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"I felt it the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you; to see you; how much I cared about you! The spark ignited inside me when I realized that you all... are my friends!"
—Twilight Sparkle
Don't put fan works on this page. They have been moved to this link--> My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Non Canon
Season 1 - Part 1[]
Mare in the Moon[]
- Any time Apple Bloom says anything. Though in particular, her first line of the series, "Arent'cha gonna stay fer brunch?" is so adorable that it can warm the heart of any creature in the universe. Ever.
- And it's only enhanced by the face she makes.
- Almost as adorable was Twilight's reaction. She tries so hard to resist the inevitable Cuteness Overload.
- Pinkie is so kind that she went out of her way to throw a party for Twilight, even going so far as to invite everypony in town, because she assumed that the new girl didn't have any friends and was feeling lonely.
Elements of Harmony[]
- The summoning of the elements of harmony in episode 2, complete with Twilight Sparkle no longer wanting to be alone and openly stating how glad she was to see and hear her friends.
- At which point, everyone who was a little girl back in the 1980s immediately reverts to being a squeeing little girl again, because OMG, that's the freaking Rainbow of Light!
- Even more heartwarming is at the point the others arrive, Twilight looked like she'd lost all hope, and by all rights probably had, considering the only thing capable of stopping Nightmare Moon was just smashed to bits right in front of her. Then she realizes her friends are coming to help her and restores her hope.
- And then the Princess forgives Luna. Dawww.
- The ponies in Ponyville giving Luna a flower necklace in friendship. Aww...
- There's a Freeze-Frame Bonus there, too. If you look closely at Luna's face when she looks at Celestia, you can see her tearing up out of happiness.
- Makes valid sense, since the whole point of her Face Heel Turn was she thought no one liked her or her night. Seeing people were perfectly welcoming and kind to her, despite everything she's done, pretty much relieved Luna's fears she held for centuries.
- A Genius Bonus too: the flowers are red and white roses, together, symbolizing reconciliation within the royal family, just as the red-and-white-rose of the Tudors symbolized the reconciliation between Lancaster and York at the end of the War of the Roses.
- Twilight realizing that the other five are really her friends. And then she gets it. The spark.
- Specifically, the page quote. By turning to Nightmare Moon for those last few words ("... when I realised that you all are my friends!"), she managed to turn a declaration of friendship into a Badass Boast!
- "You've been up all night, Spike...You are a baby dragon, after all..." Twilight remaining calm long enough for Spike to get to sleep.
- Moreso in that Twilight Sparkle had, up to that point, been treating Spike like her personal Butt Monkey.
- Also, Spike's reaction to Twilight coming back at the end of that episode. He pushes his way through the crowd and leaps up to give her a hug. His face sells it.
- Let's face it, everyone got at least one at some point during the pilot:
- Pinkie Pie throwing a huge welcoming party for Twilight Sparkle because she assumed the new girl in town must be lonely. Helping everyone past Nightmare Moon's illusions also counts.
- Applejack risking herself to save Twilight, then calmly reassuring her she'll be OK and helping her be rescued. She also gets one by telling Twilight they're not letting her go on this quest alone and will be by her side through it.
- Fluttershy calming the Manticore like a mother calming a child.
- Rainbow Dash overcoming Nightmare Moon's "Friend or Idol?" Decision, gladly giving up a chance to live her dream for her friends.
- Rarity's first meeting with Twilight becomes Heartwarming in Hindsight when she later cuts off a piece of her tail to give to a sea serpent, proving she'd be the wielder of the Element of Generosity. Throwing everything on the back burner to fix up Twilight's messy mane was actually an early showing of her generosity. Sure she got carried away, but her heart was most certainly in the right place.
- At which point, everyone who was a little girl back in the 1980s immediately reverts to being a squeeing little girl again, because OMG, that's the freaking Rainbow of Light!
The Ticket Master[]
- Spike's total glee at eventually being invited to the Grand Galloping Gala in "The Ticket Master". After an episode of pretending like he didn't care about the Gala.
- The rest of the Mane Cast realizing that they'd forgotten Twilight's feelings in the matter and apologizing, deciding their friendship mattered more to them. Made even more emotional by the fact that Twilight decides she didn't want to go if her friends couldn't, proving her friends mattered more to her than the Gala. Even more so when you realize one of the reasons she wanted to go was to see Princess Celestia again.
- There's also the fact that Twilight's entire conflict in the episode is based on the fact she loves all her friends too much to choose between them.
- To be fair, a Freeze-Frame Bonus during the episode subtly implies that of her friends, the ones she was most inclined to give the ticket to were Applejack and Fluttershy. Of course, Fluttershy was the most polite about it, and fans tend to agree that Applejack had the best reason. That said, the context of this Freeze-Frame Bonus is from when she was considering giving up her own ticket instead so that two of her friends could go instead of her and one of them, which is pretty heartwarming in itself, though.
- Even better is the point where she considers giving both tickets away without the slightest hesitation, only stopping because she realizes that this would still leave out three ponies. She was willing to give up her own chance to go without a second thought if it would make her friends happy.
Griffon the Brush-Off[]
- When Pinkie Pie finds out Dash was about to squirt Fluttershy, she immediately calls her out on it knowing that their most harmless prank (squirting) will hurt Fluttershy. Dash does causally agree.
- The entire pranking spree. Really, when is the last time we saw a cartoon character pull a prank that left the victim laughing?
- A heartwarming action that does not get reciprocated but still sweet. Pinkie Pie decides she must stop interfering with solid confirmation that Gilda is a thief and bully (to Fluttershy nonetheless), Pinkie decides she must deal with it...by a party in hopes of making Gilda change for the better.
- Rainbow Dash, despite her past with Gilda, instantly defends her friends in Ponyville when she reveals her true colors. Special notice in that she specifically points out her friendship with Pinkie Pie.
- On a minor scale, it was nice seeing previously traumatized Fluttershy enjoying herself at the party.
Boast Busters[]
- After Twilight thinks that she's alienated all her friends by showing vast magical power in defeating the Ursa Minor in "Boast Busters", and she tearfully begs them not to hate her like they did Trixie, the Mane Cast's collective Jaw Drop at the very concept of hating Twilight Sparkle. They honestly couldn't grasp what Twilight was worried about; of course they don't mind her being powerful, she's their friend!
Twilight Sparkle: I'm sorry. Please, please don't hate me! |
- Fluttershy standing up to the dragon, but later comforting him, in "Dragonshy".
- Especially the "you're not a bad dragon; you just made a bad decision" part. Such a non-judgmental approach is exactly what today's entertainment needs more of.
- There's also the fact that we see her first solemnly walking back down the mountain after revealing her fear to everyone...then we find out she was hiding behind a nearby rock the whole time. Even though she was completely terrified of the dragon, she never left her friends...
- Fluttershy happily tending to the animals (even carrying worms in her mouth for the birds) in the opening.
Look Before You Sleep[]
- Twilight's naivete over having her very first sleepover in "Look Before You Sleep" may come off as out of character, but it's no less adorable. Also Rarity and Applejack making up after arguing like cat and dog for most of the episode was pretty cute as well.
- Not to mention their make-up hug. Applejack puts cucumbers over Rarity's eyes in an attempt to cheer her up after getting muddy, and Rarity feels around blindly for her so that they can hug.
Winter Wrap Up[]
- The "Winter Wrap-Up" song.
Twilight: How will I do without my magic? / Help the earth pony way? / I want to belong, so I must / do my best today...! |
- And its instrumental reprise near the end, when Twilight finds a way to help get the cleanup done on time and the whole town turns out to thank her for it.
- This brief exchange in the intro:
Twilight: Spike! Wake up! |
- Dinky Hooves. Tootsie Flute. Bunnies. Need I say more?
Call of the Cutie[]
- Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle standing up for Apple Bloom during "Call of the Cutie" and telling Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon off.
- Rainbow Dash taking time out of her day to help some filly she doesn't even know. And her choice of activities for Apple Bloom is very telling: she clearly thought the little pony in front of her was awesome and just wanted to help that awesomeness shine through.
Season 1 - Part 2[]
Feeling Pinkie Keen[]
- It's blink-and-you'll-miss-it, but when running from the Hydra, the four ponies (plus Spike) have to cross a deep ravine. There's a nod to Dragonshy. Fluttershy is terrified of heights but to get herself to make the first jump, she mutters to herself, "A hop...skip...and a jump!" Small, but very sweet.
- The face Twilight makes when she's rescued from the Hydra towards the end for added cuteness she also makes the squee noise when she smiles.
- At one point in the episode, Pinkie is spied upon as she rolls in the grass, grinning like a goofball and humming. She's just... So adorable.
Sonic Rainboom[]
- From "Sonic Rainboom", there's just something so wonderful about Fluttershy finally breaking out into loud cheers over seeing Rainbow Dash finally Sonic Rainboom. Like a coach/friend finally seeing a friend's work pay off. When you take the Cutie Mark Chronicles into effect as well, Rainbow Dash was probably Fluttershy's first real friend, so in effect, Fluttershy's going wild over seeing her formerly nervous lifelong friend succeed, and that her cheering goes into Squee mode just makes it so wonderful.
