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  • The scene where Kermit and Ms. Piggy sing "Love Led Us Here."
  • While it's never really explored in-depth, Jim's friendship with Rizzo and Gonzo does have some cute moments, such as when they affirm their True Companions status at the Benbow, followed by a collective "I Want" Song.
  • Silver:
    • When the mutineers turn on Jim and Silver, this exchange follows:

Long John Silver: Run, lad! Save yourself!

Jim: Why are you doing this?

Long John Silver: Because I like you, boy! I hope you didn't think I was lying about that!

    • Fridge Brilliance suggests that Silver genuinely planned on giving Jim a full share of the treasure before everything went south. He also actively tries to persuade Jim to join them, rather than take it by force at first.
    • And when Silver seems about to put a bullet in Jim to enable his escape from the boat at the end of the film, but ultimately refuses.

Long John Silver: Oh, Hell, Jim! I could never harm you. You're honest, and brave, and true. You didn't learn that from me.

Jim: I learnt it from my friends, Mr. Silver. Now, take your oars and row away, I never want to see you again, ever!

Long John Silver: (Starts rowing away) Oh, hey, Jim! (Throws Jim back his father's compass. Jim catches it, then looks back at Silver as he disappears...) It's a shame, really. We'd have made a great team, Jim!

  • Sweetums turns out to be on the side of Jim and Cap. Smollett. Though it's got some elements of CMOF and CMOA to it as well.

 Smollett: Wh- why thank you but, aren't you supposed to be fighting agains't us?

Sweetums: Are you kidding? I love you guys! Ahaha!
