • The entirety of Monsters vs Mascots. If you thought watching everyone wipe out was hilarious, now you get to watch them wipe out in full costume, some of whom even try to act in-character in spite of giant boulders rolling their way.