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These are the famous ponies nearly everypony looks up to from the talented acrobats like The Wonderbolts, sensational singer Sapphire Shores to historical figures in Pony history such as Star Swirl the Bearded.
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The Wonderbolts[]
First Mention: "Friendship Is Magic, Part 1" ("Mare in the Moon") |
The most talented flyers in all of Equestria and Rainbow Dash's idols. The Wonderbolts perform at the Grand Galloping Gala every year and also served as celebrity judges for the Best Young Flyer Competition in Cloudsdale.
Tropes which apply to the entire group[]
- Adaptation Name Change: One of The Hub's alternate stories of how Rainbow Dash got her cutie mark refers to them as the Blue Thunders.
- Badass in Distress: Very briefly in "Sonic Rainboom".
- Big Damn Heroes: In addition to being performers, they're apparently Equestria's rescue team as seen in "Sonic Rainboom" and "Secret of My Excess". Too bad they fail in both situations.
- Fan Nickname:
- Over on Tumblr, the Ask a Pony community have pretty much accepted the third Wonderbolt judge that gets saved by Rainbow Dash as "Misty", and Fleetfoot was given the first name "Echo" (days before Fleetfoot was named in show). Tyco for the one with the orange and really light yellow hair, and Ariel, the one with curly blue hair, are gaining in popularity.
- "Doc" (Not to be confused with Doctor Whooves, see Background Ponies) is a popular nickname for the one with gray hair resembling Doc Brown.
- Less popular but still used are Blaze for the orange haired one. The name Rapidfire was used in the Derby during "Sweet and Elite" and identified as male. Doc and Soarin' (who wasn't mentioned by name) were the only stallions in the race (animation errors aside). There's another Wonderbolt who looks like Soarin' so the name has been used for him.
- Glass Cannon: They are incredibly fast and agile, and at full speed their wings can cut through dragon scales like knife through butter, but a single hit from Rarity was enough to send three of them plummeting to their (almost) death. Makes sense since horses kick a lot harder than humans can.
- Latex Space Suit: What their blue uniforms appear to be.
- Multicolored Mane: Three of them have this.
- Nice Ponies: They are superfamous celebrities, but they keep a humble attitude and are openly friendly towards their fans; in fact, they were pretty much the only nice ponies around during "The Best Night Ever".
- Besides Rarity, they were the only guests who didn't think they were too good for Applejack's apple treats.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: The Wonderbolts resemble the US Navy Blue Angels in colour scheme, profession and flying style while their name recalls the Thunderbirds.
- No Name Given: All of them except Soarin', Spitfire, Fleetfoot, and Rapidfire. Another one could have the All There in the Script name of Breezie or Surprise; see her entry below for details.
- OC Stand In: It's starting to become a trend on Tumblr to start blogs for the unnamed Wonderbolts. They're pretty much on the same level as most background ponies...perhaps even lower since they show up less than say Derpy or Lyra and even their cutie marks are a mystery but they still receive Fanon. Of course, the yellow-maned white Wonderbolt also has her possible identity as Surprise or Breezie to draw from (though she's generally only been portrayed as Surprise).
- Opaque Lenses: Their goggles.
- Razor Wings: Probably a by-product of natural Pegasi abilities; sharp enough to shave a dragon if they feel like it.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Their name is spelled as two words ("Wonder Bolts") on the Miniature Collection sets' boxes and in a post by the My Little Pony Facebook page.
- Vague Age: Their goggles hide whether or not they have bags under their eyes.
- What Happened to the Mouse?:
- Six Wonderbolts performed an acrobatic stunt before the start of the Best Young Flyer Competition. Three of them sat in the stands and were the only ones who tried to rescue Rarity later in the episode. The other three flew off the top of the screen and weren't seen again.
- Again in the Season 1 finale "Best Night Ever", we don't see what happens to Spitfire and Soarin' after Rainbow Dash catches the statue. There's also all the other Wonderbolts who Rainbow Dash might've had better luck hanging out with, though her focusing on Spitfire and Soarin' makes sense in hindsight now that we know Spitfire is the captain and Soarin' may be second in command.
- The Worf Effect: For such an elite group, they have an abysmal track record of doing anything useful in dangerous situations.
