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Prison sex vid 6397

My lamb and martyr
This will be over soon
You look so precious...


I also happen to be one who never really understood the universal appeal of Thriller. Sure, it was a great album, and it's a great video, but it's so disturbing! Look at him! He's scarier than anything I've ever seen in a horror movie! And what's even more frightening it's that the world embraces this so much!


Sometimes they want to scare you with not only the music but the video attached to it. Here's a list of Nightmare Fuel music videos!

For songs that are scary on their own, try the Nightmare Fuel page.

  • The most famous music video of all time, "Thriller" by Michael Jackson, directed by John Landis, has haunted generations of children. Michael's transformation into a werecat (some people say it was a werewolf, while the making of movie says a cat creature) at the beginning was pretty terrifying, especially because nothing at the start of the video suggests that something that gruesome will occur.
    • Then there are the scenes with the zombies rising from the graves with expressionless faces and rotting bodies. Michael transforming into a zombie himself, with that huge forehead and bulging eyes is frightening in itself, but the very idea that his girlfriend is now completely alone and chased into an abandoned house, where she is driven into a corner is mind boggling scary. Thankfully the whole thing was just a bad dream the girlfriend was having. Or Was It a Dream? — and then Michael turns to the camera with those demonic eyes, followed by the evil laughter of Vincent Price. So you realize she is still not safe. Also note that everything takes place in the dark.
    • Michael's later Ghosts (1997), based on a plot he and Stephen King hashed out (and currently the record-holder for the longest music video at 38 minutes), has its own troupe of dancing, increasingly ugly ghouls who, led by Michael's "Maestro", entertain/torment an angry mob and their bigoted leader (Michael in heavy makeup). (Why are they angry? Maestro was apparently living all alone in a spooky mansion and telling local kids ghost stories in secret.) The weird thing is that even when Maestro physically turns into a ghoul, possesses the helpless mayor by forcing himself in liquid form down his throat, and ultimately turns him into a ghoul temporarily and painfully, you're supposed to be rooting for him!
    • The video to "Torture" by the Jacksons. At one point, one of the brothers is feeling his way along a wall covered in eyeballs, accidentally sticks his hand in one, and pulls it out. His palm now has an eye in the center of it, and it looks at him.
  • The Squirrel Nut Zippers' video for "The Ghost of Stephen Foster" specifically mimics creepy old-timey cartoons like the weird Fleischer Brothers Betty Boop ones, focusing in this case on a couple getting stuck in a Hell Hotel that gets progressively scarier throughout the video. Watch and quake in fear.
    • It's not helped by the fact that the song is disturbing all by itself, with its combination of bombastic and eerie instrumental work, strangely unsettling lyrics, and haunting vocals. Bonus goosepimples for use of Camptown Races.
  • Marilyn Manson's "The Beautiful People", a video that contains elements of Body Horror and Uncanny Valley. Just watch it for yourself: [1]
    • Marilyn Manson seems to specialise in this. Weird costumes, metal teeth, mutated-looking people on stilts... all well and good until you ended up seeing them while sleep-deprived.
  • Iron Maiden have a surprising few.
    • Afraid to Shoot Strangers has clips of the band playing inter spliced with clips of the gulf war. There are some VERY disturbing images in there, particularly the one of the man shooting his gun towards the grey sky.
    • Bring Your Daughter... To the Slaughter is similar, though it has clips from old school horror movies.
    • Man on the Edge. The video is both clips of the band playing in a warehouse with an eerie strobe light effect, and footage of peoplejumping to their deaths off of skyscrapers.
    • The Final Frontier. Predator-like Eddie = -shudders-
    • This unofficial video for When The Wild Wind Blows. Especially the Soundtrack Dissonance with the soft outro set to the rather frightening earthquake video.
    • Wildest Dreams is where the band topped themselves in terms of creepiness. The eerie wasteland look of the desert they race through, eerie possessed Bruce at the beginning, the slave bearing Eddie and his little black minions, the scene where they drive through his mouth and are chased by a gigantic black snake, and the very last shot where Eddie stares you down from the sky. Sweet dreams!
  • Pink Floyd, "The Trial".
  • The video for "Easy" by Barenaked Ladies has little to do with the song itself, and a lot more to do with creepy, bloodstained warped fairy tale imagery. The crows don't help.
  • Potentially, all the videos made by Tool, some of them starring naked albinos removing their body parts.
    • Just try watching "Sober" at night...
    • And then there's the video for "Prison Sex".
      • The absolute topper for Tool is without a doubt the video for "Schism". It is ...quite disturbing.
      • Tool has actually topped even that with "Vicarious". Humanoid creatures with see-thru skin and curious-faced little worms that exit their eyeballs and go exploring? It gives genuine nightmares.
  • Daft Punk has made more than their fair share of creepy music videos, but that robot from "Technologic"? It. Will. Kill. You. That it was originally the armature for Chucky doesn't help one iota.
  • The video for "Do the Evolution" by Pearl Jam. Its extreme use of Humans Are Bastards displays nothing but horrible atrocities and horrific images of abuse against... well... everything.
    • The video for "Jeremy" can be equally disturbing, what with the way the video was shot, Eddie Vedder's creepy expression, and the video's premise and Downer Ending.
    • MTV decided to cut a certain scene from the video where Jeremy stands in front of the class, puts the gun in his mouth, and the class ends up coated in blood. With this (slightly confusing) scene cut, the ending becomes very vague; they show Jeremy with the gun, but they didn't show him put it in his mouth. Without prior knowledge of the story behind the song, and without watching the cut scene, the ending may make it look like Jeremy shot his classmates, which can be just as disturbing.
    • What makes this even scarier is that it was a true story.
  • "Mary Jane's Last Dance" has Tom Petty as a morgue worker who steals the corpse of a beautiful woman (played by Kim Basinger) and takes it home with him, which he dresses up, eats with, and does other things to, before finally dumping her in the ocean. The worst part? At the end, she opens her eyes.
  • The video for Therapy?'s "Teethgrinder" is filled with all kinds of creepy visuals, one of the scariest being the singing woman with teeth that have been ground to stubs.
  • The music video for Serj Tankian's "Empty Walls" features the lead singer parading around a Circus of Fear with a bizarre, sociopathic look on his face, wearing a Svengali-esque costume, while various small children play happily...or, according to some viewers, reenact the War on Terror; with one kid throws a model plane into another's jenga tower, one drives a car into a building with a confetti "explosion", and everyone in the play house gets gunned down with silly string. Pretty creepy.
    • Another video for a song entitled "We are One" featuring both himself and experimental guitarist Buckethead, which depicts the stories of the various dead things that Buckethead uses to make a Frankenstein's Monster which, when reanimated, does the same to him.
    • And then there's the rest of his videos. Check the end off the official "Sky Is Over" video, or most of "Lie Lie Lie" (which he says was supposed to be lighthearted!), and 'The Unthinking Majority' is almost bizarre. And all with that creepy feeling...
  • Anything by Tom Waits. But especially "Don't Want To Grow Up" and "God's Away On Business". It doesn't help that Tom Waits' singing voice is such that he could make "Happy Birthday" sound like a death threat.
  • Aphex Twin has more than a few:
    • Come to Daddy — elderly lady is harassed by children, each one of their faces replaced by the identical grinning visage of Richard D. James' snotty ginger mug, whilst another distorted version of his face howls from a nearby TV about how he wants your soul. It gets worse from then on in.
    • Windowlicker — A bizarre play on gangster rap imagery that pairs a seductive Aphex Twin with legions of progressively fatter women, each with the artist's face pasted over theirs, culminating in a weirdly climactic dance number on the beach. The first few minutes of the full-length video hold some kind of record for profanity density.
    • Rubber Johnny — more disturbing than the first two put together. Think Eraserhead set to a rave track.
      • These three videos were all directed by Chris Cunningham - a one-man nightmare fuel factory.
    • And then, there's also this.
    • Parts of Donkey Rhubarb give me creeps...
  • On a similar vein, there exists a video of Venetian Snares' "Find Candace" which suits this trope quite well.
  • Basement Jaxx "Where's Your Head At? — a man is shown around a 'facility' where animals are trained to play instruments. Then you see that 'every single one' has a human face. When they start reverting to animal behaviour and attacking him, he's forced to flee, but is cornered by the Mad Scientist apparently explaining that we know where we went wrong; we just need a few more subjects like that man with a baboon's head in the chair beside you...
  • Evanescence's songs are creepy enough, but two of their videos are really disturbing, "Bring Me To Life", and "Call Me When You're Sober". The latter is a retelling of Little Red Riding Hood with a handsome manipulative millonare in the place of the "wolf".
    • There's also the video for "Going Under". The song is creepy by itself, and then the truly terrifying. If you listen closely to the lyrics, Amy might already be dead.
