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  "So I've got a message out there for every fucking troll with a headset and a copy of Modern Warfare: NOTHING excuses this kind of bullshit behaviour, ESPECIALLY being good at a goddamn FPS doesn't excuse this kind of behaviour. You are not a badass because you own a copy of Call of Duty, you are not "The Man" because you can swing around and pretend to virtual gun on a kill streak! You think you're so damn hardcore, go join the actual army, if you're such a badass gun slinging mother fucker! I bet you're in for a rude awakening if you did, kiddo!"


  "The subwoofer was never meant to be weaponized."

  • Everyone Is Jesus in Purgatory (It's called "The Game Overthinker", after all.)
  • Fan Nickname: Movieblob and Cinema Robert/Roberto are common go-to monikers for his ever-growing Hatedom.
  • Hatedom: Quite a large one on The Escapist.
  • He Who Fights Monsters: Many of his rants comes very close to what "hardcore frat boys" talk and act like (or at least what he think they do).
  • Hype Backlash: Eventually received this, probably after his move to Screw Attack and him going to The Escapist.
  • Jump the Shark: The Game Antithinker "Arc"
  • Overshadowed by Controversy: Thanks to his many extremist political tirades, unironic belief in concepts like eugenics, and violent defense of the ridiculously controversial movie Cuties among other things, Bob has alienated tons of fans and earned a reputation even worse than the likes of a lot of former Channel Awesome alumni. It's telling that one of the first things Google autofills when you search is name is "Moviebob Eugenics".
  • The Problem with Licensed Games: Discussed in ep 16, as advice to non-gamer gift-giver.
  • Seasonal Rot: The Channel Hop to Screw Attack has resulted in some weaker videos in some people's eyes. The Game Antithinker is considered being a Jump the Shark moment for some.
  • So Okay It's Average: Good Enough Movies is designed to be an analysis and celebration of movies that Bob feels fall into this category whilst still having memorable moments.
  • Straw Man Has a Point: Discussed in "Building A Better Gamer." To paraphrase, gamers may not be the violent psychopaths waiting to happen that politicians tend to portray them as but they're also not helping matters by being grody, disturbingly rude sociophobes.