- You Gotta Have A Blue Mane: Soarin' and a few others. Additionally a poster seen in "Friendship is Magic, part 1" shows a stylized depiction of three blue-haired Wonderbolts.
First Appearance: "Sonic Rainboom" |
Voiced by Maryke Hendrikse |
A yellow Pegasus mare with a fiery looking mane, Spitfire has a laid back and easy going personality in contrast to her appearance. "Hurricane Fluttershy" revealed that she is the leader of the Wonderbolts (as many fans had assumed beforehand).
- Brown Eyes
- The Captain
- Fiery Redhead: Despite her name and appearance, Spitfire actually averts this trope quite nicely.
- Flaming Mane: Spitfire's mane and tail resemble blazing flames.
- Meaningful Name: She is named after the WW 2-era Supermarine Spitfire Fighter Plane (perhaps the most iconic plane of the whole war).
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Despite her appearance, she's the Blue to Soarin's Red.
- She's A Stallion In Poland: Possibly in the Polish dub. She has a male voice in both "Sonic Rainboom" and "The Best Night Ever", but it might just be an extreme case of Cross-Dressing Voices.
First Appearance: "The Ticket Master" |
Voiced by Matt Hill |
This lovable blue Pegasus stallion despite his goofy personality is one of the best fliers in Equestria. He seems to really love apple pies. He makes a small cameo in "A Canterlot Wedding - Part 2", dancing with Rainbow Dash and out of his flight suit to boot, instead wearing a uniform that implies he's second in command.
- Big Eater: According to his teammate Spitfire, always gets hungry after a performance. When he finds Applejack's food cart, he goes absolutely nuts for one of her apple pies.
- Which has lead to Shipping between the two.
- Crazy Consumption: Soarin' literally eats like a horse.
- Green Eyes
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Despite their mane colors, this is inverted as Soarin is the Red Oni to Spitfire's Blue Oni.
- Sweet Tooth: Soarin' has a big one for Applejack's pie, considering how fast he eats it at the Grand Galloping Gala.
- Tuckerization: He was apparently named after Amy Keating Rogers' son. Rogers was the writer for "Sonic Rainboom" and "The Best Night Ever", both of which featured the Wonderbolts.
- Vocal Dissonance: He sounds younger than the bags under his eyes imply he is.
First Appearance: "The Best Night Ever" |
A blue pegasus with a white mane. She's apparently one of the smaller Wonderbolts, but makes up for it with great speed. She wins the derby in "Sweet and Elite".
- Freeze-Frame Bonus: How she's identified. In "Sweet and Elite" its announced she's the winner of the race, however it's hard to tell which Wonderbolt is Fleetfoot since they move so fast. Pausing at the right moment reveals she's the blue, white maned Wonderbolt.
- Off-Model: In a wide shot in "The Best Night Ever", she's missing her tail.
- White Maned Pretty Filly
Another participant in the "Sweet & Elite" race, Fancypants believed he would win, but Fleetfoot beat him and the other Wonderbolts. Unlike Fleetfoot, which one he is isn't entirely clear other than "not Soarin'". it isn't specified which one he is but he's most likely the gray one with a white mane who appears at the start of, during and at the finish of the Derby; at least one other unnamed male Wonderbolt appears in some shots, but not all of them
First Appearance: "The Ticket Master" |
A white Pegasus mare with a yellow mane. What sets her apart from the other unnamed Wonderbolts is her resemblance to two different out-of-show ponies: Breezie, a toy line exclusive pony with a windblown tree cutie mark and green eyes who "loves windy days," and Surprise, an early design of Pinkie Pie (based on G1 Surprise) with a three-purple-balloons cutie mark and purple eyes. However, since the show hasn't revealed this Wonderbolt's cutie mark or her eye color, it's unknown whether she really is either of those two ponies. An unnamed toy of her in her Wonderbolts uniform is part of the Miniature Collection Cloudsdale Set.
- Ascended Extra: Whether or not she's Breezie, she's still the first Wonderbolt to get a toy.
- All There in the Manual: If she is Breezie or Surprise, since the show's only revealed her coat and mane colors and her job.
- All There in the Script: Both of her possible names.
- Depending on the Artist: In "Secret of My Excess" (her only Season 2 appearance), she has a noticeably darker mane than in her other appearances (in the show, the Expanded Universe, and the toy line).