    • Almost every song by Evanescence is creepy. "Lose Control" has a rhyme in the middle of it that goes like this: "Mary had a lamb, it's eyes black as coal. If we play very quiet my lamb, Mary never has to know."
  • If you thought that the "Going Under" video was creepy, watch the video for Italian songwriter Simone Cristicchi's "Che bella gente", based on similar facial distortions. That priest will haunt you.
  • Steriogram's "Walkie Talkie Man" must have caused a few nightmares. A massive doll-man thrusts his hand through the studio wall and tears the lead singer in half, exposing realistic organs (or as realistic as knitted ones can be) and oozing yarn blood. It's okay, though, they stitch him up again — backwards. Freaky.
  • this video
  • Slipknot's "Spit It Out" music video, which parodies The Shining.
  • "Bones" by the Killers, which has the theme of skeletons in it and, yes, is directed by Tim Burton.
  • This one is already in the Body Horror section of the site, but the full version of the "Rock DJ" music video by Robbie Williams deserves a mention here (strip-tease that evolves into skin and muscles). The music video of "Radio" is also quite disturbing especially when we see Robbie becoming quite snake-like during the part near the end.
  • Nine Inch Nails, who have (has?) built a career on unsettling videos. While "Closer" is deeply unsettling, the best example of their (his?) work is "Deep", in which lead singer Trent Reznor drives around in his car, looking like one of the Uruk-Hai creatures from Lord of the Rings, due to the fact that he was stole a valuable safe, and was sprayed with a toxic dye that won't come out.
    • "Happiness in Slavery." In case you might think of checking this one out for yourself, here's a summary:
      • A man gets naked, lies down, and allows a machine to rip off his penis and gradually chop up the rest of his body, then grind him into meat, all depicted quite graphically, though about as artistically as possible... and in black and white. You've been warned.
        • The man in question? Bob Flanagan: Supermasochist. He was all OVER this video.
    • "Starfuckers, Inc.", a rare music video from NIN, features Trent and a typical 'Hawt Blonde Gurl' going to a filthy carnival that looks like it's taking place in the Deliverence town, featuring all sorts of celebrity Take That including a hideously obese Courtney Love. The video doesn't get insanely freaky until the end, where it's all in strobe lights and Hawt Blonde Gurl shocks everyone by revealing she's Marilyn Manson!
    • The music video for Pinion, a short instrumental track, is downright unsettling. All grainy and colorless, the video starts with a creepy shot of a dirty toilet flushing, with the music lightly tapping away. As the track builds, the video pans down the pipes, getting more intense until you see a leatherbound human being with his mouth against the pipe; twitching silently as he's drowned. Holy mother of God.
  • How To Destroy Angels' video for "The Spaces in Between" slowly reveals a murder scene in a hotel room. Mariqueen Maandig is a corpse that begins calmly singing, continuing as fire sears the flesh. Trent Reznor appears as a man who is somehow lying in a pool of his own blood and simultaneously watching TV nearby (the lack of clear chronology adds to the unsettling feel).
    • Erm, that guy watching TV isn't Trent Reznor. That's the OTHER member of HTDA, Atticus Ross.
  • The music video for Converge's Axe To Fall is one minute and 48 seconds of mind-melting noise set to quick, fast paced grainy shots that look like an actual snuff-film or the set of Saw, torture machinery and all. The song ends with something dragging what appears to be either organs or wet wiring through an opaque window while vocalist Jacob Bannon is literally howling.
  • The song "The Kill" by 30 Seconds To Mars is creepy, as referenced below. The video, which is an homage to The Shining, is even creepier.
    • 30 Seconds to Mars also accomplishes some Nightmare Fuel in "From Yesterday", basically by dressing a large dose of WTF in imperial Chinese clothing.
    • "Attack" also qualifies. Scribbled-out eyes and flickering imagery? Eerie space to perform in? Check.
  • A video from REO Speedwagon of "I Do' Wanna Know" in which the main character dies; when he makes it to heaven, he's abruptly expelled for some trivial offense and dropped into hell. There he's offered a demon costume (which will presumably turn him into a demon); when he refuses, Satan orders him to be hit by a huge hammer which apparently squashes him into nothingness.
  • Lou Reed's video for "No Money Down" involves a remarkably realistic-looking (but not realistic-enough-looking) Lou Reed robot that stands smack-dab square in the middle of the Uncanny Valley. This is bad enough, but the point in the video where the Reedbot slowly removes his sunglasses and then proceeds to tear his/its own face off will haunt you for a very long time. Hearing him sing about heroin addiction and S&M with the Velvet Underground is idyllic in comparison.
  • Jet's "Look What You've Done]" music video, despite its Beatles-esque style. If you couldn't stomach the stuff in Disney's "Bambi", don't watch this video.
  • Korn's video for "Right Now". If you can watch that whole video without feeling sick or slightly nauseous at the end, you've either got extremely strong tolerance or an incredibly messed-up state of mind. The video features an animated character mutilating himself in a variety of sickening ways. Have the Brain Bleach ready if you click the link!
    • "Word-Up" too. The band members heads on dog bodies is just wrong on so many levels.
  • Filter/Crystal Method, "Trip Like I Do". Specially considering it is from the Spawn soundtrack, and scenes of the movie are into it.
    • "Name of the Game" is another example. Just look at the main character's "face".
  • The video for The Smashing Pumpkins' "Try Try Try" is extremely disturbing. It tells the story of two homeless young adults, a man and a woman. The woman is pregnant. The woman gives a guy a blowjob for money so they can buy heroin. They shoot heroin in a bathroom, and they pass out. The girl has a distorted "Black Hole Sun" like fantasy sequence with oversaturated colors, exaggerated smiles, and people shooting each other and vomiting. Then we go back to reality and we see that the girl has miscarried, she's rushed to the hospital, and it ends with her boyfriend finding her (he woke up later) and both of them tearfully embracing. All this intercut with Billy Corgan crying tears of blood.
    • The 15-minute short film version is much more nightmare inducing, especially considering she dies at the end. Even the heroin trip scene is creepier!
  • The music video for "Inside the Fire" by Disturbed can be very frightening. It shows the suicide of his girlfriend, her lifeless body, a creepy ring like girl trying to get him to put a gun in his mouth, and the band members screaming with blood covering them, and ends showing the singer wrapped up in a mental asylum.
    • "The Night": a security guard, getting devoured by an entity that appears to be sentient a parking garage, no less, and yet the band escapes unharmed.
    • Asylum's music video has a man in an asylum running onto the roof, chased by two sadistic doctors. He makes it to the edge, the camera shows the doctor's grins, and he is evidently so sick of the place that he willingly falls to his death. You see his eyes close as he slips into eternal sleep-- whoops! Reset button! And his suffering starts over. This continues for a rather long time, and you really start feeling sorry for the guy. The end of the video shows us that he crawls into a furnace, apparently dies there, only to be found an indeterminate amount of time later by a kitchen worker. The camera zooms in on his mummyish remains...and then his eyes open.
      • The thing that makes that music video so much worse is that the pants that the prisoner wore appear to be the pants from a concentration camp uniform. Given the song "Never Again" on the same album as "Asylum" and David Draiman's heritage, it's almost positive that this is an intentional reference. That makes the end of the video that much more horrifying.
  • Radiohead, "There There", specially the conclusion, where Thom Yorke is slowly and painfully turned into a tree. (The song starts kind of normal, but gets creepier as it goes on...)
    • Two more Radiohead video examples: "Just", where a man lies down on the middle of the street for no reason, and when pushed to tell, causes everyone in hearing shot to lie down as well; and "Pyramid Song", where a CGI stick figure in a world where everything's underwater goes on a deep diving mission to find his old city. He finds his old house, sits in his old chair, and disconnects the oxygen tube.
    • The video for "Like Spinning Plates", too; it features complex, alien machinery, complete with a giant centrifuge that (quite literally) pulls apart the ribcages of two Siamese twin infants. This is made even creepier by the fact that it happens with no blood or gore - the bones just sort of lift themselves out as if the skin were some kind of ghostly material...
    • The video for "No Surprises" shows Thom Yorke trapped inside a pressure-suit/glass-aquarium which is slowly filling up with water until he is fully submerged (and presumably cannot escape) until the water suddenly rushes out. Just try holding your breath along with him, once, if you dare.
    • The Knives Out video contains a lot of strange imagery as well.
  • The video for Laura Branigan's "Self Control" features among other things, a Michael Myers/Eric character who stalks the singer in a trenchcoat, along with other ghost-like figures in facepaint and tights, and a bizarre shot of a grotesque doll at the end of the video.
    • Don't forget the hallway where arms reach out of the walls and try to grasp her.
  • The video for Metallica's "One". It is essentially scenes from the movie Johnny Got His Gun, about a veteran who has lost his arms, legs and senses but still has an intact mind, condensed down in to music video form.

