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Generation 5 of the My Little Pony franchise, and a Distant Sequel to Generation 4.

It's been several years since the events of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. Ever since then, magic disappeared, and the three Pony races went back to hating each other. Sunny Starscout led together a team of brave and noble Ponies (Zipp Storm, Pipp Petals, Hitch Trailblazer and Izzy Moonbow) brought back magic and united the three Pony races. Now, these five Ponies must work to keep the peace they restored, as Maretime Bay becomes the capital city of Equestria, like Canterlot once was.

The Pilot Movie was released in September 2021. Originally, the "main" show was Make Your Mark, until it ended and Tell Your Tale became the new "main" show.