- Expy: If she is Breezie (who was a G3 pony) or Surprise (who was a G1 pony).
- Lawyer-Friendly Cameo: If she is Surprise.
Fashion Ponies[]
Hoity Toity[]
Debut: "Suited For Success" |
Voiced by Trevor Devall |
Owner of the Best of the Best Boutique in Canterlot, he's looking for the newest fashions for Equestria.
- Brutal Honesty: He absolutely crushes Rarity during her first fashion show.
- Caustic Critic: He's appalled by the second batch of dresses Rarity made and makes no secret of it, though Rarity herself considered them the ugliest dresses she'd ever made and was deeply embarrassed with having to show them to him. He's considerably more positive when convinced to give her original designs a chance however, exuberantly praising Rarity afterwards and placing a rush order for a dozen of each.
- Cool Shades
- The Dandy
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He's merciless if somepony's designs are not up to his standards. However, if he thinks they have legitimate talent, he will do everything in his power to help them
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Based on fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld...white hair in a ponytail, sunglasses, high starched collar and a hand fan for a cutie mark...but with a heavy Long Island Lockjaw inflection to his voice.
- White Maned Pretty Colt
Photo Finish[]
Debut: "Green Isn't Your Color" |
Voiced by Tabitha St. Germain |
A famous fashion photographer, she had been looking for the next big star in fashion but did she succeed by recruiting Fluttershy?
- Cool Shades: Never seen without them, much like Hoity Toity, although unlike Hoity, we don't even see her lower them.
- Fan Nickname: Pony Gaga or something similar since her taste in fashion is reminiscent of a certain singer.
- Funny Foreigner: Speaks with a German accent. Either it's a Shout-Out to Edna Mode or maybe Karl Lagerfeld's accent that Hoity Toity didn't have was transferred to her.
- Genre Savvy: Completely understands that Fluttershy's Moe appeal will win the crowds.
- Large Ham
- Leitmotif: This plays whenever she's on screen.
- Moe: In-Universe: She seems to be a HUGE fan of this, as evidenced in her debut episode. All of the pictures she takes of Fluttershy specifically are her looking either shy or downcast or otherwise "I need a hug".
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Her pageboy haircut and sunglasses make her a caricature of Anna Wintour, the famously bitchy and eccentric editor-in-chief of Vogue. Fans calling her "Pony Gaga" can be chalked up to Small Reference Pools.
- Not So Different: Photo Finish is in many ways a Character Exaggeration of Rarity; she has an even more overt foreign accent, is about 20% hammier and can be just as pushy and absorbed in her work as Rarity. She's even quite taken with Fluttershy, Rarity's closest friend.
- Small Name, Big Ego: She's so full of herself her ego arrives ten seconds before she does.
- The Cameo: Shows up at the same art show as Rarity in Season 2 during Rarity's song in "Sweet and Elite".
- White Maned Pretty Filly
Sapphire Shores[]
Debut: "A Dog and Pony Show" |
Voiced by Rena Anakwe |
The Pony of Pop, Sapphire Shores appeared at Carousel Boutique one day, having read about Rarity's fashion designs. She was so impressed with a Gem-Encrusted outfit on display that she bought it on the spot and ordered five others similar to it.
- Alliterative Name
- All There in the Manual: Her molded toy and collector card reveal her cutie mark and (in the card's case) the fact that she "is quietly kind."
- Chewing the Scenery: She's been known to overact at times, primarily when she gets excited
- Eyes of Gold
- Expy: Of G3 Sapphire Shores.
- Nice Pony: She's very exuberant and a little self-absorbed, but she does seem to be genuinely friendly.
- Non Standard Character Design: She's taller and leggier than most other mares and possibly even taller than Luna but not as much as Celestia. Her lack of a cutie mark has also inspired some Wild Mass Guessing though according to Word of God, it was an animation oversight.
- Sassy Black Mare: She seems to be the pony equivalent.
- You Don't Look Like You: Her molded toy and collector card (from the fifth wave of the Blind Bags) both depict her as a differently-colored unicorn Palette Swap of Twilight Sparkle.