 If I had arms, I could kill myself. If I had legs, I could run away. If I had a voice, I could talk and be some kind of company for myself. I could yell for help, but nobody would help me.

S.O.S. Please help me.

    • "Unforgiven II". It is really goddamn surreal and disturbing!
    • "Enter Sandman"'s video is also pretty trippy and terrifying.
    • The video for Metallica's single "All Nightmare Long" takes place in a terrifying alternate history where the Soviet Union discovered an odd parasite in the aftermath of The Tunguska Event capable of reanimating the dead, and uses it to infect and subsequently take over the U.S. Thanks for the Zombie Apocalypse, Mother Russia! It doesn't help matters that the song is inspired by Frank Belknap Long's 'The Hounds of Tindalos'...
  • Chad Vangaalen's "Molten Light" is quite terrifying in many ways. To the two weirdos ripping a woman's heart out and then feasting on it, people melting for no reason, weird imagery that makes no sense at all and the woman's ghost turning into some kind of horrible bloated monster makes it all into one trippy nightmare. It can almost seem like it was made with this trope in mind, considering that it is animated too.
  • The video for "Two Girls" by Twin Crystals is disturbing enough viewed without context, but is made even more horrible when you realize that the footage was taken from records of an actual experiment. They actually did that to a dog. Several dogs, in fact. And unlike the ending of the film shows, it's highly unlikely that any of the dogs recovered fully from "revival" or survived at all. Oh Sergei Bryukhonenko, you crazy psycho.
  • "Stan" by Eminem. About a deranged fan of Eminem's who never has his letters answered, who commits suicide by driving off a bridge with his pregnant girlfriend in the trunk. Allegedly based on a true story.
    • 3AM is a situation where Eminem pretty much tops himself.
  • Oingo Boingo's "Insanity".
    • Sometimes the most disturbing stuff is implied rather than shown.
  • Flyleaf's All Around Me isn't really that creepy...until the walls start bleeding red paint. It gets worse as the paint eventually covers the floor and splatters the band members' clothes, making it genuinely look like they've been bleeding profusely.
    • Or that they're covered in the blood of people.
  • "Kids" by MGMT. It starts with toddler being accosted by realistic monsters in an otherwise pitch black room. Later it has the kid wandering alone on the street surrounded by monsters and deformed people. The animated section at the end goes Up to Eleven. Of course... it was made by the same people who brought us Superjail.
    • Also from MGMT is "Flash Delirium," which can really only be described as Deranged Live-Action.
  • The video for Catherine Wheel's Waydown is pure nightmare fuel for anybody who has a fear of flying. Rumor has it that MTV banned it due to complaints from viewers. This didn't stop Beavis and Butthead for ripping into it, however.
  • Any video by Japanese band Dir en Grey. Especially the video for "Obscure". There are clowns! And also tentacles and blood and things.
    • I can watch every single music video from Dir en Grey but can't bring myself to finish obscure, the stuff is so insane and creepy that looks like it was shot in the gates of hell.
    • There's also "Mazohyst of Decadence". And "Saku". And "Raison D'etre". And "Grief". And "Agitated Screams of Maggots". Ah hell, just about every single video they have ever done is straight-up HONF.
  • Serge Gainsbourg's Lemon Incest is somewhat disturbing to start with, beginning with slightly ambiguous lyrics that speak of father/daughter incest. However, the video pushes this into Nightmare Fuel as the song is sung by Gainsbourg in bed with a scantily-clad girl who could be 15. And then the vomit-meter hits 11 as you realize that the girl is Gainsbourg's own daughter!
  • The Offspring's video for "Hammerhead." The Deranged Animation-filled "She's Got Issues" as well.
  • Alice in Chains' video for "Get Born Again" is filled with this. As are "Angry Chair", "I Stay Away", and "Man in the Box".
    • Related to Alice In Chains: "Leave Me Alone", the single by Jerry Cantrell. It can be considered to be pretty creepy considering it's from The Cable Guy and has a shot of Jim Carrey's character grinning evilly at the end.
  • Three Days Grace. The "Animal I Have Become" video.
  • The music video for Avenged Sevenfold's "A Little Piece of Heaven". This shit really has to be seen to be believed. Oh, and good luck trying to subsequently unsee it...
    • It crosses the line so many times that it doesn't take long for it to go from scary to hilarious for some. That being said, however, it's still very squicky and can be pretty frightening if you aren't expecting it.
    • The video for "Beast and the Harlot". The lyrics alone were bad enough, but the video makes it many times worse, as it terrifies you into being virtuous by showing sinners being eaten alive by a virus.
    • Nightmare's video is pretty damn disturbing as well. M. Shadows being strapped down to agurney and wheeled through a corridor, seeing his other band members insane and constant references to The Rev...oh, and the children playing in a pool of blood.
  • Moby's Disco Lies video. The first scene can turn you into a veggie in a second, but what's following is way worse in the uncut version. You can see a giant pimp chicken picking, chewing and then spitting an eyeball from a helpless thug. And in the end, after violently murdering the Colonel-wanabee, the chicken proceed to eat his legs with barbecue sauce. While laughing.
  • The music video for "Disturbia" by Rihanna.
  • This video, brought to you courtesy of The Birthday Massacre. Those dolls will be haunting your dreams for the next few nights.
  • Land of Confusion by Genesis is a pretty good song. The video, on the other hand, is set largely within the Uncanny Valley, featuring puppets done by the folks who made the satirical British program Spitting Image.
  • Go watch the video for Oomph!'s Auf Kurs. Here, have a link. Watch it and try not to cringe. (It gets bad about 1:18.)
    • Add the video for Augen Auf!, Labyrinth and last but certainly not least Beim Ersten Mal tut's Immer Weh. On the final one, the title reads "It always hurts the first time", and what you've guessed is so much milder than what happens in the video...
      • Labyrinth is all the more disturbing for the main character being a little girl (sort of the point, it's a dark Alice in Wonderland)
    • Ok, how about Gott ist ein Popstar. maybe you can guess what it's about. The lyrics and the video is certainly unnerving, but at around 2:35, watch for ... faces ... doing things they shouldn't.