- If you look closely, Rainbow Dash even tears up a bit when she sees this!
- Rarity realizes what a jerk she'd been and apologizes to Rainbow Dash and the others for her selfishness.
- Related to this: Even after all Rainbow Dash had put up with from her that whole episode, the moment she realized Rarity was in danger, she immediately came to the rescue without even thinking about it. Heartwarmingly awesome, that bit.
- Sure; once the attention goes to her head, she's the cause of half the episode's problems but the reason everypony ends up going to Cloudsdale in the first place is because Rarity recognizes Rainbow Dash's stage fright and insists that they find a way to support her.
- She also volunteered to be the guinea pig for a spell that Twilight wasn't sure she could pull off, when nopony knew what the side effects would be. Even PINKIE was too nervous to volunteer!
- Fluttershy yelling (Well...the Fluttershy version of yelling...) at the trio of colts that were bullying Rainbow Dash. Admittedly, it's not a great show of power, and it makes them laugh...but this is Fluttershy. That took a lot of guts.
The Stare Master[]
- Fluttershy happily flying while talking about how she excited she was for the sleepover is downright adorable.
- Fluttershy volunteering immediately to take the girls when Rarity couldn't is pretty heartwarming in itself.
- Lest we forget:
Fluttershy: So cute. ^_^ |
- Yes you are, Fluttershy. Yes you are.
- Twilight tells Fluttershy that she's going to the Everfree Forest, to Zecora's. Fluttershy asks her worriedly, "You'll be careful, won't you?" It's the incredible concern in her voice that makes it a CMOH.
- The fact that the CMC immediately stop playing and are utterly ashamed of themselves when they break Fluttershy's table. It doesn't last long and their attempt at fixing the table doesn't go so well, but it was sweet of them nonetheless.
A Dog and Pony Show[]
- When Twilight Sparkle (reluctantly) agrees to be Spike's noble steed in "A Dog and Pony Show" when he wants to play the knight in armour to save Rarity. Made this troper's heart melt. She even reared and whinnied!
- The scene right before Rarity is kidnapped. Spike fighting off the Diamond Dogs long enough for Rarity to get away is one... And Rarity not running away is another. She wouldn't leave without him.
- You can't discount the scene in which Rarity gives Spike the gem in return for a hard day's work. And on Spike's part too; he's been eyeing the gems since hours before, but can't bring himself to eat one that's from Rarity. And when they need the gem as bait, he gives up his precious present from Rarity in order to save Rarity herself.
Green Isn't Your Color[]
- Fluttershy and Rarity admitting how they really felt about Fluttershy's rise to fame, then reconciling, at the end of "Green Isn't Your Color".
- Yes, it made things worse, but Rarity standing up for Fluttershy when the crowd turned on her was still touching.
- Rarity's absolute disgust with herself for being as jealous as she is. One part of her is completely, hatefully jealous of her best friend--and she's terrified of it.
A Bird in the Hoof[]
- The start of the episode is just diabetes-inducing sweetness, Fluttershy taking care a of a little mouse with a broken leg & returning him to his little mouse family to the delight of his little mouse child. And she put him in a little wheelchair that she pushes with her nose.
- At the party in the beginning of the episode, Rarity is rather paranoid about her dress. Not too far out of character, and definitely very funny. Then you remember that her dress is not only what she plans on wearing to the Gala, but something that her friends made for her.
Cutie Mark Chronicles[]
- Pretty much all the flashbacks in "Cutie Mark Chronicles" have at least one heartwarming moment:
- Applejack going home after realizing Sweet Apple Acres is where she belongs after all.
- Fluttershy's song, and her comforting the animals after they get scared by the Sonic Rainboom.
- The song is heartwarming enough, until you go past the cutesy lyrics and finally get hit that it's about a little girl discovering true nature for possibly the first time.
- Particularly enjoyable is Fluttershy's singing going from soft and timid to a strong voice just belting out the song.
- Rarity's glee upon finding the vein of gems, just for the expression alone.
- Twilight Sparkle's unmitigated glee at becoming Princess Celestia's apprentice.
- The Reveal that Twilight Sparkle hatched Spike really helps confirm Twilight's status as pretty much equivalent to a mother for Spike.
- Pinkie Pie cheering up her family by throwing her first party.
- But the crowning moment is when they all realize that Rainbow Dash helped them all get their cutie marks.
- And the hug.
- And the Cutie Mark Crusaders, after seeing the mane girls go into a group hug, having one themselves.
- At the very start of the episode, when Scootaloo asks who's the coolest pony in Ponyville, Apple Bloom immediately says "Applejack!" and Sweetie Belle says "Rarity!" The fact that to them, of course their big sisters are the coolest ponies in town, that's just sweetness right there.
- Hey, just seeing the Main Six as fillies is pretty adorable in itself.
Owl's Well That Ends Well[]
- The end of "Owl's Well That Ends Well" after Spike and Twilight reconciled (this was after Spike spent most of the episode thinking Twilight didn't love him anymore). This is also the first time Twilight explicitly calls Spike her friend, rather than just an assistant.
- Earlier in the episode, the shot of everyone admiring the comets, with Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom up on their sisters' backs for a better view. Absolutely adorable.
- Compare that with the fact that Spike is often seen sitting on Twilight's back.
- The meteor shower scene is a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming in another way too, when you think about it: Twilight and her friends, and many other residents of Ponyville besides, are staying up late to appreciate the beautiful vista of the night sky. Imagine how Princess Luna felt about that.
- Seeing Spike get as much attention from the girls as he does during that get-together is also pretty enjoyable. Just in case his Butt Monkey status left you wondering if the girls really respected him, this scene shows them all looking at him at the same time and smiling, then Pinkie petting him, then Rarity saying she made a bow-tie for him. Afterwards, Twilight says that's enough, [1] but still, it was clearly very fun for Spike while it lasted.
- Earlier in the episode, the shot of everyone admiring the comets, with Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom up on their sisters' backs for a better view. Absolutely adorable.
Party of One[]
- Rarity stick her head into a trash can just to keep the party a secret is heartwarming. Even more, considering Rarity's own moments of Super OCD in previous episodes.
- Pinkie making up with her friends, and apologizing for assuming the worst, at the end of "Party of One", when she finds they were throwing her a surprise birthday party.
The Best Night Ever[]
- It's a small one, but Applejack giving free apple fritters to Rarity and her clearly Jerkass date in "Best Night Ever". It's just so sweet.
- It's also a nice example of character development. Rarity comments that "at least somepony here has good manners." Y'know... that same pony she once chewed out for having no manners?
- Another small one, but I love the part where Soarin' buys one of Applejack's pies the first minute she set up shop. Of course it's only noteworthy in retrospect, after we see that everyone else is too pompous to enjoy Applejack's food. This, combined with their interactions with Rainbow Dash cement the Wonderbolts as the only kind (non-Mane Cast/Celestia) people at the entire Gala.
- Everyone hanging out together after their respective horrible nights at the end of the best night ever.
- A buzzard of all creatures protectively shielding a squirrel and some ducklings against the insane pony rampaging in the gardens. Say what you will about the garden animals, but they stick together.
Season 2 - Part 1[]
The Return of Harmony, Part 1[]
- In the opener, right before the walls come up, this is kind of a nice moment.
Twilight: Alright, girls. Let's do this. |
- Fluttershy admitting she's helpless and is lucky to have such great friends is heartwarming in itself. It also lets her resist Discord's initial Mind Rape.
- The reveal that Celestia and Luna once wielded the Elements Of Harmony together against Discord. As shown in the pilot, only those with a very strong bond with one another are capable of using them, showing just how much the two of them cared about each other...
- In hindsight, this also implies a Tear Jerker. We already knew Celestia single-hoofedly wielded the Elements of Harmony to stop Nightmare Moon, which would have been painful enough on its own. But only now do we know that she was essentially taking the ultimate symbol of her bond with her sister, empowered by that same bond, and turning it against her.
- The moment when Rarity gives Twilight her umbrella when she'd just said that she didn't want to get out from under it. Element of Generosity, everypony.
The Return of Harmony, Part 2[]
- Twilight being inspired to fight Discord by Princess Celestia sending back all her friendship reports.
- Not only that, but just how joyful she looks when she regains hope and her color when she figures out what she needs to do to win back her friends and fight Discord.
- Just seeing them all together again after everything that has happened in the past two episodes is a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming.
- Twilight returns her friends to normal by reminding them of all the good times they've had together. Even Discord's Mind Rape was no match for how much they all care about each other once they remembered it.
- The first thing that Applejack does once freed from Discord's Mind Rape is honestly apologize for her behavior. Twilight accepting it is even more touching.
Applejack: Can y'ever forgive me? |
- And what Fluttershy said when she was freed was down right adorable...
Fluttershy: "Oh no! Twilight, Applejack, I just had the worst dream!" |
- Not just it's cute that Fluttershy is so kind, but that being mean to her friends is a nightmare to her. Plus Andrea Libman delivers it in such a sweet tone it just makes the viewer even more glad to see the pegasus back to normal.
