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Twilight Sparkle: I don't know what she's talking about, I'm not a recluse! Now let's finish this quick so I can get back to posting My Little Human pictures on 4-Colt. |
On April Fools' Day of 2011, Sonic Paradox, the creators of Sonic F, put up what was supposed to be the sixth episode of their series but was instead an Abridged Series treatment of the first episode of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic. There were a lot of annoyed fans, but a staggering number of amused ones as well...
So much so, that the creators decided to turn it into a full-fledged Abridged Series, and My Little Pony: Camaraderie Is Supernatural was born.
- Affectionate Parody: Literally invoked as part of the Sixth Element of Parody, "Faithfulness to the Source Material".
- Alternate Character Interpretation: Naturally. "Alternate Interpretation" is even one of the Elements of Parody.
- April Fools' Day: The series started out as one in 2011, before they decided to do the series.
- April Fools 2012 was basically a toy Pinkie Pie running over a lot of characters. And Chris.
- Author Filibuster: Twilight's speech about the Elements of Parody in episode 2 kinda sounds like someone getting on their soapbox about what should go into a great parody.
- Batman Gambit: Princess Celestia in the first two episodes, Lampshaded by that very name, twice within the first two episodes.
- Big Good: Celestia in the series, The Doctor in the meta scale of this series
- Comedic Sociopathy: Rarity stabs Steven Magnet in episode 2 for suggesting her tail looks better on him.
- Crisis Crossover: The Reveal in Episode 2.5 about the Narrator being the Doctor. Yes, THAT Doctor.
- Cross-Dressing Voices: Rainbow Dash (voiced by Gamebuddy) and Fluttershy (voiced by Celestorion).
- Deadpan Snarker: Rarity gets some elements of this, which apparently qualifies her to bear the Element of Comedic Timing.
- Expy: Rainbow Dash for Sonic the Hedgehog. She's derived from multiple versions of the character: she shares a voice actor with the Sonic F incarnation, classic Sonic sound effects play when she does just about anything, and she even quotes the theme song from Sonic the Hedgehog as it plays. No surprise her element is that of The Homage.
- The Shadowbolts for Shadow the Hedgehog.
- Foreshadowing: Blatantly pointed out for humor.
- Fourth Wall Observer: This aspect of Pinkie Pie is cranked up until the knob breaks off: she's played as a FiM fan voicing Pinkie Pie in an Abridged Series. Naturally, she bears the Element of Fourth-Wall Humor.
- This also makes her Equestria's equivalent to Jesus, according to The Doctor.
- Genre Savvy: Fluttershy, apparently. After the battle with the manticore:
Twilight Sparkle: Wait, what did you do? |
- I Lied: Princess Celestia admits to this when Twilight remarks on her earlier Suspiciously Specific Denial.
Celestia: I lied. I do that every once in a while. |
- Large Ham: Steven Magnet, despite appearing for less than two minutes, absolutely hams it Up to Eleven in his scene.
- Lemony Narrator: One provides a tongue-in-cheek retelling of the intro to the first episode, and Pinkie Pie talks to him as he closes out the second episode.
- Not to mention being The Doctor.
- Narrator All Along: Turns out the narrator is Doctor Whoof!
- Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping: Done deliberately with Applejack and Lampshaded by Twilight. It bounces from Texan to Southern Belle to British in just the first episode.
- Ominous Latin Chanting: Parodied when Nightmare Moon destroys the Elements of Parody.
- Powerpuff Girl Hands: The Doctor has these.
- Rhetorical Question Blunder: Played with in episode 2.
Twilight Sparkle: What do you take me for, an idiot?! |
- Self-Deprecation: In the Audio Commentary for episode 1, Mystic Pyro Freak openly admitted that she came up with the idea of Applejack slipping accents to make fun of the fact that she couldn't keep a consistent one.
- Pinkie saying she's in a crappy abridged series done by a talent-less hack.
- Stealth Pun: After the RPG battle in episode 2, Rainbow Dash levels up and gets +19 coolness, which prompts her to complain "Aw, crap! Just short!" Assuming she had 100 coolness before, one more point would have made her 20% cooler.
- Straight Man: Fluttershy's role in the series, given that this is the Element of Parody she embodies.
- Sudden Videogame Moment: The fight with the manticore in episode 2 is turned into an RPG battle.
- Suspiciously Specific Denial: Celestia's letter to Twilight in the first episode includes the claim that her being sent to Ponyville "totally isn't a thinly-veiled Batman Gambit meant to prevent the impending pony apocalypse. For serious."
- Talking to Himself
- Twilight Sparkle and Applejack, the latter of whom even lampshades this.
Applejack: Hey you sound familiar. You sure we ain't never met before? |
- Rainbow Dash, Steven Magnet, and the Shadowbolts.
- Tempting Fate:
Twilight Sparkle: I can handle this on my own. I don't need you to help me. |
- Troll: The spooky trees in episode 2 are turned into this, so Pinkie Pie's "Giggle at the Ghostly" song becomes "Giggle At the Griefers".
- Who Writes This Crap?: Pinkie Pie quips in the first episode "Now, by appearing in a crappy parody series written by a talentless hack, I know I've hit the big time!"
- Also, Nightmare Moon's second objective after bringing eternal night is destroying all parody series.
Nightmare Moon: Since when did such nonsensical, unfunny tripe qualify as comedy?! |
- The Woobie: In-universe, sorta: During Fluttershy's introduction scene, the writer breaks character and says he can't bring himself to make fun of her.
- Yuri Fan: Pinkie Pie once wrote a 24-page Apple/Dash shipping fanfic while in a pony-induced haze.