  • The video for "Leave Me Here" by the post-metal band Cult of Luna. Watch the video, and you wade into a seriously screwtastic Uncanny Valley.
  • The video for Modest Mouse's King Rat involves and interesting inversion on fishstick production, where whales fish for people! Gruesome!
  • Also, Modest Mouse's video for "The Whale Song" is pretty full of nasty, surreal stuff. Isaac trapped in a nightmarish world accompanied by howling, bending guitar noises is pretty freaky. And let's not forget when his organs come falling out of his body.
  • Supergrass's Mary has a video intended to parody "Video Nasties" of the '70s and '80s, with scenes such as a mother projectile vomiting over her children at the dinner table and a woman drowning in a bath full of blood.
  • The video for Waste a Moment by Fightstar shows a rich jerk who takes a coin that a homeless man was trying to get. The homeless guy throws a marble, and a "child" in a red hoodie appears out of nowhere and begins to chase after the marble. He/she wanders onto a train track so the rich jerk rushes to save the child, but then we see that under the hood is a horrifying alien-demon thing, which pins the rich man down as a train runs him over. The video was banned from airing before the 9pm "watershed", and is instead replaced by a less terrifying version that just shows the band playing the song.
  • This isn't exactly a music video, but could easily be the highest octane nightmare fuel known to humanity. The first few seconds are terrible for reasons hard to understand. But it gets worse.
  • Cranberries' Salvation. Hey, look! An Evil Clown who's obviously Pinhead's cousin, with syringes instead of fingers! Totally family friendly!
  • Coheed and Cambria's "Feathers" music video. Despite the upbeat singing and cool guitar riffs and the like, you think this is a family friendly music video. It's not. First, it starts out innocently enough...then It Gets Worse. It doesn't help that the wife turns out to be a complete monster, by the end. The real kicker? by the end, after cooking up everyone, she feeds the bits to her family. Yikes.
  • The video for Beck's "Loser", with the girls working out in the graveyard and moving coffin, is eerie in that it uses somewhat morbid imagery while making absolutely NO sense whatsoever. Watching the literal version at night, despite the funny lyrics, is a bad idea.
  • "Y Control" by The Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Little children dragging around a dead dog and dismembering each other while Karen O dances around is surprisingly unsettling.
  • Nearly all of Lady Gaga's videos are nightmarish.
    • The ending of "Bad Romance" and Gaga's big eyes.
    • One would think that "Paparazzi" with its Ragdoll Physics and flash-cuts of dead bodies would be a better candidate (it gets even better in the live version, where she sets off a blood squib under her dress during the final chorus...)
    • The video for "Alejandro" is chock full of it. The Nightmare Face at the very end gets a special mention.
    • "Born This Way." Dear lord "Born This Way!" The undeniably creepy introduction, that skeleton makeup, and what the heck is wrong with her shoulders.
      • Never mind the shoulders, what the flip is wrong with her cheekbones?
  • Grizzly Bear: Two Weeks. These guys are like Satan's evil choir boys.
  • Crispin Glover's bizarre spoken word Clowny Clown Clown. This probably shouldn't be this way, but let's give Glover the benefit of the doubt and assume that he is aware that his stream of consciousness is warped and creepy.
  • The video to "Sticks and Stones" by The Pierces, especially from 3:04 on.
  • There's something rather creepy about the ending of the Spice Girls "Viva Forever" video, where the kid gets imprisoned in a shrinking Rubik's Cube.
  • Jay-Z's "On to the Next One" video is just Jay-Z and the director having fun with the Illuminati/Free Mason rumors that have been leveled at him. A lot of...unsettling imagery in this one.
  • Cradle of Filth, "From the Cradle to Enslave". The song itself is creepy enough without video. The uncensored version is Gorn with definite Fan Disservice. Not to mention the mutated baby-things that keep stalking the band members. One of the most disturbing scenes is when a violin section plays and it shows four women who appear to be playing violins until it zooms in and you realize they are actually slitting their wrists with huge razor blades. Also the lead singer has his heart ripped out and while he's still alive it is force fed down his throat.
    • A possibly more disturbing clip would be the uncensored version of "Scorched Earth Erotica". Half of it is the most disturbing clips from the movie Cradle Of Fear which is pretty much just the vocalist starring as a serial killer who...also eats cat guts... If you can't stomach seeing a man's oesophagus being torn out of his throat or a man's head being ripped in half like a phone book, then don't ever watch it!
  • What do you get when you throw a Circus of Fear, sadomasochism and downright fucked up psychadelic imagery together in a blender? Mr. Bungle's video for "Quote Unquote". Sweet dreams!
  • Converge's video for "Axe To Fall". Just watch.
  • The "Mafia" music video by Dr. Ring Ding. Grotesque violence, rather Uncanny Valley-rific people (but maybe just because the mimics and blood) and all in all extremely cruel...
  • Socalled - You Are Never Alone. The singer disemboweling his own semirobotical face while still having mimic is extremely Uncanny Valley-rific.
  • The video for "We Share Our Mother's Health" by The Knife is rather unsettling.
  • Eths music videos in general, but especially Bulimiarexia, courtesy of an Abandoned Hospital, an extremely dark gurney scene and...that guy. Sweet dreams.
  • Magick. Hello there, Klaxons. Please get away from me with that blindfold.
  • Most videos by The Rasmus. Chained to a chair, imaginary friends around you, drowning in your own black tears. Seeing things in the mirror, only to find out they've been after you all along. Or maybe being turned into a statue of sand, alongside your friends, and you all break into pieces?
  • Porcupine Tree's title track off of Fear of a Blank Planet is already creepy enough as a Sanity Slippage Song from the viewpoint of a overmedicated, media overloaded teenager. The video features Brainwashed and Crazy Creepy Children with Glowing Eyes of Doom, Broken Smiles or blank expressions doing a variety of destructive things while the music video continually moves from surreal image to surreal image. Sweet dreams!
  • Angelspit, "Vena Cava". Without explanations, the sheer craziness is enough to scare the hell out of you... and with explanations, it's enough to give you nightmares...
    • "Toxic Girl": As summed up by two fans:

