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Mudhoney is a Grunge band formed by former Green River frontman Mark Arm. Along with Nirvana Mudhoney is the main Trope Codifier of Grunge. Dispite this they received little popularity or media attention besides their college radio hit Touch Me I'M Sick. However Mudhoney has a strong grassroots fanbase, and they've even managed to record eight records (not including EP's without any mainstream success. They contnue to perform live, despite the wanning of grunge's popularity.

One of the few cases where the lead singer was both Trope Maker and Trope Codifier for the same genre.


  • Superfuzz Bigmuff EP (1988)
  • Mudhoney (1989)
  • Superfuzz Bigmuff Plus Early Singles (1990)
  • Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge (1991)
  • Piece of Cake (1992)
  • My Brother The Cow (1995)
  • Tomorrow Hit Today (1998)
  • March to Fuzz (2000)
  • Since We've Become Translucent (2002)
  • Under a Billion Suns (2006)
  • The Lucky Ones (2008)


  • Intercourse with You : Touch me I'm Sick is a Subversion due to the disgusting, self loathing, and angsty way that the sex is presented.
  • Mean Character, Nice Actor : Despte the angsty lyrics and the snotty, aggressive vocals, many interviewers have pointed out that Mark Arm is a very amiable and friendly dude.