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CBC Sitcom based on the stand-up comedy of Gerry Dee. He plays the title character, Gerry Duncan, a borderline-incompetent High School gym teacher pressed into teaching academic subjects as well. Primarily a Work Com focused on the teachers, but also notable for being Halifax- rather than Toronto-based and using amateur actors to play the kids, thus being one of the few teen-character-heavy English language Canadian shows not to use any of the actors listed on the Only So Many Canadian Actors page.

  • Bland-Name Product: Xavier Academy's name implies it's a Catholic school and that's Gerry Dee's background, but nothing is ever stated and none of the faculty members in this faculty-centered show is in Holy Orders.
  • Elaborate University High: Filmed in a real school in Halifax that looks almost new and really nice.
  • Granola Girl: Ms. McPhee, the guidance counsellor.
  • Mysterious Teachers' Lounge: Averted, but an issue is that the librarian tends to hog the microwave.
  • One Steve Limit: Played with. A Running Gag is how another teacher (Mr. Dwyer) has the nickname "Mr.D", Gerry wants it, but Dwyer is much more popular with the kids.
  • Only Sane Employee: Inverted. The title character is the least sane employee while the others pass around the Sanity Ball.
  • Sucky School: Once you get past the gleaming architecture and spiffy uniforms, the standards of teaching have to be pretty low for Mr. Duncan to hold onto his job. And the other teachers aren't that much better.
  • The Peter Principle: Played with, Mr. Duncan is barely competent as a PE teacher, and totally incompetent as an English teacher.
  • Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist: Mr. Duncan isn't a loud Jerkass, but he's not a subtle one either.