 Fan 1: What the fuck did I just watch?

Fan 2: You watched a music video in which three people buy a sex doll, use it and are supernaturally compelled by the evil sex doll to kill themselves in a variety of vivid and interesting ways. That's what you watched.

  • Brandy's What About Us? She spends most of the video standing on what can only be described as a large hill made of living human bodies, who don't seem to be enjoying the experience very much. (There are repeated shots of one of them grimacing in pain.)
  • The music video to Meshuggah's "Bleed" features a disturbing storyline about an innocent traveler encountering an, being yelled at by an obelisk, and watching in awe as a pale women runs a red string, presumably his lifeline, through her hands. Right after she cuts it the main character is clamped into a large metal collar similar to the man-dog's. To top it all off the traveler eventually ends up in the same state as the man-dog, bound to this guy. Made even worse by the recent DVD, "Alive," which puts the video on a menu with the man-dog just moving around, staring at the viewer, set to a creepy ambient hum. So much eek, yet so awesome.
  • Sigur Ros's "Vaka". Terrible nuclear future,, deep depressing music, Kick the Dog moments everywhere, the implication that this is a very real possibility...
  • The video to Interpol's Obstacle One. What are they doing in that building? Why is the glass breaking? It plays to every single claustrophobia/terror of unknown/fear of stark abandoned buildings points.
  • Motion City Soundtrack's Disappear. The video centers around a young girl being chaced by a swamp monster of sorts that stalks her, and it is implied that the monster killed or even eaten her parents. Not to mention that the girl is wearing a complettely terrifying hat the entire time.
    • Not to mention, the song itself is kind of creepy (at least, compared to MCS' general image). It seems to be about escapism & isolation via drugs/alcohol/self-harm/etc. Throw a chick in a panda mask into the mix, and hoooooly crap.
  • The Melvins. "The Talking Horse".
  • Vocaloid. Fear Garden, Dark Woods Circus, Alice Human Sacrifice, Circle you, Circle you... A lot of Vocaloid M Vs are fan made, so you could blame them for it...
  • Although an otherwise excellent song, the music video for Ratatat's "Shempi" will leave you cringing. As if ABBA wasn't horrifying enough back when their faces were right-side up...
  • The video of "Black Hole Sun" by Soundgarden is almost legendary for its nightmarishness.
  • Rammstein's videos for "Du Riechst so Gut" and "Mein Teil".
  • Lordi's video for Blood Red Sandman.
  • Herbie Hancock's "Rock It".
  • More recently, female pop stars seem to have fell into this trope, namely Laura White, Diana Vickers and Gabriella Cilmi. And, to a lesser extent, Miley Cyrus.
  • Bjork's Wanderlust video is quite creepy in places: A blue... man... thing grows out of Bjork's backpack and starts to fight her, and at the end they both tumble off a waterfall and fall down past a ton of jagged rocks, into a seemingly neverending abyss. On the music side, the song begins with the same eerie foghorns and alarms that Earth Intruders ends with.
  • Prime Time by The Alan Parsons Project is not a particularly frightening song in and of itself, and actually rather soothing to certain people... but the music video is just plain disturbing.
  • Kesha's latest video for Take It Off seems to definitely be up there, featuring random acts of violence, people turning into animals, and a whole host of 'what the fuck oh my god why' inducing imagery.
  • This ... thing from Yeasayer's Madder Red video. It's like a human potato morph thing that oozes and spits up blood.
    • The poor thing ends up being something of a Woobie, however, and the end of the video is something of a Tear Jerker.
  • The video for "Whatcha Think About That" by the Pussycat Dolls is almost on a par with Kesha for Nightmare Fuel. Seriously, it's extremely disturbing (well, according to feedback from various fansites about the Dolls!).
    • Seriously, one of the most wacked out videos anyone could see.
  • A Cover Version of Joan Armatrading's "Love And Affection" - Mr.Pink presents The Program - Love And Affection"- from late 2001, falls somewhere between Nightmare Fuel, Uncanny Valley (and for those with a sadistic bent) Fetish Fuel. It's somewhat similar to Science Fiction but the fact it's a love story between two shop dummies (that look incredibly lifelike) which makes it fall into this territory.
    • The actors from this video are, as yet, unknown.
  • Near the end of his video for "Tarantula," Mystikal is about to get into a fight with another patron at a nightclub. But instead of coming to blows, his entire body morphs into a pile of (what else?) tarantulas which clear out the entire building.
  • Rammstein, anybody? Mann gegen Mann drove more than a pure soul to madness. Mein Teil is... just... creepy. And for God sake, Sonne! You'll never look at Snow White in the same way.
    • Creepy until you translate the lyrics into english and discover they're singing about very silly things in an incredibly serious manner. Depends on whether you consider cannibalism, murder, sodomy, and incest to be silly things to sing about, of course.
    • Benzin was also pretty creepy.
  • No mentions of Billy Talent's "Devil In A Midnight Mass" yet? An orphan is being chased by the two black ghostly smokes. He hides in a basement, then he finds a mouthless man sitting in a chair. *shudder* The orphan tries to defend himself against the black smokes with an axe, and then he escapes altar only to find the mouthless orphans and *shudder* he becomes one of them.
  • The video for "Monster" by Kanye West includes corpses of woman either hanging from the ceiling(by the neck) or in the bed with said rapper, Kanye West holding a woman's decapitated head from the hair, humanoid monsters either trying to break into the mansion to eat West or feasting on another man's corpse(which is quite detailed). If all they wanted to do was to make the video disturbing then they succeeded.
  • Depeche mode's video "wrong" . The video starts off in a fairly calm way with a car slowly backing up. The car starts to pick up speed then crashes into a few parked cars. Then you see a man laying on the front seats who is jostled by the crash. Lights light up his face and it appears rubbery and mask like. The man sits up and his skin looks more and more life a mask and you realize it is a mask. The worst part has to be when they zoom in onto his eyes and he looked around wildly. Suddenly he looks into his back window and smashes into a man, promptly beheading him. He starts to move his head in spasm-like motions. Trying to remove the mask, when you realize that it is tapped to his head and his hands are tapped together. Suddenly a dark van drives up and starts shooting, a man on foot in a mask starts to shoot him too. A police car speeds into the scene, He manages to remove the mask and you can see his mouth is taped up and seems to be bleeding. Then he crashes into a parked truck and dies. The only good part of this video is the music, seriously the video seems to ring with a possible truth that this could happen to any one... and that's not a happy thought.
  • Takkyuu Ishino's Polynasia uses the scenario of a family fire accident, starting from their ignorance of the potential danger by their activities inducing the heat in their apartment, up until the lighting of a lighter and a matchstick that sends everything downhill immediately; it does not help that Ishino uses the video slowdown technique for the details of everything getting blown up.
  • I am actually astonished that Fall Out Boy's Carpal Tunnel of Love wasn't on here yet. The fact that it's done by Happy Tree Friends should be explanation enough.
  • "Eyes of the Insane" by Slayer is a first person view of war reflected though the iris of a soldier. Visions of explosions and dead people are relatively scary, but when the soldier is caught in an explosion...? He closes his eye as the dust covers him. He wakes up to find that he is being operated on. The way the eye looks during his surgery is incredibly disturbing and what's more, they send his ass back on the field. Naturally, he is Driven to Suicide, which is actually shown reflected in his eye. You see the reflection of his military base swing back and forth and can hear the creaks of the rope as he hangs.
  • This video by the Russian band Otto Dix. The music and lyrics by themselves are creepy enough, but combined with those eyes...and the

