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  • At the end:

 Mulan: I brought the sword of Shan Yu, and the crest of the Emperor. They're gifts to honor the Fa Family.

Fa Zhou: (throws them aside and hugs her) The greatest gift and honor is having you for a daughter.

  • "Don't you worry, okay? Things will work out. We started this thing together, and that's how we'll finish it. I promise." ...from Mushu, who had originally been using Mulan as a ticket to becoming a guardian again.
  • "You are the craziest man I have ever met... and for that I owe you my life."
  • While the scene is mainly a Tear Jerker, Shang decides not to have Mulan killed for breaking the law since he saved his life and wishes to return the favor. Considering what happens later, it's safe to say that Shang does not regret this decision.
  • All of China bowing to Mulan. Even Chi-Fu does, though he's clearly reluctant.
  • At the end of the movie, at the end Mulan says "Would you like to stay for dinner?" and the Grandma shouts "Would you like to stay forever?"
  • After "Reflection", in which Mulan is clearly doubting herself and feels that she has let her family down, her father comes up to her under the blossom tree. At first, she's too ashamed to even look at him, but instead of being angry or even stern, her father cheers her up with this moving piece of dialogue:

 Fa Zhou: (sits down next to Mulan and looks up at the budding blossom tree) My, my. What beautiful blossoms we have this year. (notices a late bud) But look! This one's late. But I'll bet that when it blooms, it will be the most beautiful of all.

  • Shang's blundering around Mulan at the end. "Um, fight good." A fine Adorkable moment.
  • Mulan giving the Emperor a hug.

 Is she allowed to do that?

don't know, don't care

  • It's quick, but after they save the Emperor and Shan Yu turns to Shang and Mulan on the ground, Shang puts his arm out protectively in front of Mulan.
  • When the Emperor is captured by Shan Yu, we see Shang, Yao, Ling, and Chien-Po trying to break into the palace to rescue him. Mulan runs over and tells them she has a plan. Shang looks understandably hesitant to follow her, but Yao, Ling, and Chien-Po immediately drop what they're doing and run over to help her. It clearly doesn't bother them a bit that she's a woman or that she had to lie to get into the army. That is the very definition of True Companions.