Ace Attorney Investigations meets My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic
My Little Investigations is a fan game staring the cast of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic with gameplay in the style of the Ace Attorney spin-off series Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth, which started as a project by the YouTube user GabuEx, now the lead of the group Equestrian Dreamers.
Like the game it's based on, My Little Investigations tells a story across four to five chapters with Twilight Sparkle as the main character, following her investigations of a series of crimes that are taking place in Ponyville. While each chapter is self-contained, there is a common thread linking the chapters together for the conclusion.
The game can be downloaded here.
- Always Murder: Averted. GabuEx has stated that none of the cases will involve murder.
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: Apparently, when the CMC tried to get a Cutie Mark in interperative dancing, they set a tiger loose, Rarity's mane was on fire, and Opalescence was stuck in a tree.
- Brick Joke: The balls Pinkie Pie set up around town in case of ball emergencies are brought up. Pinkie Pie's Pinkie Promise is also brought up once more.
- Deadpan Snarker: Twilgiht as usual. Possibly moreso than usual.
- First-Person Smartass: Twilight. As is usual for Ace Attorney protagonists.
- Forced Tutorial: Played straight Unlike the other Ace Attorney games.
- Jumped At the Call: Twilight again.
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Whenever Twilight explains the mechanics of the game.
- Lighter and Softer: When compared to the Ace Attorney series due to averting Always Murder.
- Lying to the Perp: A variation. Twilight lies to Rarity by making it seem like she knows more than she really does to get Rarity to stop hiding information.
- Noodle Incident: Several:
- The case the invastigative team from Canterlot worked on.
- Twilight's last case.
- It could have easily been MMMystery On The Friendship Express.
- The CMC's attempts at getting a Cutie Mark in interpretative dancing.
- Oh My Gods: As is usual for FiM fan works (and the show itself to a degree), anytime the word "god" would show up in a common phrase, it's replaced with "Celestia".
- Taught by Television: Twilight apparently learned all of her investigative skills through mystery novels.
- What Would X Do?: To justify breaking the 4th Wall during the tutorial, Twilight immagines what Pinkie Pie whould say in this situation.