 Barefoot, on the blades of knives

Dance, dance, dance

And kiss your pain

On her scarlet lips

  • The Guns N' Roses song "Don't Cry" has a pretty disturbing video. It starts with an innocent baby lying in a little bed, and then, the Mood Whiplash / Cerebus Syndrome punches you in the gut. What happens? Well... Axl dies, and then one woman beats up another woman for no reason, and then, a 3rd woman yelling at Slash while he's driving, and their car crashes. And the whole thing ends with a close-up of the baby's eye.
  • This Ali Project video gets more than a little unsettling at times.
    • While keeping men as pets and implied cannibalism are indeed creepy, don't forget the sacrificed dog men in the Seishoujou Ryouiki PV or the crucified guy in Boukoku Kakusei Catharsis. Note that a man gets strapped to a table in ALL 3 of these videos.
  • AFI music videos.
    • "Love Like Winter" (which is a very happy song by AFI standards) is pretty freaky, too, because the band are all chasing this extremely hot girl through a frozen forest, freezing every member of the band to death until only the singer is left. Then he finds the girl, who is actually evil, and is pushed into the frozen water to drown.
    • Then "He Who Laughs Last" in which the singer is stabbed to death in the back of a car.
    • And "Silver And Cold" where the same singer commits suicide by jumping off a bridge.
    • "Girl's Not Grey" where this girl follows some creepy, giant moving plushie rabbit into the guitarist's freaking crotch, which brings them both into this incredibly surreal pink world where said girl follows the creepy rabbit and ends up on a hill, watching the band play the song, then is abandoned by the rabbit and is basically killed by freaking flower petals, leaving her shoes behind in the grass! Then we cut back to the alleyway and pretty much the same exact flower petals come bursting out of the singer's chest as his sings the last part....
  • The video for rapper Earl Sweatshirt's song "Earl". The video starts with a very homemade looking video of a group of friends making a cocktail of various drugs- cocaine, weed, 2 kinds of cough syrup, alcohol, and some pills- and they all take a drink, and then go skateboarding. As the day goes on they start losing their hair, pulling out their teeth, one man pulls off his fingernail, and basically start leaking blood from their noses, mouths, eyes, nipples, and god only knows what else. It gets more and more graphic until the end of the video, all of the people are slumped over dead in the house where they started at. Except for one, who manages to shamble to the pool and falls in to possibly drown, if he didn't die as soon as he fell. Brrrr. It's worse if you know someone that would attempt that (however stupid an idea you may think it is.)
  • VCR by Tyler the Creator so creepy
  • The Feeling's Sewn. I'm not kidding, childhood nightmares of Matrix-esque proportions, in a rather tame band's music video. I have to hold my mouth open, and on bad days my arms out by my sides, at the bit where he's wrapped up and his mouth is sewn shut.
  • Katy Perry's videos are the kind of things that leave you thinking "WTF?", but they're usually just silly. And then comes E.T. Dear Lord! We have unsettling transformations, footage of animals humping and dying, disturbing aliens, bucket loads of Unfortunate Implications (which seem to have been intentional) and at the end Katy takes off her dress to reveal she has the hind quarters of a deer!

 This video was directed by Floria Sigismondi, well known for her work on some of Marilyn Manson's videos. Now it should all make sense.

