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0KVV1 3223

Gimmick! / Mr. Gimmick! is a NES game by Sunsoft, makers of Blaster Master. In this game, a young girl receives a green Waddling Head doll for her birthday. The other toys in her bedroom grow jealous of the new toy's popularity, and that night they come to life and kidnap the girl, taking her through a portal to a Floating Island. The green doll ("Mr. Gimmick") leaps after her to save her.

Gimmick's main weapon is a bouncing star that he generates above his head. He can ride the star if he leaps on top of it. He can also carry in his inventory up to 3 of: Fireballs that can fly straight, bombs with a reasonable blast radius, and Healing Potions.

Frank Cifaldi made a very reverent Let's Play of the entire game as part of his 1UP blog.

Gimmick! uses these tropes: