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My Little Alicorn is a My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Fanfic by InsertAuthorHere.
After getting trolled by Celestia one too many times, Luna decides to have some revenge. She steals the Arcanus E Draconus, the most forbidden spellbook in Equestrian history, and uses one of its spells to age regress Celestia into a foal. To make things even more humiliating, she invites Twilight Sparkle over to unwittingly share in her teacher’s torment.
Then Luna finds out she can’t reverse the spell.
Now Celestia is stuck as a small, powerless filly, while Luna has found herself catapulted into ruling Equestria both day and night. And while all that is going on, Twilight works to find a way to bring Celestia back to normal, only to discover a deeper secret connecting the spell's creator with one of her friends. And then there's Blueblood's schemes to get revenge for that Grand Galloping Gala incident...
A sequel is currently being posted.
This fan fic contains examples of:[]
- Zero-Percent Approval Rating: Luna, much to her chagrin. It's starting to get better, though.
- A Glass in the Hand: Chapter 12 has a telekinetic variation with Luna after some of the party guests insult her when they think she isn't listening.
- Adorkable: Filly Celestia. and in the last chapter filly Twilight.
- Awesome McCoolname: Celestia names a pair of toys Lady Pinkinstuff and General Smashemup. She still refers to the latter by this name at the end.
- Battle in the Center of the Mind: In Chapters 13 and 14, between Twilight, Kuchen, and Felt Pinkie Pie.
- Berserk Button: NEVER say that Luna is a traitor, and especially don't call her Nightmare Moon. The Canterlot Nobility can attest to the first, and Celestia learned the second first hoof.
- Insulting Rarity around Spike is a bad idea. Try to get her punished for your actions like Blueblood did in chapter 17? He'll Flash Step into your face, looking for all the world like he's going to eat you. Call Spike a monster for that? The only thing keeping Rarity from throttling you is propriety.
- Bowdlerise: An alternate version of Chapter 15 was posted after some readers found Discord's scene too gory compared to the rest of the fic. Both versions are identical before and after the scene, but any references to pony cannibalism, graphic depictions of Celestia's injuries, and Discord's taunts are removed. Both versions still exist online, however.
- Bratty Half-Pint: Filly Celestia, at times.
- Brought Down to Normal: As a filly, Celestia is too young to fly and can't use any magic. It makes things more than a little difficult.
- Cerebus Syndrome: The early chapters are mostly the silly adventures of Luna, Twilight and a filly Celestia. And then the Kuchen subplot comes along...
- Completely Missing the Point: Spike immediately ignores the obvious intent of Twilight’s letter in favor of a non-existent secret message.
- Death Glare: Subverted. Lofty tries to use The Stare on Blueblood, but isn't menacing enough to pull it off.
- Deliberately Cute Child: It doesn't exactly take long for Celestia to realize the advantages of being a filly; namely, it makes it a lot easier to manipulate other ponies.
- Destination Defenestration: Blueblood throws himself out a window in chapter 16 to get away from the Mane Six minus Pinky Pie.
- Disproportionate Retribution: Runs all over in this fic. Celestia pranks Luna a few too many times, so she turns her into a filly and humiliates her in front of her own student. Blueblood, meanwhile, wants to raze an entire town because a few of its residents ruined the Grand Galloping Gala.
- Evilutionary Biologist: Kuchen's ultimate goal was to make himself into an Alicorn by reverse-engineering Nightmare Moon's powers. He managed to kill countless ponies before Celestia finally came by, pointed out the flaws in his research, and snapped his neck.
- Eye Scream: Celestia takes a blow to the eye thanks to an incredibly unsafe carnival ride. And that's nothing compared to the time Discord gouged one of her eyes out.
- Fake-Out Opening: The first chapter treats everything like a very straight Revenge Fic…only for the last line to reveal it was a joke.
- Fountain of Youth: Happens to Celestia, obviously. Also briefly occurs to the Mane Six (save Pinkie Pie).
- And in Chapter 16, Twilight (again) and Blueblood.
- From Nobody to Nightmare: Kuchen started out as a baker's son. He ended up being one of the biggest Complete Monsters in Equestrian history.
- Has Two Mommies: Invoked by Celestia in Chapter 3 of the sequel, after she asks Luna to assist her in raising Blueblood. Luna quickly asks her to call it something else.
- Humiliation Conga: Luna’s first daytime court does not go well.
- Handicapped Badass: Celestia never fully recovered from the injuries Discord inflicted when they fought. She's still absurdly powerful.
- Hulk Speak: How the ancient pony tribes spoke in one flashback. Luna was not impressed.
- Ignored Epiphany: For the briefest moment, Kuchen realizes that all his work was for nothing, and that he had just committed countless murders, ruined his family, and killed his best friend for nothing. It doesn't last though, killing his Last Second Chance and ending with his death.
- In the Blood: Kuchen cursed his wife and children to have all of his memories, so he could pull a Grand Theft Me after he died. Subverted, in that it didn't exactly take: of his three children, the spell flat-out didn't work on two, and even in the only one that was affected (Pinkie's ancestress), the spell decayed over the centuries to the point where it was just a little voice in Pinkie's head.
- It Got Worse: What started as a prank quickly snowballs out of control.
- My God, What Have I Done?: Luna's response to slapping Celestia.
- Even earlier, Celestia's reaction to the noble's apologizing for their behavior...after she had almost poisoned them all with Poison Joke because of said behavior. She really didn't take it well at all.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: When Celestia first meets Lofty, she doesn't even bother hiding her wings and horn. Instead, she just tries to pass herself off as a visiting relative who happens to look suspiciously like Princess Celestia. It doesn't work. Later Subverted when Celestia actually dyes her coat and hair and wears a dress designed to hide her wings and cutie mark.
- Parental Neglect: Luna and Celestia's parents dumped them on a lifeless planet as foals and told them to 'make something of themselves'. Luna at least only got dumped after there was macroscopic life.
- Porn Stash: Celestia's Royal Porn Collection. It actually belonged to Twilight's mom.
- Raise Him Right This Time: The plot of the sequel.
- Secret Art: The Anti-Smile Equation.
- Sequel Hook: At the end of the story, Blueblood is still a colt, and is sentenced to Magic Kindergarten. Celestia is normal, but still has one of the toys from before, and has some (small) lingering reservations about going back. Word of God is that both hooks have their own fics planned.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Luna gives a particularly effective one to the nobles after they treat her like crap one time too many.
- Tome of Eldritch Lore: The Arcanus E Draconus. It's printed on dragon skin, the writing is in griffon blood, and it's bound together with glue made from ponies.
- Too Dumb to Live: Blueblood actually goes so far as to try and blackmail Luna to support his revenge schemes. He gets placed under house arrest for his troubles, right after Luna shows him why angering a God Princess is a bad idea.
- He tries a second time in the last two chapters, including breaking into the palace and disrupting a dangerous ritual. He's very lucky he only got flung out a window, chibified, dropped from ceiling height by Rainbow Dash and left as a foal, rather than say, sent to the moon, actually hurt by the drop, been beaten by a Mama Bear, or incinerated by Spike for insulting Rarity and demanding she be punished for the Gala fiasco.
- Time Abyss: Celestia predates macroscopic life in Equestria. Luna isn't quite as old, but was an adult before anypony other than Celestia existed.
- The Mind Is a Plaything of the Body: Played with. Celestia’s adult memories and personality are all still with her, but also compete with her younger mindset.
- Unperson: After his death, any and all records of Kuchen's existence are destroyed or suppressed.
- We Could Have Avoided All This: For generations, the Pie Clan has hidden their true heritage from Celestia, seeing as how the vengeful tyrant will gladly kill them to erase any mention of their and Kuchen's existence. Turns out Celestia could have done something about that curse if they had just asked her.
- You Do NOT Want to Know: A minor example when Octavia is explaining to Twilight the history of the Pie Clan, and how upon leaving Canterlot 500 years ago they "branched off into all sorts of bizarre professions, from professional mud slingers to tattoo scrubbers."
Twilight: "What's a tattoo scrubber?" |