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- Crowning Moment of Awesome:
- Martello's Shut UP, Hannibal and Awesome By Analysis victory over Thrive. Not only did she set him (and herself) on fire, she subverts both Taking You with Me and Heroic Sacrifice by taking her and Go's Required Secondary Powers into account.
- Crowning Moment of Funny
- "Yeah, you might say I'm aware of the spiders."
- "We may have had a few of our wackier shenanigans in the city he swore to protect."
- Morgenstern's response to claims that the new artist's style was 'too anime': "Here's the original, unedited version of this strip. You can tell it's been revised quite a few times before the final product, since obfuscobble tends to draw things a bit more... anime than I used to."
- as well as the postscript: (I'd say link is NSFW but you shouldn't be reading Mario comics at work anyway)
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming:
- Palma's memory of what her mother told her.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Squishie. He's only shown up in one chapter so far but fans absolutely adore him, and there was much rejoicing when it was revealed he wasn't dead.
- Funny Aneurysm Moment: One filler strip discussed what could be under Guy's mask; one of the options was a robot. In Chapter 4 we learn that Guy's entire race was roboticised and since then he's developed a crippling fear of automatons.
- The Woobie: Guy in more recent chapters. His hometown was invaded and his entire race turned into robots, which would have been his fate had McCoy not intervened. This caused his deathly fear of robots, and when he eventually does befriends a friendly little Bob-Omb it sacrifies itself to save the group. Thankfully for the poor guy Squishie turned out to be repairable.