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My Life Is A Goddamn Mess is a semi-famous Persona 3 Let's Play written by Schildkrote, made to seem like the LiveJournal of the main character, Minato Arisato. The original thread on Something Awful has been archived, but it can be read here.

As the intro goes, Schildkrote once found the livejournal of one RaMeNbOi1990 dated from 2009-2010 (which was in the future at the time). Fascinated with what he found, he archived it all, with the actual account eventually becoming Lost Forever. In it, Minato recounts his story with a mix of written accounts and some artwork both hand-drawn and animated (AKA screenshots and cutscenes).

There was a sequel about Persona 4 titled Christ Almighty, I Hate This Town, but has since been put on hiatus due to events in Schildkrote's life.

If a trope already applies to Persona 3 and isn’t used in the Let's Play, do not add it.


 Bebe: My name is Andre Laurent Jean Gireux. But zey call me Bebe!

Minato: do you get Bebe from that?

  • Word of Dante: Many things that are considered canon among the fandom stemmed from this.
  • Word Salad Title: Minato's account name, RaMeNbOi1990. He claims someone from his old school set up the account and chose the name for him.