- Rainbow Dash instantly asks if Ponyville is ok when she's freed, showing her loyalty towards her hometown. This is followed by a wonderful group hug.
- Even though it's pretty funny as well, seeing Pinkie Pie her happy, joyful self again after how brutally Discord broke her is pretty touching.
- The first thing Rarity does after she comes back is shove the big boulder out the door and deliver a perfect Rarity line that we've all missed. It's also funny.
- At the end when they're standing with Princess Celestia, being thanked by the whole kingdom for saving it from Discord and getting the respect they deserved. Not only was it touching to see the heroes rewarded in such a way, but after all they've been through the past two episodes, you know they've Earned Their Happy Ending!
- Anyone else felt their heart melting when Twilight never truly resented them even after all they did, in spite of their Mind Rape?
- The final confrontation with Discord has an element of this trope, along with Crowning Moment of Awesome. Individually, each pony was just another play thing to Discord. Even though they have the Elements Of Harmony now, they're still facing the reality bending Spirit of Chaos that broke and Mind Raped them just a short while ago. No one could blame them for being afraid. And yet there's not an ounce of fear to be seen in them — even from Fluttershy — now that they've got each other to back them up. The Power of Friendship is powerful indeed.
- Twilight letting Discord know what they've learned from the whole experience is not only a completely Badass Shut UP, Hannibal, it also shows that despite everything Discord put them through trying to destroy it, their friendship still means the world to all of them and they'll do absolutely anything to protect it. If anything, the whole ordeal made their friendship stronger.
Twilight: "I'll tell you what I learned Discord. Friendship may not always be easy, but there is no doubt it's worth fighting for" |
- Fluttershy getting furious when Twilight points out that Discord will win if they don't catch the still corrupted Rainbow Dash becomes this when you realize the most likely reason for her being that angry. Discord spent the last two episode breaking and Mind Raping everyone she cares about and worse, brainwashing her into being extremely cruel to them. Remember what a Mama Bear Fluttershy is when her friends are threatened.
- Not only that, but Fluttershy is from Cloudsdale, and Rainbow Dash and she have known each other since they were fillies. So letting Discord permanently mess up her lifelong friend? Unthinkable!
- Although all the restorations of Harmony are heartwarming, there's something about seeing the colours return to RD in particular is ESPECIALLY heartwarming. She's the most colourful pony in Equestria, so it's only natural to smile when the rainbow returns to her tail and mane.
Lesson Zero[]
- One line from Celestia:
Twilight Sparkle: I'm a bad student! I'm tardy! |
- It's even more touching when you remember just what Celestia's approval means to Twilight.
- Twilight's friends standing up for her when they think she's going to be sent back to Canterlot for the trouble she caused.
- The knowledge that Spike, despite his writer's cramp/cramped claw, wrote a letter to Celestia to tell her that Twilight was losing it and he was worried.
- Twilight hugging Spike when she learns about the aforementioned letter is pretty darn adorable, too.
- Also a Crowning Moment of Funny, but watching Big Mac running off with Twilight's doll that nopony else wanted after the spell wore off is pretty darn cute and heartwarming.
- A small one, but Pinkie Pie nuzzling Twilight when they all came in to stop her from betting banished from Ponyville. I'd say it's the closest thing to an actual hug real ponies can do. Makes me aww, because it's such a surreal move for someone like Pinkie to do.
- All of the Mane 6 now being allowed to write letters to Celestia.
- It's brief, but the Cutie Mark Crusaders playing with a beach ball was adorable.
- Especially when you realize that the Crusaders are for once not fretting about their cutie marks and are just enjoying being kids.
- The simple fact that, all things considered, Twilight's friends didn't do anything wrong. But once they thought Twilight was going to be sent back to Canterlot, they all rushed in and appealed to Celestia as though her entire mental breakdown was their fault alone. Celestia's raised eyebrow suggests she's fully aware of this, too — but ultimately, understanding enough to humor them.
- Even if she's in the middle of a nervous breakdown, Twilight's nuzzling of her old Smarty Pants doll is adorable, especially considering how proud of and enthusiastic about it she is. "She even comes with her own quill and ink so you can pretend she's doing her homework!"
- The sheer fact that Twilight's friends pull an epic Big Damn Heroes moment to save Twilight from being possibly punished by Princess Celestia moved many fans. Considering that they are willing to possibly defy their ruler who's basically a Physical Goddess to protect their friend shows how powerful their friendship has become all this time. Pinkie Pie nuzzling Twilight really hits home in this scenario. Twilight hugging Spike in the end also makes this moment powerful.
- The reveal that Fluttershy wasn't actually fighting the bear was both funny and touching.
- the fact that Applejack is the first of the Mane 6 to try and calm Twilight down as well as seemingly being the only one to notice how upset and stressed out she is when none of the others did. Especially heartwarming when you remember that she once went through a similar experience and Twilight helped her out. Looks Like AJ decided to return the favor.
Luna Eclipsed[]
- Pipsqueak, at the end, asking if Luna can come scare them again next year, and telling her "You're my favorite princess ever!" followed by a quick hug before he runs off to tell his friends.
Princess Luna: Can it...be true? OH MOST WONDROUS OF...I mean, Oh, most wondrous of nights. |
- The great implication of just what Pipsqueak said to her. Luna, at the very least in her own mind, has always existed in her older sister's shadow; Celestia is the one who everypony adores. So for someone, even a little colt, to declare Luna his favorite princess...one can only imagine what that must mean to her.
- Twilight's behavior towards Luna. When everyone else bows down in sheer terror of her, Twilight's first reaction is to try and walk up to greet her personally. Then she spends the rest of the episode doing everything she can to help her. Twilight never once doubted Luna was a good pony.
- A stealth moment, but for this troper, it was when he saw that Zecora, the former village pariah being invited to take part in the Nightmare Night festivities. Proof that the reset button isn't a requirement for a children's show.
- Not just taking part in it, being trusted with the foals and pretty much leading the Nightmare Night festivities for them. It's quite clear she's now fully accepted and trusted by the town.
- The fact that the mayor called her "Our friend Zecora" counts for this all on its own.
- A very minor one that's more based on the rule of Cuteness Proximity, is when Luna hugs Fluttershy. That's right, even Princess Luna with her massive badass hamminess isn't immune to the Fluttershy Effect.
- Pinkie Pie hanging out with the kids was also pretty cute. You know she was in full Cool Big Sis mode that night.
- Luna complimenting Applejack by calling her "fair."
- Luna rushing to help Pipsqueak when he falls into the bobbing for apples barrel. Sure, he wasn't actually grateful, but it was still very sweet to see how protective Luna is towards children.
- A small one, but even though Granny Smith complained about being up well past her usual bedtime, the fact that she's still chaperoning youngsters for Nightmare Night is still very sweet for her.
- After the ice has been broken, Luna hanging out with everypony and all of them having fun.
Sisterhooves Social[]
- Pretty much all of the interaction between Applejack and Apple Bloom in this episode ranges from sisterly teamwork to concentrated diabetes-inducing adorableness.
- Apple Bloom being willing to share her big sister with her troubled fellow Cutie Mark Crusader speaks huge volumes about how close their friendship has gotten.
- There's also the fact that she and Applejack willingly gave up being in the Sisterhooves Social so that Sweetie Belle and Rarity can be in it.
- There's also the fact that the extremely competitive Applejack was willing to give up being in a competition to help Rarity reconcile with Sweetie Belle.
- When Rarity sees what Sweetie Belle used the gemstones for. A decorative heart around a picture of the two of them
- Applejack and Apple Bloom romping around and having fun while doing chores. You can just tell that A. J. loves being the big sister.
- For me, personally, this is the episode I stopped see Applejack as simply an older sister and started seeing her as a mother.
- When it's revealed that Applejack and Apple Bloom were in on the whole switch.
- Rarity and Sweetie Belle making up in the end is certainly "d'aww"-worthy.
Sweetie Belle: You all did this for me? |
- The moment Sweetie Belle goes to hug who she thinks is Applejack, and Rarity's white horn is revealed is just...d'aww!
- More heartwarming is the fact that Rarity was willing to get covered from head to hoof in mud to make it up to Sweetie Belle for how badly she treated her. Rarity may act selfish at times, but she's the Element Of Generosity for a good reason. When she has to do something to help somepony else, nothing will stop her.
- The moment Sweetie Belle goes to hug who she thinks is Applejack, and Rarity's white horn is revealed is just...d'aww!
- Rarity seeing Sweetie Belle's picture and realizing her mistake is an in-universe Tear Jerker and probable out-of-universe one.
- When she finds Sweetie Belle, Rarity looks genuinely worried before she sees her, then absolutely overjoyed. She really was worried for Sweetie Belle and it shows that, despite how she'd acted, she really does love and care about Sweetie Belle.
- During the Friendship Report montage, Rarity and Sweetie Belle taking the "apple pie" metaphor to the next level, working together to successfully bake one.
- Given their former antagonism (most notably in "Look Before You Sleep"), seeing Rarity honestly taking advice from Applejack counts.
- The fact that Rarity's reaction to seeing Sweetie Belle use up her gems is 'find new ones.' The thought of just tearing them back off? Never even entered her mind.
