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  • When the now-heavyweight Martin Short goes into his dance number, Nigel can barely show his surprise.

 Nigel: Oh, good grief. Does he look a tad heavier to you?

Rizzo: Define 'tad'.

Nigel: About two tons!

  • At the end of one episode, Miss Piggy wakes up during a flight to see something on the wing, and she freaks out. Meanwhile, seated next to her is William Shatner, who tries to calm her down by saying, "Oh, he's been bothering me for years."
  • The 'Lion Sleeps Tonight' sketch, where the singing is actually keeping the titular lion awake, to the point where he chases the other animals off the stage. And onto Clifford.
  • In the Heather Locklier episode, Heather is hypnotized so that she switches from good to evil at the sound a double-clang. In the final number, Kermit keeps making that same noise with his cane. At one point Heather begins hitting baby rabbits with her umbrella. Rizzo comments, "We're gonna hear from people."