- You Gotta Have A Blue Mane
Prince Blueblood[]
Debut: "The Best Night Ever" |
Voiced by Trevor Devall |
Princesses Celestia and Luna's nephew; Word of God specifies that he's "the great great great great great great great great great great great (and probably even more greats) nephew on Celestia's and Luna's mother's side, about 52 times removed roughly speaking." A white unicorn with a gold mane, he is Rarity's dream stallion. Rarity falls in love with him at first sight only to find out he's a self-obsessed jerk.
- Blond Guys Are Evil: The way he treats Rarity easily qualifies him for this.
- Blue Blood: Probably his only good point.
- Dub Name Change: One of the French magazine stories refers to him as Vladímir.
- Everything's Better With Princes: Word of God was that he was supposed to be a duke, but the producers didn't think that the Target Audience would know what a duke was. Averted Trope in practice as this guy does NOT make things better in any way possible.
- Never mind the fact that the demographic watches Disney's Cinderella and therefore sees a duke anyway...
- Jerkass: Repeatedly proves himself to be one in his behavior toward Rarity. Using her as a shield to keep himself from being splattered with cake is the very last straw.
- No Name Given: The first time he "appeared" which resulted in the Fan Nickname of "Prince Astron". His real name was revealed in the Season 1 finale.
- Non Standard Character Design: While we haven't seen many members of the royal family, he's the only one we've seen who isn't a Pegasus unicorn (unless Princess Platinum was part of the same royal family).
- Meaningful Name: He's called "Blueblood"...because of his Blue Blood.
- Prince Charmless: He lives and breathes this trope.
- Princely Young Stallion: The Spoiled Brat type though at first he seems like a Prince Charming type.
- Picky Eater: Considers Applejack's tasty apple treats unworthy of him, denigrating them as "common carnival fare."
- Rich Bastard
- Royal Brat
- The Scrooge: Took Rarity to Applejack's apple treats cart but expected Rarity to pay for it.
- Shadow Archetype: He's the male version of Rarity without any of her good qualities.
- Something About a Rose: Rather than give it to Rarity, he puts it in his own buttonhole.
- Uncanny Family Resemblance: In the Expanded Universe, at least--Léon, Princess Celestia's 4-year-old cousin from one of the French magazine stories, basically looks like Prince Blueblood as a Pegasus unicorn Palette Swap of Rainbow Dash. Blueblood and Léon even have the same Cutie Mark!
- Upperclass Twit
The Mysterious Mare Do Well[]
The mysterious masked heroine and supposed rival of Rainbow Dash as Ponyville's hero. She is able to stop runaway carriages, predict when danger will occur, patch up dams with her magic and even fly. It turns out that she's actually Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Twilight and Fluttershy donning a costume designed by Rarity in a ploy to break Rainbow Dash's heroism-inflated ego.
- The Ace: A mysterious super heroine superior to Rainbow Dash and with the super strength of an Earth Pony, the super magic of an Unicorn, the super flight of a Pegasus and the ability to predict the future? Totally a Mary Sue. Actually she isn't. It was Applejack, Twilight, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie wearing the same costume and taking turns whenever their single abilities would be handy, everyone else just assumed she was just a single super-pony and their awe & hype did the rest.
- Always Someone Better: Fills this role in regards to Rainbow Dash.
- Badass Cape: There was some justification behind it, since it hides the lack of wings on a non-Pegasus.
- Captain Ersatz: Of any number of dark caped superheroes you wish. Costume-wise, she bears a great resemblance to the Batman character known as Spoiler aka Stephanie Brown.
- Coat, Hat, Mask
- Collective Identity
- Color-Coded Wizardry: Her magic aura is the same red-violet color as those of Twilight Sparkle and her family as well as Amethyst Star. And for good reason, since Twilight's the only unicorn who played her.
- The Cowl: Her costume and mysterious demeanor certainly invokes this trope.
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Nice Hat: Perfect for hiding the presence or lack of a horn.
- The Voiceless: She never says a single word. Totally justified since she was Applejack, Twilight, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy in disguise and the voice would have given them away. Also used to reinforce her modest and humble nature.
- Winged Unicorn: Appears to be one due to unicorn Twilight and pegasus Fluttershy being among the ponies who played her.
Debut: "Sweet and Elite" |
Voiced by Trevor Devall |
An important and influential business unicorn in Canterlot. He befriends Rarity in the episode "Sweet and Elite" and introduces her to high society life. He makes a small cameo in "A Canterlot Wedding - Part 2", with Rarity.