- Though the point of the episode was for Sweetie Belle and Rarity to reconcile, the image of Sweetie in Applejack's hat and bandana with the apple border behind her was just too cute. Who Wouldn't want to be part of the Apple family for a day?
- The fact that while Sweetie Bell was wandering around the Social talking about the competitions, she was constantly saying "oh; Rarity would say/think 'X.'" It might seem mean or angry at first, until you realize that while at the Social all she was thinking about was "What would Rarity think of this?"
Cutie Pox[]
- Sweetie and Scootaloo WEREN'T jealous when Apple Bloom got her Cutie Mark. It totally negates what the fans thought would happen! Awwww.
"Our friend is the most special pony ever!" |
- Even more heartwarming considering that it's Scootaloo that says, "it's just a cutie mark". Scootaloo is the last Cutie Mark Crusader you'd expect to say that. That one line shows Scoot definitely cares about her friends more than getting a cutie mark.
- At the beginning of the episode, the two trying to cheer Apple Bloom up.
- This Troper thought it was especially sweet that Sweetie Belle turned to her sister to cheer Apple Bloom up right after the Sisterhooves Social.
- Applejack, Big Macintosh, & Granny Smith all expressing their happiness at Apple Bloom getting her Cutie Mark. Even more Heartwarming when you realize this is the first time since the pilot we actually see the four Apple family members together.
- The look of joy on Granny Smith's face when Apple Bloom shared her loopty hoop with her Granny warmed this troper's heart. You can tell it meant a lot to her dear Granny.
- Zecora forgiving Apple Bloom for stealing from her after Apple Bloom was sure she'd never want to see her again.
- Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle actually having fun bowling despite not getting their Cutie Marks from it. Sweetie Belle's happy grin after getting a gutterball is especially cute.
- The reaction of the ponies bowling to the one who gets a bowling ball and pin Cutie Mark was very sweet. The special talents are clearly considered a big deal, but cheering on a stranger for it was pretty heartwarming.
- Although mostly a Crowning Moment of Funny, the fact that Pinkie was willing to publicly admit an embarrassing secret to try to help Apple Bloom. Sure, she may not be telling the whole truth by the end, but at least she is the only pony who tries to help (though, to be completely fair to Applejack and Twilight, they were on their way to try to find a cure and neither of them had any truths to admit that weren't blatantly obvious).
- Also, just the fact that she got so upset over admitting to such a minor little thing, like it was some great felony. For a scene that was mostly a silly joke, it really reinforces what a sweetheart she is.
- When the town learns that Apple Bloom has Cutie Pox, most of them panic and either leave town, shut themselves inside, or don hazmat suits. Despite this, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle are among the few ponies who stay outside, despite their inability to help and not knowing what Apple Bloom could be forced to do next. They clearly consider their concern for Apple Bloom more important than their own health and safety.
May The Best Pet Win[]
- Fluttershy being excited about Rainbow Dash wanting a pet was at diabetes level adorableness!
- Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash's song is awesome, but 90% of Fluttershy's lines are just plain adorable.
- Rainbow Dash choosing the tortoise over the falcon for her pet, realizing its unwillingness to give up and finding the strength to help her when she needs it most, giving it the name Tank.
- Tank's slow smile will melt the hardest heart.
- And what did the falcon (who was first to cross the finish line) do when Tank was declared the winner? Shake its wing with Tank's foreleg and accept Dash's decision.
- Pinkie's excitement at realizing the Loophole Abuse that will allow Rainbow to make Tank the winner.
- Rainbow Dash coaxing Tank out of his shell. She spent most of the episode putting him down and then she talks to him like a mother soothing a child.
- Don't forget the adorable nose mash she gives Tank when she declares him the winner!
- The Mane Cast playing around with their pets is pretty touching as well.
The Mysterious Mare Do Well[]
- The Rainbow Dash Fan Club. The way Scootaloo idolizes her enough to start it even before she becomes a hero to the town specifically instead of "merely" one of the six ponies who saved the world TWICE, and also everyone acting perfectly like little kids who all look up to someone.
- While she's being congratulated for saving a filly from a well, Dash gives the most adorable smile while blushing.
- Amethyst Star/Sparkler having a picnic with a little filly. Whether it's her child, a relative, or just another foal in need of a big sister, it's absolutely adorable.
- Throughout the whole episode, Rainbow Dash has nothing but pure utter loathing for Mare Do Well. After the big chase sequence, she finally pins down Mare Do Well and gets The Reveal for the mysterious heroine's secret identity. It's the other members of the Mane Six. Well, Rarity was just the designer. After Rainbow Dash's initial (and justified) shock, she completely abandons her feelings of hatred and reacts warmly to her friends' efforts. However boastful she might get, Rainbow Dash will always be loyal to her friends first and foremost.
- The whole elaborate masquerade up to that point has taught Rainbow Dash absolutely nothing about humility. She's more desperate for attention than ever and seething with jealousy. So what does it take for Rainbow to learn her lesson? About a minute of talking it over with her friends.
Sweet and Elite[]
- Rarity choosing her friends over the Canterlot ponies near the end of the episode.
Rarity: Yes, yes I do know them. They may not be as sophisticated as you Canterlot ponies, but they are my very best friends, and they are, without a doubt, the most important ponies I know. |
- In spite of that, the aesop of the episode itself. Unlike most kids' shows, the message is never that it's wrong to become successful and popular; only a reminder not to lose sight of yourself and where you came from, no matter how far you go.
- Twilight's complete acceptance of the dress Rarity made, which she spent little time on and was worried Twilight wouldn't like it. The hug and Twilight actually looking adorable in it help quite a bit.
- Likewise, her acceptance of Rarity mingling with the Canterlot ponies. Rarity and the viewers are both expecting Twilight to be hurt. Instead she's completely understanding of how heavily Rarity's job is influenced by networking.
- Celestia giving both a private suite to Rarity, and opening the ballroom for Twilight's birthday. No Trollestia here.
- Also one for Twilight, as she was the one who asked Celestia to provide Rarity a place to stay. This is the first time we've seen Twilight ask Celestia for anything, and it's for one of her friends.
- Twilight moving her whole party to Canterlot after Rarity says she can't leave, as it's just that important for her to have all of her friends there.
- The completely overjoyed look on Twilight's face when Rarity answers the door.
- Fancy Pants' approval of both Rarity's friends, whom he considers "charmingly rustic", and the simple dress Twilight wears. After an episode's worth of snobbish, shallow Canterlot ponies, it's a pleasant surprise to see one who is rich, influential, a member of high society — and a nice guy.
- The character of Fancy Pants in and of itself is a CMoH. It has previously been established that Canterlot's upper class is seeded with snobs who wouldn't give the time of day to anyone not of their pedigree. Having Fancy Pants, a pony Rarity acknowledges as one of the most influential non-royal ponies in Equestria, act like a true gentleman, even going so far as to tolerate the Mane 6's crashing of the garden party, speaks volumes about the character and the show's dev team.
- The three-second clip at Twilight's birthday party as she's repeatedly tossed into the air by her friends. The unrestrained joy on Twilight's face is completely adorable.
- It's subtle but seeing Fluttershy finally making friends with some of the animals in the Royal garden was just so sweet.
- It becomes more heartwarming once one considers the Gala.
- The fact that, while it was clearly an awkward and embarrassing moment for her, Rarity was perfectly polite and cordial to Hayseed Turniptruck when he became excited after seeing her. It would've been very easy to pretend that she had no idea who he was or get annoyed or angry with him for his over-the-top display, but she doesn't.
- Twilight's entire birthday, in fact. For a character that is a frequent Butt Monkey in the series, she really had a fun day which was not even ruined by Rarity's social conflict. I'm sure she'll remember this particular birthday for a long time.
- Manages to be even more heartwarming when you factor in the following: Before coming to Ponyville, Twilight has all but stated she had no friends. Aside from the possibility of her parents arranging something when she was a filly, this birthday party is quite likely the first one she ever had.
Secret of My Excess[]
- Spike giving the fire ruby he's been looking forward to for months to Rarity, the Element of Generosity being on the receiving end for once.
- Rarity bouncing across the screen like Pinkie Pie because she's so happy. Aww.
- And then gives Spike a peck on the check, completely breaking his depression from sacrificing the ruby.
Spike: I'll never wash this cheek again. |
- If you pay close attention, Rarity makes a token effort not to try and talk Spike out of his gem. Sure, it fails because well...it's Rarity (both for her own love of gems and Spike's love of her) but still. On top of it, she has it set in a necklace and wears it the rest of the episode.
- When Rarity refuses to surrender her ruby to the greedy Spike, she speaks mainly about how her dear friend gave it to her. It's quite clear that she values it because it was an extreme act of generosity from a friend more than the fact it's a rare and glamorous object.
- Also, think about this. Nopony could hear her, she was basically all alone with what she thought was a random rampaging dragon. Nopony would ever know it if she were to just hand over the gem to save herself, or at least she has every reason to think that. She doesn't; she tells him exactly what it means to her and how important it is to her. That's something that makes that scene so powerful.
