My Dear Marie is a 1994 Manga made into a three-episode OVA in 1996. Only the OVA has been brought overseas, originally under the name Metal Angel Marie, and is the subject of this article.
The first two episodes revolve around Hiroshi, a friendly neighborhood Mad Scientist. Unlucky at love, he creates a robot with the appearance and name of his crush, Mari. The robot, Marie, accidentally meets the original Mari, and Hiroshi starts telling people that he and Marie are siblings as a cover story. Soon, a tough girl, Hibiki, enters the picture, and threatens to reveal the truth about Marie, unless Hiroshi becomes her boyfriend.
The third episode revolves around Marie and consists of three dream sequences. They contain much bizarre imagery and navel gazing, as well as some other stuff.
This work contains the following tropes:[]
- Armor-Piercing Slap
- Best Beer Ever
- Black Comedy Rape: Hibiki gets Hiroshi drunk and tries to have sex with him, over his objections. Played for laughs.
- Clingy Jealous Girl
- Crash Into Hello
- Delinquents: Hibiki, who solicits men and robs them.
- Do Androids Dream?
- Color Failure
- Fan Service: Ever wanted to know what Robot Girl breasts look like? Here's your chance.
- Handsome Lech: Tanaka.
- Hopeless Suitor
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy
- Mad Scientist
- Magical Girlfriend: Set up to be that way, then averts it.
- Real Dreams Are Weirder
- Replacement Goldfish
- Ridiculously-Human Robots
- Scary Shiny Glasses
- Stab the Scorpion: The memory of Hiroshi and Hibiki at the pool years ago, when Hiroshi pushed her down to keep her from being noticed by the feral dog
- Super-Deformed
- Super-Powered Robot Meter Maids
- Techno Babble
- Tsundere: Hibiki.
- Twincest: The end of episode three has Marie kiss Mari.
- Unlucky Everydude: Hiroshi.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: What Hiroshi tried to mold Marie as. It didn't quite take.