  • Papa Roach's Hollywood Whore begins with the title character "passed out on the floor" as per the lyrics, but towards the end, she rises, somewhat shaky. Then she begins to cry blood from one eye, which catches on fire and burns the flesh off her skull as she projectile-vomits blood. It dances on the edge of Narm.
  • Arachnophobes are advised to avoid the music video of Vienna by Ultravox. A tarantula crawls over a man's face. Even without the sinister atmosphere of the song, it's incredibly disturbing.
  • Though they are less mainstream than a good number of these bands, ohGr (a band project fronted by the lead singer of Skinny Puppy) has a music video of one of their songs called maJiK (yes, it's spelled like that), which features creepy stop-motion claymation, Freddy Kruger-esque media reporters, an alien fetus, a George Bush puppet, and a creepy 3-eyed goblin that puts the creatures in Tool's videos to shame.
  • "Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For The Two Of Us" by My Chemical Romance. Not only is Gerard Way creepy in his own right, but the video itself is based on "Audition".
    • Not the best example from these guys, since it already borrows from a preexisting horror film. Famous Last Words or I Don't Love You, however, with its creepy boy and girl...
      • The Famous Last Words video gets exponentially creepier when you learn that the pyro burned their drummer's leg resulting in staph infection, gangrene, and near death. Not to mention an in-video tackle between band members that tore ligaments in Gerard Way's foot and left him walking with a cane for a few weeks. Be more dedicated to your crazy, guys.
    • The first two My Chemical Romance videos I watched were Welcome To The Black Parade and I Don't Love You. It took about a year before I dared watch any more of the videos.
    • Mother War in the music video for Welcome To The Black Parade is creepy in her own right, what with that gas mask and dress, but when you add all the other aspects of the music video?
  • Silly though it may sound, I found the video for Lady Gaga's "Paparazzi" very unsettling watching it the first time.
    • The ending to Lady Gagas "Bad Romance" is more disturbing, she burns a man alive, when they cut back to her she laying on the chared smoking bed with his burnt skeleton while she shoots sparks from her breast area for no reason what so ever.
    • The part in Gaga's "Telephone" when she's in her jail cell, wrapped in yellow police tape, her head begins twitching in... one of creepiest ways I have ever seen.
    • Or what about Alejandro? It's already a bit darker, some kind of dystopian Snow Princess/Russian Army setting, and then the face at the end. Christ!
  • The song "Last Train to Satansville" by Swervedriver seems to take place at a creepy amusement park of some sort.
  • "Scissor" by Liars. A serious case of the rocks being out to get you, fears of drowning, corpses, and more. A bit more psychological than many of the others listed, but still frightening. It also doesn't help that lyrics are about murder or maybe suicide.
  • Dubstep legend Kode9's Sonic Mutation video for his song Nine Samurai, where the brown note effect is taken to horrifying extremes and developed for biological warfare. Imagine living in a world where even dancing to music is a life-threatening endeavor because an audio-spread virus will make your head warp until it's just a smear of blood. Can't? Well, this video will help you out.
    • This is made even worse by the fact that the voice over in another of his songs, Sine, was intentionally meant to be treated as a man on his death bed. Lethal aural viruses, death beds? Holy scissordicks.
  • [Ti 1 D 9 t 8 n 0 q A This new Friday music video.. Nightmare Fetishists rejoiced everywhere.
  • Don't know the source, but this footage set to Autechre's "Pro Radii" is both squicky and horrific. Must... have.. Brain Bleach.
  • Scary Russian Rickroll. Amazing what a little color inversion and a different scale can do.
  • Muse's music video for Feeling Good. The faces...
  • The video for Animal Collective's Who Could Win a Rabbit features a version of The Tortoise and the Hare involving Uncanny Valley animal costumes, but the creepiest part is how it ends with the tortoise eating the remains of the hare.
  • Chad Vangaalen composed, recorded, and created the animated video for "Molten Light" — a quiet little ballad of murder, mutilation, cannibalism, and monstrous supernatural justice — whose folk-style acoustic melody is a chilling contrast to the lyrics and visuals.
  • The music video for Psycho Circus by Kiss is rather unsettling, even if the effects are kinda bad. Welcome to the show, indeed
  • Los Fabulosos Cadillacs's Mal bicho. Dear God, it's full of this and Nausea Fuel. Not only we have the parts with Real Life footage of many dictators (Hitler, Mussolini, Pinochet, etc. and the ones with an effeminate Captain Ersatz of Hitler tortures a Bound and Gagged girl, but by the end the members of the band are killed one by one in stage. Eugh. Made worse because of the Lyrical Dissonance: the lyrics are essentially a Shut UP, Hannibal to a nasty racist, but the music is catchy, bouncy ska!
  • Hawksley Workman's Striptease is a magical wonderland of surreal camera angles, sped-up movements that look disjointed and unnatural, and a man whose singing -visually, at least- is disturbingly reminiscent of someone screaming in pain. Watch it, and see if you don't shudder.
  • DYE's Fantasy. NSFW! I was creeped out from here to Thursday. I don't have any words to describe the video other than a friend's: "It's like Lovecraft met Hentai and had a baby."
    • To recap, the whole video features Soundtrack Dissonance, as the vocals, lyrics, and instrumentals are all surprisingly gentle and slightly dreamy sounding. It begins with a group of four teenage kids, two boys and the two girl, furtively running to a community center at around dusk. Boy one enters through a window with light shining from inside. Girl two follows after him. It seems as if he takes advantage of the situation to give himself an eyeful and cop a feel, not that she seems to mind. Boy two follows suit and girl two comes in last, obviously hesitant. The first two strip down into swimwsuits and jump into the pool. The second boy has stripped into his swimsuit and takes a beer from the bag and starts drinking. The second girl does not seem to be enjoying herself. The first two begin making out, which quickly escalates into fingering. The second boy offers the second girl beer. She refuses and he tries to kiss her. She jumps into the pool. Now the nightmare begins. A few seconds later, something like a large torrent of bubbles begins to gush from her shorts. Surprised, the second girl swims to the surface and exits the pool. Back with the second boy, a shadow approaches them from behind. The second boy gasps in horror and the second girl turns around to see the first two are turned into some sort of zombie. The boy's arm turned into a very phallic tentacle and penetrating the girl. He withdraws the tentacle, which very obviously shifts the skin starting from her chest and going all the way down to where it exits below her hips. The tentacle arm looks very Freudian, having even a frenulum and the palm of has been turned into a glans. There are still small fingers around the frenulum. The second boy throws up and the second girl dashes away in terror. Next, with one lasj of the tentacle, the first boy knocks the second into the air and strips him naked. Than, the first girl runs at the flying boy and lunges at him with her mouth wide open, which then transforms into a giant set of crocodile jaws and clamp down around his body from the chest down and start to chew him. The second girl looks on in horror as the first boy again approaches wearing this extremely malevolent rape face poised with his tentacle at the ready. Sbe tries to escape through the door, but it won't budge. She lacks to strength to escape through the open window. Desperate to escape, she jumps into the pool. She sees a reflection of herself on the bottom and touches it. She surfaces and emerges from a dark rocky pool somewhere else. And then light comes and her eyes burst into flames at the sight of something incomprehensible. She collapses and it is revealed that she is looking at some sort of impossibly huge towering Eldritch Abomination.