- She wears the necklace under her original cape, then turns it into a brooch for the new one in the final scene. About as close to a pony wearing her heart on her sleeve as you can get.
- It's small, but the little nuzzle Rarity gave Spike after she recounted to the others how he gave her the fire ruby was completely adorable.
- Another small one, where Spike hugs Applejack as a thank you for giving him a new blanket.
- Okay; admittedly it did inadvertently start his transformation, but despite only just finding out it was his birthday and not being one of his closer acquaintances, Cheerilee gives Spike a hat she happened to be carrying simply because "Everypony should get fun gifts on their birthday".
- And after he gets the gift, Spike ecstatically gives her a huge hug. The whole scene is just adorable. Too bad his greedy dragon instincts kicked in...
- Cheerilee is a teacher. Spike is a kid. Her devotion to all children, not just her own, is obvious and quite touching in this scene.
- When Spike and Rarity are falling after Spike returns to his normal size, Spike decides, in case they don't make it, to tell her he has a crush on her. But before he can finish his confession, Rarity simply puts a hoof to his mouth and smiles. She knew.
- Her eyes tear up as she does. There are a lot of ways this scene could be interpreted, and almost all of them are some variant of CMOH.
- More importantly is how Spike starts by saying "If we don't make it..." She cut him off not just because she knew, but she cut him because he made it clear that he thought they were going to die. Even while plummeting through the air, she didn't want him to give up hope. She knew their friends would come and save them.
- Especially heartwarming if you recognize what appears to be a Shout-Out to Spirited Away.
- After she & Rainbow Dash saved Rarity & Spike from falling Fluttershy exclaimed "We did it! I can't believe we did it!" in the most adorable way possible.
- Rarity comforting Spike at the end, calling him her hero and giving him a kiss on the cheek.
- It turns out everyone really did learn their lesson in "Suited for Success," eagerly accepting the new outfits Rarity made for them.
- Fluttershy's cape in particular is adorable: it has a flower on the hood!
- A nice Call Back for Applejack's cape, which has the same green collar as her Gala dress.
- Rarity paying Spike's generosity's forward by designing those outfits for her friends.
- It's very small compared to some of the other moments in this episode, but the return of Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon surely counts for those who've missed seeing them together.
- Though more subtle, the fact that Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle both try to help Scootaloo hold onto her scooter while Spike tries to take it, even though they don't understand Spike's sudden urge to steal it - or, for that matter, why he's three times his usual height and suddenly talking in deep-voiced Hulk Speak. All they know is that someone is trying to take their friend's stuff, and they're not letting it happen.
- If you pay attention, you hear Spike say that back in Canterlot, he would only get one present from Twilight, for his birthday. While every year he gets a book, and isn't really thrilled about it either, it's still heartwarming to know that every year Twilight got him something special. It really shows the close bond these two must have, and had back in Canterlot. And shows that these two stuck by each other.
Family Appreciation Day[]
- Apple Bloom defending Granny Smith from Diamond Tiara, calling her "the most amazing pony in all of Ponyville" and nuzzling her in class.
- Considering that she was ready to laugh at Apple Bloom with Diamond Tiara if Granny Smith did anything embarrassing, Silver Spoon being the first to clap after Granny Smith's presentation was surprising.
- Princess Celestia giving the Apple family a plot of land to settle down on, simply because she encountered them when they looked worn out and in need.
- Apple Bloom and Granny Smith in their bunny outfits might be one of the cutest things they've ever done on a show chock full of cute things.
- How about the ending where we see Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and even Diamond Tiara with cute little bunny ears? That was so adorable!
- When you see Filthy Rich asking for the first 100 jars of jam, it just seems like a usual thing. When you realize that his grandfather fell in love with those jars of jam 100 years ago and founded Ponyville because of them, then it shows that despite his upbringing, he still cares for his grandpappy's roots and the friendship between their family and the Apple's--well minus Diamond Tiara and Apple Bloom--has still stayed strong for all these years.
- After tasting some of the Zap Apple Jam at the end of the episode, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle remark how it's the best Zap Apple Jam they ever tasted, and say that it's probably because Apple Bloom helped out with it. D'awww...
- Given that magic is commonplace in this series, it's entirely possible that the jam really does taste better for them because their friend had a hand in its making.
- The fact that Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were instantly willing to help save Apple Bloom from embarrassment (even if their plans failed) counts as well.
- It may have just been an egotistical thing, but Diamond Tiara's reaction to her dad's performance. It may have been boring, but it was her DAD, so she sat there with a big smile the entire time.
- Even bad girls love their papas.
- Not only that, it's probably the first time we see Diamond Tiara smile without any cruelty attached to it, and it's beautiful.
- For all that Apple Bloom learns, the episode doesn't end with a letter to Celestia. There's something strangely sweet about that, maybe because it shows the genuine care the writers put into this story. They knew it didn't need one.
- It's clear that until Diamond Tiara got to her, Apple Bloom never once considered any of Granny Smith's silly little habits anything to be embarrassed about.
- This exchange from the ending:
Apple Bloom: My Granny Smith is super special! I just forgot that for a little while. |
- Apple Bloom rushing to hug Granny who she previously was so embarrassed by, and hugging her repeatedly and proudly for the rest of the episode.
- And finally, the entire wordless epilogue. It says a lot that the familiar Western settlers-type music used here actually fits, even if Ponyville is hardly a typical Western town.
- When all four members of the Apple family say "Wow!" at the end of the second stage of the Zap Apple harvest, there's something magical about that.
Baby Cakes[]
- Our introduction to the twins, Pound and Pumpkin Cake.
- The babies cheering up Pinkie Pie when she finally cracks under the pressure of trying to be responsible.
- At the end, when Pinkie is about to balk at the prospect of babysitting again, she overhears Pound and Pumpkin Cake's first words: "Pinkie" and "Pie," respectively. She tears up and changes her mind instantly.
- At one point, the babies show that they can already fly and do magic as a Pegasus and a Unicorn. When they do, Pound, the Pegasus colt starts flying. Pumpkin, the Unicorn filly, then starts to levitate herself. Why? So she can be with her brother! It's always adorable when twins are so close like that.
- And when they perform a quick moment of synchronized flying/levitation together.
- Despite not knowing Mr. and Mrs. Cake as well as Pinkie, the rest of the Mane 6 showing up at the hospital after the twins are born is pretty nice of them.
- Sure it went straight to pot pretty quickly, but it was really sweet to see how excited Pinkie was at the prospect of babysitting Pound and Pumpkin, who are essentially her foster siblings.
- Not to mention how enthusiastic she was about celebrating the twins being born and becoming a month old.
- And the scene of her playing with the foals before the Cakes realize they've got a big job to do. Mr. Cake gives a big smile as he watches them. This is even more touching when you remember, even though Pinkie isn't their child, the Cakes still think of her as such (confirmed by Word of God).
- Also, considering Pinkie's own childhood possibly wasn't all that fun , it's quite sweet that she's ensuring that the twins will have the chance to play and laugh while they're growing up.
- And the scene of her playing with the foals before the Cakes realize they've got a big job to do. Mr. Cake gives a big smile as he watches them. This is even more touching when you remember, even though Pinkie isn't their child, the Cakes still think of her as such (confirmed by Word of God).
- Not to mention how enthusiastic she was about celebrating the twins being born and becoming a month old.
- Pinkie tucking in and kissing the twins on the forehead when she first tries to get them down for a nap.
- After everybody (including herself) doubting that Pinkie can actually be responsible, it was nice of the Cakes to acknowledge that she had done a splendid job babysitting and would be their first candidate to watch their kids again.
- The sound Pumpkin makes when she chews on the stuffed animals is just heart-meltingly adorable.
- Even cuter? She never uttered such a sound until after Pinkie demonstrated how they should eat from a bowl. Yeah, she got her nom-nom sounds from Pinkie!
- A lot of the stuff that the twins do is extremely adorable. Except for the crying and the various instances of trouble-making, whenever they're running around excitedly or playing is just too cute for words!
- When Pinkie Pie moves the broomstick over to Pumpkin (as a microphone during her stand-up comedy show), Pumpkin looks confused for a while and then leans over to chew on it. Small, but looks insanely cute.
- After feeling bad on what they've done to Pinkie, the twins cheered her up by pouring a sack of flour onto themselves. It Makes Sense in Context.
Season 2 - Part 2[]
Hearth's Warming Eve[]
- Smart Cookie, Clover the Clever, and Private Pansy's newfound friendship being strong enough to unfreeze themselves, their leaders, and their new land.
- The three acknowledging that they are all ponies alike and, as they freeze over, leaning their heads in together — choosing to accept death as friends.
- Worth pointing out is that they had no expectation that this would help them at all, and declared their friendship simply so they wouldn't die as pointless enemies.
- The song at the end of the play is as much a CMoH as it is an Ear Worm.
- Pinkie Pie hugging Rarity while sticking her tongue out is the most adorable thing in the world.
- As well as her happily glomping Rainbow Dash during the play's closing song.
- Although part of the moral of the play, Private Pansy explaining that she doesn't truly hate Commander Hurricane for the way she was treated. It's implied that the other beleaguered assistants feel the same way, especially given their reactions after their leaders are thawed.
