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  • The last lines.

 Willie Wang: Pop, was there a murder?

Sydney Wang: Yes. Killed good weekend! Dlive, please.

  • There's a bomb in Sam and Tess' room:

 Sam Diamond: I've got an idea! I don't know if it will work but I've got to try. Turn around!

Tess Skeffington: I've turned, Sam.

Sam Diamond: Whatever you do, don't turn around until I say so.

Tess Skeffington: (turns around) But Sam...

Sam Diamond: I said turn around!

Tess Skeffington: Yes, Sam.

Sam Diamond: Good! Cause I think... I'm gonna cry. (blubbering) OhgodI'mtooyoungtodie...

  • "I'm not a Frenchie, I'm a BELGIE!"
  • Absolutely everything said between the Wang father and son.

 Willy Wang: Why do I do all the dirty work, Pop?

Sidney Wang: 'Cause your mother not here to do it.

  • There have been some odd events involving the butler's corpse.

 Dora Charleston: I don't understand. Why would anybody want to steal a dead, naked body?

Dick Charleston: Well, dear, there are people who, um... [whispers in Dora's ear]

Dora Charleston: Oh, that's tacky! That's REALLY tacky!