- Blue Blood: If not Royal Blood.
- Bow Ties Are Cool: He wears a rather snazzy one at the party at the end of the episode.
- High-Class Glass: And he adjusts it with his unicorn magic.
- Nice Pony: Unlike most high society ponies, he was actually quite nice to Rarity the whole time and even complimented the simple dress she made for Twilight.
- Non-Indicative Name: He doesn't even wear pants let alone a fancy pair...
- Meaningful Name: Though "fancy pants" is a common term used by others to often describe members of the upper class.
- And he actually is wearing pants...it's just that they only cover his forelegs.
- Meaningful Name: Though "fancy pants" is a common term used by others to often describe members of the upper class.
- Reasonable Authority Figure
- Sharp Dressed Stallion
- Uncle Pennybags: He finds the Mane 6 not named Rarity "charmingly rustic", and he's pretty humble otherwise.
- Visual Pun: His cutie mark is three crowns, referencing Triple Crown horse racing among other classy things.
- You Gotta Have A Blue Mane
Iron Will[]
Debut: "Putting Your Hoof Down" |
A boisterous minotaur who runs a motivational seminar that helps meek ponies like Fluttershy become more assertive. Of course, his lessons aren't free...
- Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal: He wears a necktie, nose-ring, headset and nothing else.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: His self help methods have shades of this.
- Awesome McCoolname
- Badass Boast: He's made of them. All his mantras qualify as this.
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Exact Words: "If you are not 100% satisfied You. Pay. Nothing!" And he's reasonable enough to stick by them.
- Expy: His voice sounds almost like Mr. Satan from Dragon Ball. He also appears to be based on Hulk Hogan and a number of other professional wrestlers (See No Celebrities Were Harmed).
- Graceful Loser: When Fluttershy claims she doesn't owe him any money because she's not satisfied with the results from his seminar, he proves to be a minotaur of his word. He even considers it a learning experience he might integrate into his lessons.
- Hammerspace: Where did he get that basket from?
- Hidden Depths: At first glance, he looks like an abusive jerk trying to scam people with a fake self-help seminar. Turns out he's surprisingly well-behaved, emphatic and a bull of honor, plus his seminar truly worked, the only problem is that it worked too well. Even when he's struggling with Rarity and Pinkie Pie, he only used a fraction of his strength and he politely knocks at Fluttershy's door instead of smashing it as the audience is lead to believe he's going to do.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: If he didn't include the 100% satisfaction or your money back guarantee, he would have been within his rights to demand payment.
- Hot-Blooded
- Insistent Terminology: He's not a monster. He's a Minotaur. Notably, he isn't the one to insist on the terminology--of the three times it comes up, Fluttershy corrects the others when he isn't around, and when Rarity does say it to his face she corrects herself.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: While he was a bit forceful on getting Fluttershy to pay up, he's reasonable enough to stick by his Exact Words. He even plans on using his encounter with Fluttershy as an inspiration for his next seminar.
- Large and In Charge
- Large Ham: He practically flexes in some way every time he talks.
- A Load of Bull: A minotaur.
- Mix-and-Match Critters: Traditionally, the Minotaur (literally, "the bull of [King] Minos") is a creature (unique, not a species, much like the original Pegasus) with the head of a bull and the body of a man, or at least somehow part man and part bull. Iron Will fits the first description down to the waist, below which he has hooves and a bull's tail, not uncommon in modern renditions of minotaurs. With a bipedal posture and one-third human body, or at the very least human hands and arms if that's interpreted as an upright bull's torso, he's the closest thing to a human the series has seen so far.
- Mooks: Not the evil types. He has goats that serve as his equipment crew and security.
- Mr. Fanservice: Some fans actually find him attractive.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Iron Will appears to be an Expy of motivational speaker Tony Robbins. Also Mr.T, Hulk Hogan, Randy "Macho Man" Savage and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.
- And the inspirational style of Courage Wolf.
- Rhymes on a Dime: His inspirational Catch Phrases. To name a few:
Iron Will: When somepony tries to block, show them that YOU ROCK! |
- Real Men Wear Pink: That's a cute little shopping basket he's got there.
- Shadow Archetype: A positive example for Fluttershy. He's much more assertive and gregarious than the meek, introverted pegasus.