- All in all, this whole episode was a Crowning Moment of Hearthwarming.
The Last Roundup[]
- Apple Bloom wearing Applejack's hat is absolutely adorable.
- The Apple family dogpile after AJ comes back.
- "Applejack, we can always find a way to fix the hole in the roof. If you never came back, we could never find a way to fix the hole in our hearts." Awwwww.
- Which even gets Rainbow Dash to shed a few tear and complain that the sappiness is actually getting to her.
- The postman getting a piece of cake from Pinkie.
- Knowing how much Applejack wanted to earn money for her family last season, it borders on selfless that she promised to give any money she won from the rodeo to the town to fix town hall's "saggy roof" because she felt that it was only fair to give back to the hometown that has always cheered her on in competitions.
- When RD crashes through the hall's creaky floor, Derpy's first response is "You okay, Rainbow Dash? Anything I can do to help?" Sweet and thoughtful, our Derpy.
- Hell, Derpy's appearance in the first place is a rather meta example between the writers and the fans.
- To elaborate, not only does this scene show that the staff of the show is fully aware of how much the fans love them, but it also shows that they love us right back.
- In spite of the controversy, editing it could count, because it shows a sort of apology to the fans who were upset by the name/voice. It shows that they care for all their fans, not just the vocal members of the Brony community.
- When the Mane Cast discover Applejack isn't coming back to Ponyville, their first reaction is to drop everything and hurry to Canterlot to find her. There's absolutely nothing they won't do to find out what's wrong with their friend.
- In addition note how the one pony most vehement in returning Applejack and devising many of their plans is Rainbow Dash. Given they are arguably the two ponies most often at each other's throats, this says a lot.
The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000[]
- The Mane 6's concern and desire to help the Apple family when they continue to fall further and further behind the Flim Flam brothers.
- Twilight and Applejack calling the Mane 6 "honorary family" to the Apple family.
- Considering how she's been constantly cheated out of cider the entire episode, the fact that Dashie's willing to delay gratification to help the Apple family win is pretty sweet.
- Her reaction to the Flim Flam Brothers rubbing in their victory and the fact the Apple Family has lost everything? Try to kick their flanks for hurting her friend. She's Loyalty for a reason.
- Not just the Apple family, not just the Mane 6, but the whole town tearing up at the thought of the Apple family being forced out of business. Just goes to show how much everyone really does care.
- Enhanced if you consider this part of their motivation for running the Flim Flam Brothers out of town in the end.
- During the end of the episode, Rainbow is up next for the cider she'd been wanting since episode's beginning, only to find out the last barrel's been emptied. Again. Rainbow is understandably upset, so what happens next? Pinkie Pie, who had tasted the cider many times before, gives her the mug she had. To me, this gesture proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that Pinkie Pie is, for all intents and purposes, the Element of Laughter. That's what it does; lifts people up when they're down.
- When you think about it, Rainbow Dash waking Fluttershy up so that they could be the first in line at the cider stand is sweet when you put the two's past into consideration.
- And she lets Fluttershy go ahead of her, despite her frustration at getting beaten to the punch--er, cider.
- Also, while she's cut off by a frustrated Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy starts saying "I don't mind-" in her sweet and timid voice. While we're left to imagine what she was going to say, I'd like to think it was going to be "I don't mind giving/sharing my cider, Rainbow Dash."
- Applejack's letter in of itself was a Crowning Moment of Funny, but the last line is particularly heartwarming when you think about how much Applejack appreciates her friends, noting Applebuck Season in particular.
Applejack: Sure, I could tell you I learned something about how my friends are always there to help me and I can count on them no matter what, but, truth is, I knew that already, too. |
- There's another, more subtle thing about that letter. The fact that she's pretty much sending a casual (if still a bit heartfelt) letter to Celestia shows just how close she and the Element-Bearers have become.
Read It and Weep[]
- Twilight and Fluttershy showing up with Rainbow Dash's favorite board game. From their descriptions it seems like they were fully expecting Rainbow Dash to beat them easily and then be smug about it for the rest of the visit - and they were fine with that if it meant cheering her up.
- The final shot of Rainbow Dash having fully embraced her love of reading, and kicking her legs in excitement at pulling a new book off the giant stack next to her bed.
- You know what's really nice? Twilight and Rainbow Dash have now found an activity that the both of them can do together that doesn't require magic powers or flight.
Hearts and Hooves Day[]
- Twist accidentally hanging a heart-shaped game piece on Cheerilee is pretty cute, especially when she takes off the blindfold and they both smile.
- When the episode was announced, every fan assumed it would involve the CMC thinking they could get matchmaking cutie marks. But that's never once brought up, showing that they truly had no kind of ulterior motive to wanting to make Cheerlee happy.
- The fact that the CMC so clearly adore their teacher is pretty heartwarming, too. Nothing says "Best teacher ever" like a giant heart valentine.
- Twist and that chubby pony. Sadly at the expense of this filly. Now watch as fans make Future Fics dealing with this triangle, with Twist and that filly vying for the attentions of the colt.
- Cheerilee's and Big Mac's Held Gaze (both of them) were rather cute, too; of course, both of them got turned on their heads a few seconds later.
- Even though it was because he was under a love potion, Big Mac's enthusiastic head-nodding when he's picking out a diamond for Cheerilee is undeniably adorable.
- "Cheerilee is sweet and kind. She's the best teacher we could hope for."
- It also says something of their opinion of Big Macintosh. Cheerilee deserves the best, and he's it.
- Many of Big Mac and Cheerilee's moments outside of the love potion-- sharing a laugh at the girls' efforts to pair them up, drinking a toast to their friendship, and finishing off the day with a picnic together. Whether or not their relationship is romantic, it's still undeniably sweet.
A Friend In Deed[]
- Pinkie reuniting Cranky and Matilda.
- Pinkie giving Cranky his new toupee. You expect him to reject it like everything else, given how ridiculous it looks, but instead he sincerely thanks her for it.
- These two scenes define a very important element of Pinkie Pie: for all her Innocently Insensitive behavior, she does care when she accidentally hurts somepony's feelings, and will go out of her way to make up for her actions.
- The fact that Pinkie knows when everypony's birthday is, and wishes them a happy one, even if it's months away or already happened.
- The reason that Pinkie Pie remembers everything about everypony is "everypony's my friend and I love to see my friends smile!"
- Rainbow reading a Just For Fun novel at Twilight's library. It's a small moment, but pretty sweet anyway.
- Pinkie cheering Apple Bloom up during Smile, Smile, Smile. Bloom's expression as she sits on Pinkie's head absolutely makes that whole sequence work.
- Pinkie cheering up Applejack during "Smile, Smile, Smile" and Applejack returning the favor by lifting her onto her head during Pinkie's impromptu parade.
- The fact that the Mane Cast are the ones carrying Pinkie during the parade, it's just a touching visual. Even though ALL of Ponyville are her friends, the Mane Cast are still her True Companions.
- Pinkie cheering up the two unnamed fillies during Smile, Smile, Smile.
- Pinkie cheering herself up during Smile, Smile, Smile.
- The whole damn song. It is the Pinkie song.
- Pinkie cheering up Applejack during "Smile, Smile, Smile" and Applejack returning the favor by lifting her onto her head during Pinkie's impromptu parade.
- Pinkie playing with the twins and doing her morning workout at the same time.
- We see Zecora on what's apparently just a casual visit to Ponyville, her friendly relationship with the town now complete.
- That Cranky exists at all. How many other shows have a genuinely sympathetic introverted character at all, much less have his polar opposite understand that it's okay to be that way?
- Not only that, but he also proves that even the gloomiest of individuals can still find happiness eventually.
- It's kind of heartwarming to see other species of animals in this episode. It's just nice to see that Ponyville can be a diverse place with more than just ponies living in it.
- Cranky's backstory! He's so grumpy because he lost Matilda years ago, and he's been searching for her ever since. And then it becomes DOUBLE heartwarming when they're reunited at the end!
- Cranky finally smiling. He has a really cute smile when he finally does.
Putting Your Hoof Down[]
- Rarity and Pinkie Pie going to Fluttershy's house because they were concerned about her and then trying to keep Iron Will from taking advantage of her miserable state even after New! Fluttershy left them both in tears by mocking their passion for designing and parties, respectively.
- Rarity and Pinkie tearfully smiling and confirming that Old! Fluttershy is back and still their friend before instigating a three-way group hug.
- Regardless of how she acted after this, the smile on Fluttershy's face is beyond adorable.
- While pretty awesome as well as heartwarming, Rarity and Pinkie Pie physically standing up to Iron Will, a minotaur several times the size of either of them, to try to protect Fluttershy from his demands. Turns out that they were wrong about his intentions (he respectably backed down after Fluttershy stood up to him), but they had no idea that would happen.