  • Anything Maruosa does is guaranteed to have Grindcore (with no lyrics, just mind-obliterating Metal Scream that feels like someone shoved a chain-link fence in your brain, doused it in napalm and electrified it), Mind Screw, Body Horror, Deranged Animation, Nightmare Dreams, Nightmare Faces, Eldritch Abominations, Not Safe for Work content, Epileptic Flashing Lights, and Nightmare Fuel. You Have Been Warned.
  • "Trapped," by Tupac Shakur. He really doesn't gloss over how horrifying American prisons are known to be.
  • Nearly any music video from Behemoth fits this trope. Besides 'Inner Sanctum', but that one has a very eerie tone to it.
  • Watch a Dir En Grey video and you won't be going to sleep tonight. To name just a fraction of the content:
    • Obscure has the lead singer, Kyo, vomiting near constantly, said vomit being consumed by maggots, drawing and quartering to the point where a still-living person's limbs are suspended only only by artificial arteries, demon on geisha sex until all the geishas vomit blood, a man stabbing his own brain through the neck with a knife the size of his abdomen, a circus freak show, a medical examiner with a chip on his shoulder and cannibalism (baby cannibalism!).
    • Agitated Screams of Maggots features a maggot who lives in a fish. When the fish is being prepared for a meal, the woman preparing the meal flips out at the sight of the maggot. She chops it in half with a knife. The two parts grow two new maggots who have sex and get stepped on by the woman's daughter. The mangled body parts become a larger human like creature who appears in the woman's soup bowl. He then jumps in her mouth, chokes her and absorbs her body. He then tries to spew excrement all over the daughter and kisses her with a face that is his penis. She bites his penis off and the man screams in pain. The daughter hoists the man onto a torture device which splits him in two from the rectum. As the man tries to live again using the woman's body, the girl turn into a monster/witch/angel and uses the torture device to stomp him with a giant foot. Did I mention it's animated?
    • Saku is about a lonely child living in a apartment building who doesn't do much except watch TV. The majority of the video is footage of the boy and Dir En Grey, with pictures of slit wrists and insects (mainly cockroaches) throughout. Though, at the end of the video, it is clear what the message is. The boy is inspired to pick up a golf club by seeing Dir En Grey on the TV and I think you can fill in the blanks as the video does not evaluate on what happens afterwards.
    • Ain't Afraid to Die starts with a single hand rising from a grave. We are then treated to shining green light emitting from a window, Kyo whispering lyrics and making them sound like they are being emitted from a radio and a ghost playing the piano. Soon we get schoolchildren wearing emo makeup who transformed a small room in the woods in a Catholic shrine/reanimation chamber (one of them, Kyo, has his mouth sewed shut). From there, the reanimated corpses burn whenever they see the light of day and at 4:04, the video lets loose with imagery. It manages to balance out and Kyo has the needles that are sewn in his mouth pulled out. The last moments of the video show the reanimated corpses going to heaven and various imagery used throughout the video is reused. While not terribly frightening, the lyrics are a bittersweet lamentation about the last season a boy saw his girlfriend before she died. Now, combine with the video and let the imagination run wild.
    • The first sound you hear in The Final is a gunshot. The video shows a man who comes home to find a pool of blood and the chalk outlines of two people. If one slows the video from here to roughly 0:50, you will see him counting down days on a calendar with the chalk that drew the outlines and grabbing a hunting rifle then reaching for a gas can . Many viewers interpret the video as a distraught man whose wife and child were murdered while he was away from home. His grief leads him to commit suicide. He wants to shoot himself but then decides to burn the whole house. This video plays on Adult Fear and arsonophobes Up to Eleven.
  • On it's own, "Turn Me On" by David Guetta ft. Nicki Minaj seems to be an Intercourse with You song with some Florence Nightingale Effect. The music video however, features a doctor making anamatronic dolls and...*shudders*
    • The Making Of clarifies that the Mad Scientist (Guetta) makes these dolls and Nicki is the only one that has "life", causing a riot amoung the other dolls that want life. The scientest becomes one of the dolls while Nicki escapes.
      • Copy/pasted from Nightmare Fuel: Nicki's robotic exoskeleton form at the beginning right before she turned human... and her PLASTIC LIPS MOVING. I was terrified by her, but I'm quickly now a Nightmare Retardant because she looks cool.
        • My mom recently show me a video some days ago.
  • Sepultura's video for 'Convicted in Life'. It starts with a first-person view of a person running through a dark forest, running across a path of corpses. The rest of the video features a man literally ripping the heart out of a dead body, real clips of animal mutilation (including pigs being beheaded and being carried over a room filled with blood), a man hanging himself in a prison cell, and other scary stuff. The video ends with hundreds of zombies ripping off Derrick Green's head; the final shot is his headless body carrying the head.
  • Gowan's video for A Criminal Mind. Yes, it starts off with the exploits of "No-Man" stealing a Florentine painting from a museum, but it quickly goes into HONF territory from there. Gowan's overlit sinister grin, him gleefully high-kicking around, the Joker-esque smiles on the cops who arrest him, the woefully-misnomered rehabilitation machine that pours a bunch of lord-knows-what onto him, the laughing judges, Gowan laughing maniacally from behind the bars of his disturbingly-small cage and his all-too-familiar evil grin near the end......and then that final shot of his animated face as he ominously whispers "I AM". Yeah...don't watch this right before bed.
  • Pink: The video for "F**kin Perfect" has a scene with a girl in a blood-filled bathtub who has just cut herself multiple times** That's understating it, she didn't just cut herself, she carved the word "perfect" into her arm, with what look like half inch deep cuts.
    • In the video for Pink's song Please Don't Leave Me, the boyfriend tries to leave and the girl character goes Stephen King on him, starting with Misery and ending with an Ax Crazy bit from The Shining. The more psycho the girl goes, the more her make-up goes Monster Clown, until she looks horribly like Pennywise from It. * brrr*
    • How can there be no mention of Pink's video for Funhouse? I'm not even afraid of clowns, but these ones are really creepy.
  • Devin Townsend's Juular is not really scary but rather more disturbing if you've never seen or heard anything else done by him, unless you're into that sorta thing...
  • this new video for Charred Walls of the Damed General Body horror and etc.
  • The video for "64" from Mellow Hype. The part where the guy looked at the camera with the different eyes...shudder.
  • birdeatsbaby's Incitatus video. The girl being strapped to the hospital stretcher, the facial distortions on "Never comes a day so quickly when you never paid attention,"... Can be found here.