- Shout-Out: Iron Will shares his name with a different Iron Will. He also pities the fool who doubts his methods.
- Starfish Language: Speaks fluent goat.
- Stealth Pun: He's a minotaur who endorses becoming a bully to earn respect.
- The Voiceless: His goat minions seem incapable of speech. They only do bleating sounds. Iron Will seems to understand them perfectly.
- Third Person Person: The way he says his name.
- Too Important to Walk: His goat minions carry him around, it would seem.
- Testosterone Poisoning
- Would Hit a Girl: Iron Will tosses Rarity and Pinkie Pie aside (Into the mud in the case of the latter) and is willing to threaten to beat up Fluttershy if she doesn't pay him the fee — although this was probably a bit of boisterous bluster for effect.
Historical Figures[]
- Alliterative Name: Star Swirl the Bearded. Also Clover the Clever, Princess Platinum and Private Pansy if you include titles.
- Beleaguered Assistant: To say that the assistants were annoyed at the behavior of their leaders would have been an understatement.
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: The assistants took out the Windigos and saved Equestria. As always, this involved blasting them with weaponized friendship. Noteable because it was accidental.
- Fantastic Racism: This was an unfortunate trait of the three races before they were united under Equestria's founding: The Earth Ponies resented the Pegasi and Unicorns for messing with the weather and their demands for food. The Pegasi were angry at the Earth Ponies for not being able to grow food and the Unicorns were viewed as too haughty by the other two. Especially evident in the leaders.
- Posthumous Character: This is kind of a requirement to be listed here.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Each of the three leaders of the pony races had this kind of relationship with their assistants. The Leaders being red while the assistants were blue.
Star Swirl the Bearded[]
First Mention: "Luna Eclipsed" |
The father of the "amniomorphic spell" and mentor to Clover the Clever, this influential yet obscure unicorn created more than 200 spells and was the most important conjurer of the pre-classical era. A wing in the Canterlot Archives (the most secure section, in fact) and a shelf in the Canterlot Library of Magic are both named after him. Twilight Sparkle dressed up as him for Nightmare Night during "Luna Eclipsed". While there is an Earth Pony in the toy line named "Star Swirl," this Star Swirl is a completely different character if Twilight's costume is anything to go by.
- Badass Beard
- Canon Immigrant: The name anyway.
- Cosplay: Not he himself, but Twilight dresses as him for Nightmare Night becoming a "Crossplayer" by doing so.
- Expy: Of Dumbledore and Gandalf.
- Gender Flip: The toy Star Swirl has always been female, but the name is being used for a male character in this show.
- Bilingual Bonus / Stealth Pun: Star Swirl the Bearded is the master of the amniomorphic spell. Amnio means 'bowl' and morphic means 'form' which makes him a bearded bowl-making spellcaster... a hairy potter.
- The Magnificent
- The Mentor: To Clover the Clever.
- Nice Hat
- Pals With Princesses: Princess Luna knew him personally.
- Robe and Wizard Hat
- Wizard Beard
Clover the Clever[]
Debut: "Hearth's Warming Eve" |
One of the founders of Equestria, Star Swirl the Bearded's protegee and assistant to Princess Platinum. Played by Twilight Sparkle in the Hearth's Warming Eve pageant.
- Expy/GenderFlip: Possibly of G2's Clever Clover.
- It's not been confirmed as a gender flip since the character is never addressed by gender in the play and girls playing male characters happens in real life.
- Magic Knight
- The Magnificent
- Straight Mare
Princess Platinum[]
Debut: "Hearth's Warming Eve" |
One of the founders of Equestria and daughter of the Unicorn King. Played by Rarity in the Hearth's Warming Eve pageant.
- Ermine Cape Effect: If Rarity's costume is any indication.
- Everything's Better with Princesses
- Princesses Rule: Possibly; we never see her father and she's the one who goes off to found Equestria, not him.
- Requisite Royal Regalia
- Royal Brat: Until the Windigos' defeat, that is.
Commander Hurricane[]
Debut: "Hearth's Warming Eve" |
One of the founders of Equestria and the leader of the Pegasi. Played by Rainbow Dash in the Hearth's Warming Eve pageant.