- At the beginning of the first market scene, Bon Bon can be seen on the right, walking towards the background, where Lyra Heartstrings is slumped over a table with a bored/dejected look on her face. The next time they're shown, the two are chatting happily with one another, and they remain together drinking shakes for the rest of the scene. Not only is it an in-universe Crowning Moment of Heartwarming, but whereas every other pony seen is wearing a saddlebag with their cutie mark or something relevant to their interests, Bon Bon's saddlebag's buckle is in the shape of Lyra's cutie mark.
- In the same scene, Derpy makes a short appearance behind Fluttershy as she dashs up to the cherry salesman. The buckle on her saddlebag? A muffin. They really do care!
It's About Time[]
- Fluttershy managing to tame Cerberus by treating it like a real dog is a mix of this, CMoA, & CMoF. As both Fluttershy fanboy & a dog lover, that made me so happy.
- After Applejack has finished plastering up cracks in the dam, Rarity wipes off some of the concrete with her magic. And later picks out some leaves from Applejack's mane. Seeing two ponies who used to argue get along well with one another is rather sweet.
- The episode defies expectations by having all of Twilight's friends, and apparently several others, immediately believe her story about a warning from her future self. After so many cases of Dude, Where's My Respect?, that was really nice to see.
- Perhaps they learned their lesson in Lesson Zero?
- And furthermore, it doesn't hurt to fix "loose bolts and leaky pipes."
- Perhaps they learned their lesson in Lesson Zero?
- Twilight pushing Spike out of the way when she thinks the disaster is about to happen. Also her motherly concern when he ends up getting a stomachache after eating so much ice cream.
- After Twilight realizes she was responsable for the whole mess, what's Pinkie's reaction? To make her laugh and try to cheer her up.
Dragon Quest[]
- When Spike starts to break down in tears, wondering who he is, Twilight offers to try and help him look for some books on dragons. Sure they didn't succeed in finding anything, but it's the thought that counts.
- Also, when he starts to cry again, Twilight tries to wipe away his tears. If that doesn't look a little bit heartwarming, I don't know what does.
- Her deciding to let Spike go and find himself.
- Also, when he starts to cry again, Twilight tries to wipe away his tears. If that doesn't look a little bit heartwarming, I don't know what does.
- Twilight, Rarity and Rainbow Dash dressing up as a dragon, to join Spike on the Dragon migration, to make sure he stays safe.
- The ending, when Spike says that the ponies are his family, and they all hug him.
- In one of the photos at the end, you see little Twilight with baby Spike. It's so sweet to see a photo of those two when they were so young. It pretty much proves that he and Twilight knew each other the moment he was hatched, and were always by each other's side.
- Spike refusing to smash the Phoenix egg, and later taking it home with him, and adopting the baby bird "Peewee" as his new friend.
- Mainly because he can relate to it, having also been a helpless egg that was hatched into an unfamiliar land.
- A poignant moment of Fridge Brilliance, too: Spike now has a friend like himself, a young near-immortal. Celestia and Luna (and likely Philomena) are several centuries older, and the Mane Six are mortal. Peewee, however, is just a few years younger than Spike, and can match his expected lifespan.
- It's very heartwarming when Rarity sticks up for Spike, when Rainbow Dash picks on him. Heck her in this whole darn episode is heartwarming.
- Rarity in general here is a nice Call Back to "Secret of my Excess". It's adorable that she really cares for Spike's safety.
- Cranky Doodle Donkey helping Spike for part of the journey, even if it's a brief scene.
- The fact that the other ponies didn't want Spike to leave. Seeing him go through some cases of Dude, Where's My Respect?, it's very sweet to know that they would be very upset if he left.
- Sure they're jerks, but the other dragons do behave nicely (by dragon standards) to Spike once he proves himself to them. (On the other hand, they might have simply needed him to bait the phoenixes...)
- Rainbow Dash watching the butterfly migration with Fluttershy. It's sweet that she wanted to spend time with her friend even if it meant doing something boring.
- And for bonus points, she's carrying around a photo of them spending time together!
- I just realized something. Garble, the red dragon, asks Spike if he rides on his mommy's back to the migration. Meaning that some baby dragons ride on their mom's back when traveling to different areas. Spike rides on Twilight's back a lot when they're traveling. Meaning that Twilight=Spike's mom.
Hurricane Fluttershy[]
- Seeing the normally brash and bad-tempered Rainbow Dash being gentle with Fluttershy, trying to convince her she's got what it takes to contribute to Tornado Day.
- It's even more heartwarming if you consider that Dash's Element is the Element of Loyalty, which means that you're always there for your friends! Taken to the max if you understand that Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy have been friends since Fillyhood!
- When Fluttershy first tries to tell Rainbow that she's too scared of failure to join in Tornado Day, Rainbow's first reaction is a disgusted "Well, suck it up, Fluttershy!" until she remembers who she's talking to, and immediately changes her tone, asking her gently what's wrong.
Rainbow Dash: But I need you! |
- And after this fails, she actually accepts and leaves with a bummed but respectful "Well thanks anyway". Double points in that Fluttershy, despite all the crippling trauma she pointed out all of a second ago, changes her mind out of guilt, overjoying Rainbow Dash.
- The joy on Rainbow Dash's face when Fluttershy finally decides to join her in the tornado as they fly side by side. You can tell that all she really wanted was for Fluttershy to join her, whether she had the wingpower or not.
- Rainbow Dash's look of utter devastation when Fluttershy flees after realizing she'd only improved her wingpower to 2.3 is on the Tear Jerker page, but the deeper meaning brings it into heartwarming territory. Rainbow Dash is taking no comfort whatsoever from Twilight's assurances that the team still has a solid shot of breaking the record without Fluttershy. Winning-obsessed Rainbow Dash is more concerned with her friend's anguish than setting a record.
- Arguably, this is Character Development, considering she wanted to leave Fluttershy behind when Fluttershy was a liability back in Dragonshy.
- Rainbow Dash's look of utter devastation when Fluttershy flees after realizing she'd only improved her wingpower to 2.3 is on the Tear Jerker page, but the deeper meaning brings it into heartwarming territory. Rainbow Dash is taking no comfort whatsoever from Twilight's assurances that the team still has a solid shot of breaking the record without Fluttershy. Winning-obsessed Rainbow Dash is more concerned with her friend's anguish than setting a record.
- Fluttershy's animal friends convincing her to believe in herself and work through her performance anxiety.
- Angel brushing her mane and being the most supportive of all, especially considering what an jerk he was in his last appearance.
- Everypony cheering Fluttershy for being the one who gave the tornado enough power to get the water to Cloudsdale for rainy season.
- Rainbow Dash putting her arm around Fluttershy, hugging her, and the two high-fiving with their wings was enough to make this troper's fears of Dash disliking her officially gone.
- The fact that Rainbow Dash told Spitfire that Fluttershy is her #1 flyer really shows how much Dash believes in her friend.
- This Troper found this particularly special because Spitfire was congratulating Dash. She actually passed the praise onto Fluttershy when it came from one of her idols, and knowing Rainbow Dash that took a lot.
- Twilight & Spike hopping up & down with excitement after the tornado succeeds.
- The look of joy on Fluttershy's face at the end of her training montage.
- When it turns out that 8 of the fliers are genuinely sick, and they won't be able to break the speed record that Rainbow Dash has been going on about all episode, she immediately decides to forget breaking the record, and instead just giving it all they have. For a pony whose passion (in her own words) is winning, it's nice to see her focused more on keeping her team together, and providing the service they need to. Then again, you can't expect anything less from THE Element of Loyalty.
- If you look in the background during some of the crowd scenes, you can see Thunderlane and Rumble standing next to each other. Since they are brothers, it's a nice little detail thrown in from the animators.
Ponyville Confidential[]
- The CMC's public apology to the entire Ponyville population.
- The coinciding scene of the mane six (bar Pinkie, who presumably didn't hold much of a grudge against them) forgiving the CMC, particularly Fluttershy hugging all three of them at once.
- The previous episode had started the rehabilitation of Angel for the fandom, and this one continues it with the way he stands up for Fluttershy after the nasty article about her.
- The Rarity and Sweetie Belle subplot is really sweet with how much she liked Sweetie's work on the paper (Until the reveal and following Tear Jerker) and really seemed to love her company.
- Interestingly, Rarity was a lot more understanding than the rest of Ponyville, confronting Sweetie Belle about what she had done rather than outright shunning her.
Rarity: Do you really think writing nasty things and making everypony feel horrible is your destiny? |
- Rarity's come a long way since Sisterhooves Social with her initial praise of Sweetie Belle.
Rarity: Sweetie Belle is the most innocent, most lovely . . . pony in all of Equestria. |
- The "Applebloom Embarrassing Old Photo collection" is positively massive, and when you account for the fact that Applebloom is still a pre-Cutie Mark filly, it just goes to show how much Granny Smith (and likely the other Apples) have cherished her existence.
MMMMystery On The Friendship Express[]
- The look of pure happiness on Pinkie's face when Twilight lets her take over the investigation for finding out who ruined the other bakers' desserts.
A Canterlot Wedding, Part 1[]
- Twilight's memories of her brother and Cadence brought a tear to this troper's eye.
- The whole relationship between Twilight and Shining Armor makes this troper smile everytime he sees them together. Big Brother, Best Friend Forever indeed.
