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My Life Is A Goddamn Mess is a semi-famous Persona 3 Let's Play written by Schildkrote, made to seem like the LiveJournal of the main character, Minato Arisato. The original thread on Something Awful has been archived, but it can be read here.
As the intro goes, Schildkrote once found the livejournal of one RaMeNbOi1990 dated from 2009-2010 (which was in the future at the time). Fascinated with what he found, he archived it all, with the actual account eventually becoming Lost Forever. In it, Minato recounts his story with a mix of written accounts and some artwork both hand-drawn and animated (AKA screenshots and cutscenes).
There was a sequel about Persona 4 titled Christ Almighty, I Hate This Town, but has since been put on hiatus due to events in Schildkrote's life.
If a trope already applies to Persona 3 and isn’t used in the Let's Play, do not add it.
- A Day in the Limelight: A page of Junpei and Yukari's own LiveJournals are used to observe Minato from someone else's point of view. Turns out Junpei is even more of a Ted Baxter online and Yukari runs something of a gossip column. In fact, Nyx Avatar/Ryoji is the narrator for most of the final parts of the game.
- All Just a Dream: Minato getting Lucifer, Messiah, etc. near the end.
- Audience Participation: Minato's progress with Social Links is primarily decided by people he asks online. Despite the fact that the series is supposedly archived entries from long ago, Schildkrote asked people to "play along" as part of an experiment.
- Bi the Way: Although he maxed out Chihiro’s Social Link, Minato has a fairly obvious crush on Bebe. It's even noted by both Junpei and Yukari, the latter thinking that they'd make an adorable couple.
- Catch Phrase: My life is a goddamn mess. He eventually stops using it after Character Development, and it’s used for heartbreaking effect in the ending.
- Character Blog: Besides Minato, it seems that the members of SEES have LiveJournals of their own, including Aigis, and are fond of commenting each other.
- Character Development: Minato goes from Emo Teen to Messianic Archetype over the course of the story.
- Curb Stomp Battle: A few examples. First is SEES' encounter with The Reaper, though that was All Just a Dream. Then there's the battle against the Hell Knights, where the Shadows did more damage to each other than SEES did to them. A Useless Useful Spell Sexy Dance isn't.
- Deadpan Snarker: Minato.
- Emo Teen: Minato. He gets better.
- Fantasy Gun Control: Lampshaded, with Minato stating that Kurosawa doesn't provide guns for them due to the fact that it'd be bad to mix up your weapon and your evoker.
- First Girl Wins: Averted. Minato ends up reversing Yukari's Social Link, though he does eventually fix things up with her.
- Let's Play: Well DUH.
- Messiah Creep: See Character Development.
- Poke the Poodle: Minato's initial attempts at breaking Maiko's little spirit.
- Pre-Climax Climax: The last thing Minato did before the final night was "share a tender moment" with Chihiro, knowing that it could be the last time they'd be with anyone, much less each other. Chihiro herself is not fully aware of the severity of the situation, but does call it one last favor from Minato..
- Running Gag: Minato thinks of Yucatan every time Junpei refers to Yukari as Yuka-tan.
- Every time there's a Ho Yay moment between Minato and Bebe, Minato immediately tries to hide it.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Implied to be Melon Bread for Minato when the Old Couple from the Heirophant Social Link gives him some.
- The Usual Adversaries: Fuckin' Strega.
- Who Names Their Kid "Dude"?: Nickname varient.
Bebe: My name is Andre Laurent Jean Gireux. But zey call me Bebe! |
- Word of Dante: Many things that are considered canon among the fandom stemmed from this.
- Word Salad Title: Minato's account name, RaMeNbOi1990. He claims someone from his old school set up the account and chose the name for him.