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  • Ethnic Scrappy: Diamond treats Wang like this. So does Twain. Wang treats his own son like this, too.
  • Fridge Brilliance: Twain's Running Gag of being a Grammar Nazi toward Wang makes a lot more sense when you learn that he raised him. This means that not only has Twain been putting up with Wang's You No Take Candle style of speech for years, but that Wang has been apparently doing it on purpose the whole time, as he was actually raised in an English speaking environment.
  • Mind Screw: "Just what the hell was going on?" is a not uncommon phrase uttered by viewers as the movie ends.
  • Shallow Parody: Arguably misses the point of Nick Charles. Dick Charleston is portrayed as "enormously well bred" and sophisticated. Nick's wife was classy, but Nick himself was a streetwise New York flatfoot, and one of the series' Running Gags was how little he tried to fit in as a socialite.
    • It wouldn't be too hard to assume William Powell's Nick was posh, given his snappy banter with Myrna Loy and penchant for really nice suits.