- Notice who it is that's helping Twilight cope with her unease about Shining Armor's marriage, helping remind her that her big brother is still the awesome, great, amazing guy with whom she shared her hopes and dreams. Applejack, that's who. Out of all the Mane Six, she's the only one we know of who actually has a big brother to look up to and to share like Twilight has, so it only makes sense that she be there for her friend in this difficult time, because she knows she'd feel the same way about Big Macintosh, but would still want to remember that he's always going to be her Big Brother, Best Friend Forever too.
- Luna: "Rest, my sister. As always, I will guard the night." Heartwarming for many reasons. Finally, we see what Luna's been doing all the time. Also, it's nice to see the sisters work together.
- Probably a minor thing to some, but Rarity and Rainbow Dash (who, out of the mane six, interact with each other the least) sharing a look of glee in their bridesmaids dresses brings a smile to my face.
A Canterlot Wedding, Part 2[]
- Cadence singing and telling Twilight about how much she truly loves Shining Armor is one of the most heartwarming things of the episode.
- The lyric she sings is beautiful enough by itself to qualify, but it's Twilight's reaction that really sells it as a CMoH. Manly Tears were shed by many a troper.
- Exactly. It's at this part that it hits Twilight that this is the mare for her brother. Her face just sells it.
- And let's not forget Cadance, who, despite being trapped in this cave without food for who knows how long,runs right past Twilight and tries to push a mining cart by herself. Of course, Twilight steps in to help her and Cadance remembers that the girl she once foalsat has grown into her world's version of a battle hardened warrior mage, for whom nothing is impossible!
- The lyric she sings is beautiful enough by itself to qualify, but it's Twilight's reaction that really sells it as a CMoH. Manly Tears were shed by many a troper.
- Right after Rainbow Dash saves Fluttershy from three Changelings, she proceeds to pick her up and hug her quickly. It's easy to miss.
- Shining Armor and Princess Cadence's using The Power of Love to kick Queen Chrysalis' flank. They didn't even know that would happen, Cadence was just trying to encourage her husband-to-be to cast a last ditch spell to try and repel them.
- At the wedding, Twilight has one final question for her beloved brother:
Twilight: Seriously though, I can believe why the Queen of the Changelings wanted to be with you, but how did you get someone as amazing as Cadence to marry you? |
- The build-up to the real wedding after Chrysalis' defeat, with Twilight magically adjusting her brother's tux, their parents tearfully smiling, Fluttershy providing music with her birds, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders as flower girls.
- Also, Spike is the ring-bearer
- Shining Armor and Cadence's slow dance, pony style, at the reception.
- And of course Shining and Twilight's conversation at the end, when you remember that without Twilight's stubborn love, even when she feared that she was losing her brother's forever; Cadance would have been dead in the mine, Shining would have remained a mindless puppet of Queen Chrysalis and all of Canterlot would been under the horrific domination of the Changelings.
Shining Armor: Twilight! None of this would have been possible without you, little sis. Love ya, Twily. |
- The way Luna and Celestia look at each other at the end of the wedding. Imagine how many weddings Celestia had to attend alone in those 1000 years, but now she has her sister back.
- The real Cadence proving herself to Twilight by singing her favourite fillyhood song.
- Equally heartwarming is Twilight's smile, complete with Squee, when she realizes that it's actually Cadance in front of her.
- It's a small one, but when a weakened Cadence has trouble moving the mine cart, Twilight clears away the rubble and lifts her in.
- When The Mane Cast have to redo the wedding preparations with the real Cadence and have the joy of working with a bride who joyously appreciates all their efforts.
- Fake!Cadence is quick to reject Applejack's appetizers. Real!Cadence tries one to see how they taste, then grins and quickly eats another one. Awww!
- The little snapshots of the wedding. I can't be the only one who D'awwed at Sweetie Belle and Spike dancing, and Rarity and Fancy Pants.
- Don't forget Rainbow Dash squeeing over Soarin. Awww!
- Applejack hanging out with her cousin Apple Fritter, who helped make the wedding cake. It was kinda nice to see AJ spend time with a family member who is little more than a background pony in the grand scheme of things.
- Let's just say the whole wedding reception was just brimming with heartwarming, especially considering how awful things had been up to that point.
- Shining Armor forgiving Twilight for humiliating him in part 1 at the very end. D'awww.
- Queen Chrysalis saying that Equestria has more love than any place she's ever encountered. It's heartwarming that Equestria is full of love.
- Celestia congratulating Twilight, saying that the success of the wedding was just as much her victory as it was Shining Armor and Cadance's since she was able to follow her instincts and bring the real Cadance back. After her cold reaction to Twilight's outburst in Part 1, it's really touching to see Celestia praise her faithful student.
- Also, Twilight having no ill-feelings towards her because of that outburst. The first thing she does after Chrysalis is defeated is to rush to Celestia to see if she is alright and help her up.
- A similar scene earlier with Applejack, who Twilight comforts after she apologises for distrusting her. Keeping in mind they felt the need to do this in the middle of a Near Villain Victory makes it all the more meaningful.
- The moment Pinkie Pie pulled Vinyl Scratch/DJ Pon-3 out of Hammerspace, this troper started crying. 1, because the finale was just that: a grand finale to an amazing season. 2, because it proves Hasbro and Lauren love their fans, bringing back such a loved background character. 3, because Lyra, Minuette, and Twinkleshine got speaking lines, maybe not as many as Derpy, but they got them. 4, after everything that happened, The Power of Love wins out. Truly, friendship is magic.
- A bit of a fridge thing, but the way that Queen Chrysalis could defeat Celestia after absorbing Shining armor's love for Cadence. It may not be a good thing, but it means that his love is literally more powerful than a goddess fighting with all of her might.
- This troper wants to recommend Lauren Faust's latest journal entry, where she thanks all the fans for such a great season, along with the heartfelt comments left by the fans.
- The Hub released its extended "Equestria Girls" promo to fansite Equestria Daily first, and included two very big shout-outs to the Periphery Demographic--using the term "brony" and officially dubbing a pony with a popular fanon nickname. And it was also apparently addressed to "The Hub's favorite pony fans"!
- One fan of the show has written an essay on an exact reason why the show is so popular. This troper thinks that it speaks for itself.
- This thread starts out with an Awesome Moment as experienced by the original poster, but then virtually everyone who visits the site shows up to support the poster for having the courage to do it. Made even better when Lauren Faust herself appears.
- This interview with Lauren Faust that was done specifically for Equestria Daily. Not only is it awesome to get such an in depth look into the work that went in to just START the series, but at the end, Lauren gives an extremely touching thanks to all the Bronies who support the show. Along with this are the numerous posts in the comments of fans thanking Lauren, the production team, the EQD posters, and the fandom as a whole for everything it means to them. If many of the comments are to be believed, it also counts as a Tear Jerker for many a brony.
- The reception of Luna's new mane.
- How about the reception of Canon Luna, period? As her "official" introduction approached, pretty much the entire fandom was bracing themselves for waves of Ruined FOREVER cries as the result of tons of Fanon being rendered meaningless. She could have easily become a Base Breaker. She didn't.
- This needs to be made especially clear: this is the internet, a gathering ground for broken bases, Flame Wars, and fans claiming to know better than creators. Sure the slogan for Bronies is "love and tolerate", but as this fanart pointed out, everyone expected the community to be split down the middle over Luna's canon portrayal. The fact that there have been no major incidents or fights, and more over that nearly the entire fandom has embraced Canon!Luna wholeheartedly, is definitely a crowning moment for the fans and what the show means to them.
- The single most common response? "Hasbro, just don't make us wait another year for her next appearance, please?" And in season 2's finale, they didn't.
- How about the reception of Canon Luna, period? As her "official" introduction approached, pretty much the entire fandom was bracing themselves for waves of Ruined FOREVER cries as the result of tons of Fanon being rendered meaningless. She could have easily become a Base Breaker. She didn't.
- This journal post by one of the show's storyboarders, telling the story of how a soldier stationed in Iraq sent a box of chocolates and bouquet of flowers to the studio as a gesture of appreciation for their hard work.
- This is a story of a marine who got into the show via his little sister. It ends with a Fluttershy toy being a Pocket Protector.
- In Cathy Weseluck's interview, you can really tell how much she enjoys working on the show, and how much she loves playing Spike.
- She pretty much confirms that Spike sees Twilight as an older sister.
- This video was done by young Chrissy, a girl whom Lauren babysitted and drew Pony artwork for. She has never forgotten Lauren. Now, look again at the Season 2 finale. Just like Cadence for Twilight, Lauren herself was best babysitter ever. Best Reality Subtext Ever.
- John De Lancie apparently is planning on making a documentary on bronies. Why? He's appalled by how bronies are usually portrayed by the media. May double as a crowning moment of awesome, too.
- And it's moved past planning and is in the funding stage. specifically via this kickstarter page
- Even better; its goal of $60,000 was reached within 3 days! If this isn't proof that the bronies deeply care about the show and their fandom, then I don't know what is.
- Tara Strong phones a young fan of the show after she had to cancel an appearance.
Twilight!Tara: I love you, Dragon. |