- Ambiguous Gender: Hurricane is referred to as "sir"[1] multiple times as well as being named a "brute" (an insult which is usually Always Male) throughout the play but Pansy calls Hurricane "her" multiple times and the role is played by the female Rainbow Dash.
- Awesome McCoolname
- Bad Boss: To Private Pansy.
- General Ripper
- Hot-Blooded
- Jerkass
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: After the Windigos' defeat.
- Proud Warrior Race Pony
Private Pansy[]
Debut: "Hearth's Warming Eve" |
One of the founders of Equestria and subordinate of Commander Hurricane. Played by Fluttershy in the Hearth's Warming Eve pageant.
- Fail O'Suckyname: Contrasted with her commanding officer's. On its own "Pansy" wouldn't be too bad as a pony name...but "Private Pansy" is possibly the worst name imaginable for a military setting.
- Shrinking Violet
- Straight Mare
Chancellor Puddinghead[]
Debut: "Hearth's Warming Eve" |
One of the founders of Equestria and leader of the Earth ponies. Played by Pinkie Pie in the Hearth's Warming Eve pageant.
- The Caligula: A mild example before the Windigos' defeat.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Nice Hat: Wears a bowl of pudding on her head.
- No Sense of Direction: Believes wearing an upside-down map on her face is all the direction she needs. Of course whether it's upside or not is irrelevant; the world is round; there is no up or down.
- Pointy Maned Boss: It's a wonder the earth ponies managed to function with her in charge.
- And to make matters worse? She was ELECTED!
Smart Cookie[]
Debut: "Hearth's Warming Eve" |
One of the founders of Equestria and secretary to Chancellor Puddinghead. Played by Applejack in the Hearth's Warming Eve pageant.
Fictional Characters[]
Daring Do[]
Debut: "Read It and Weep" |
Voiced by Chiara Zanni |
An archaeologist pegasus with yellow fur and a grayscale mane who is the heroine of the adventurous tale of Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Statue as well as many other titles, a series of books anypony can enjoy.
Her series has a Just for Fun page here!
- Action Mare
- Adventurer Archaeologist: Considering who she's an Expy of, goes with the territory.
- Adventurer Outfit: Complete with pith helmet.
- Alliterative Name
- Badass: So much that she impresses Rainbow Dash into becoming a fan of her series.
- Badass Adorable: This is a given considering she's a Palette Swap of Rainbow Dash.
- Handicapped Badass: At least in Quest for the Sapphire Statue, where her right wing was injured in a crash, rendering her unable to fly.
- Brought Down to Badass: And on that note, she loses her ability to fly and becomes Indiana Jones. Flying, she should be almost too good to work as an adventurer archaeologist.
- Brainy Brunette
- Character Name and the Noun Phrase: How the titles of her books work.
- Determinator: Nothing's going to stop her from getting the Sapphire Relic.
- Expy: Ponydom's answer to Indiana Jones.
- Meaningful Name: She is a Doer of Daring Things. Also, probably a pun on derring-do, which she is prone to.
- Nice Hat: It even helps her to escape Ahuizotl's trap!
- Palette Swap: Of Rainbow Dash.
Debut: "Read It and Weep" |
A villain based on an Ahuizotl. He's the big bad of the book Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Statue. And since he's an in-universe fictional character, he's a hilariously cliched and over the top bad guy.
- An Ahuizotl Named Ahuizotl: They can get away with this since there aren't many others to confuse it with.
- Arch Enemy: Of Daring Do.
- Aztec Mythology: Where he originated from.
- Big Bad: Of Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Statue.
- Big No: Of course he had to release one of these.
- Bond Villain Stupidity: Instead of having his cat minions take care of Daring Do directly, he opts to leave her in an ancient Death Trap. Granted, it's a darn good deathtrap.
- Cats Are Mean: Has a number of dangerous big cats--and one cute white kitten--as his Evil Minions.
- Diabolical Mastermind
- Evil Is Hammy: He could rival Discord for this trope.
- Large Ham: He's a character in a book, after all.
- Our Monsters Are Weird: Ahuizotl don't usually appear much in popular culture do they?
- Prehensile Tail: The production team have Shown Their Work; this is one of the ahuizotl's most notable features in Aztec myth.
- Real Men Wear Pink: Plenty of villains have a Right-Hand-Cat, but not many have one so adorable.
- ↑ Which can be gender neutral in certain situations