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If a fanwork has its own page, refer to that main article for its moments of heartwarming.
If you're looking for Ask a Pony examples, they have their own page now.
Fan Art[]
- Even Gilda-haters can't resist cuteness overload when they see this picture.
- YMMV, but the fact the anonymous author based Daring-Do on Rainbow Dash is oddly kind of sweet.
- Celestia remembering her sister Luna.
- By the same artist: Celestia and Luna watching the stars.
- This comic captures the sisterly relationship between Celestia and Luna perfectly.
- And don't forget its prequel.
- One of the (many) alternate endings to the infamous Cupcakes has the entire fic being a nightmare by Pinkie, who proceeds to rush to Rainbow's house at 4 AM and is immensely relieved to see she's alright, prompting Dash to use the Phrase Catcher "Pinkie Pie, you're so random." The illustration included with it cinches it. See for yourself.
- This picture has pretty much the same basic premise (though it's not outright said it's an alternate ending to Cupcakes, Word of God confirmed it's based off of it). The fanfic going with the picture is even more heartwarming as it ends with Rainbow Dash and the rest of the Mane Cast coming to help Pinkie Pie in the shop after learning of the awful nightmare she'd had the night before.
- Lyra & Bon Bon, as the fandom's One True Pairing, have some really sweet artwork out there, like this heart-melting image.
- There seems to be some unwritten law that almost any piece of fanart involving Derpy/Ditzy & her fanon daughter Dinky must result in unmeasurable amounts of heartmelting. Pretty amazing considering they've never been seen on screen at the same time in the show so far.
- Egophiliac, the master of heartwarming pony comics, has her own take on the fandom's favorite Mother/Daughter pair.
- "Mom, why are your eyes different from the other ponies?"
- While fans can't seem to decide who Dinky's father is, this bit of fan art of a pregnant Ditzy with Ponet (the painter pony from "Call of the Cutie") is very sweet. Another piece from the same artist lead someone to create this motivational image, its caption sums up the fandom reaction to Derpy pretty well.
"The animators gave her a lazy eye, the FANS gave her a family." |
- Speaking of Derpy, this picture speaks for itself.
- And one more.
- "Treat pwees!"
- And so begins the cute sisterly pictures of Dinky & Sparkler. Also, some alternates with captions!
- Why her eyes are so funny
- Derpy with Dinky as a months-old foal.
- All hail the glorious muffin empire!!
- A comment from Ponibooru sums up Egophiliac's take on Derpy's cameo in "Hearth's Warming Eve": "I feel like it's totally in-character for Derpy to barge out just to say hi to Dinky."
- Yet another adorable Derpy-and-Dinky drawing, this time of them having a great time at the beach.
- Considering what a Heartbreaker the fanfic "Bubbles" is, it certainly inspired some truly adorable fanart.
- Muffin in the oven.
- Coolest mom ever!
- So much d'aww...
- Happy birthday, muffin.
- This six page fan comic that gives the ponies their happy ending after their horrible night from "The Best Night Ever".
- While not a fanart, the creator of the above combined and expanded on the comic into a fanfic. It manages to be EVEN MORE heartwarming than the comics themselves.
- This adorable fancomic featuring Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo.
- By the same artist, this equally adorable fancomic featuring Rarity and Sweetie Belle.
- This epic Rainbow Dash. It's nostalgic, cute, and awesome at the same time... sniff.
- Fluttershy Origin Story. Dear god, this has to be one of the sweetest stories in the Pony verse. It also put in a new light one of the most iconic relationships in the series.
- This Lyra comic, which is dedicated to those who had to put up with Hurricane Irene. Remember, somepony out there is thinking about you!
- Friends won't leave you out in the cold.
- You know in your heart that this is canon.
- You can't get cuter than this.
- I found it. The cutest things.
- This is half-Fanart because it was drawn by Lauren Faust but colored by a fan. It also has a message that speaks for My Little Pony fans everywhere. Lauren herself even responded to it (yes she confirmed that it was her).
"Hi guys--- Someone pointed this out to me through Deviant ART. Leaving the show was, and still is, a great source of heartache for me, and I've spent the whole summer wondering if it all that work was worth it. Thank you for this. Thank you so much. It's EXACTLY what I needed to hear!" |
- If you've been unfortunate enough to read the fanfic Cupcakes, maybe this can cheer you up.
- Luna finds a friend.
- Rarity adds to a family treasure.
- Didn't believe Pinkie's Cutie Mark story? Try this gem. You will shed tears.
- This somehow makes Discord and Pinkie adorable, and terrifying.
- Wait, so Discord and Pinkie turned her friends into Cupcakes, leveled Equestria, and then Pinkie bore his demon seed, and this is 'Heartwarming'? Truly a case of Your Mileage May Vary!
- Word of God has confirmed they don't kill her friends (just some random ponies apparently) and ultimately helps defeat Discord and save Equestria in the end. But keeps and loves their child regardless, so that counts. Plus, the baby is pretty adorable.
- The relationship of Pinkamina and Discord would be about as stable and loving as the Joker and Harley Quinn, not to say that there wouldn't be good times had, and yes, I'll admit that the hybrid Distort is one Ugly Cute little scamp.
- Wait, so Discord and Pinkie turned her friends into Cupcakes, leveled Equestria, and then Pinkie bore his demon seed, and this is 'Heartwarming'? Truly a case of Your Mileage May Vary!
- This, and Fluttershy's reaction in particular
- This may just be the cutest goddamn thing ever.
- She'll always have a home. Also doubles as a Tear Jerker.
- At Dawn of Each Day.
- This heartfelt comic of Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo. Many manly tears were shed.
- What did happen to Ms. Smarty Pants after the end of Lesson Zero?
- Aww, don't worry Luna, we all love the real you.
- An adorable sisterly moment between Rarity and Sweetie Belle. Hits extraordinarily close to canon with the airing of Sisterhooves Social.
- From the same artist, just know that he warned us.[1]
- Also from the same artist, here's one that reminds us once again that Rarity is the Element of Generosity.
- The latest one may not be quite as diabetes inducing as the others, but it's still heartwarming nonetheless.
- Big Macintosh and his new plush friend.
- Twilight Sparkle starts her student career.
- Twilight getting tucked in at night.
- Vinyl Scratch (DJ P0N-3) discovers her calling
- I love you, Twilight.
- This image of the Mane Six gathered around ponified Lauren Faust. Just look at the way Fluttershy is nuzzling her. Awww...
- A letter that should be extra special for the Princess.
- The Story of Granny Pie, a 19-page comic that shifts between Heartwarming and Tear Jerker as it progresses. If you've ever wondered how Pinkie learned to laugh in the face of danger (and why she goes airborne every chance she gets), this comic is the place to get some very revealing answers.
- Once upon a time...
- It's said that a picture's worth a thousand words. For instance, this comic says more about Twilight and Spike's relationship than anything that could ever be spoken in canon.
- "I'll always be your number one fan." Also a Tear Jerker, particularly if you're a fan of Celestia.
- Okay. This just ain't kosher.
- This, which shows a rare side of Discord's personality.
- Warning: may cause heart explosions.
- A reminder that Celestia is kind and caring.
- Pinkie being Pinkie.
- Canon Luna versus Fanon Luna. Thankfully, Pinkie steps in to help.
- Rainbow Dash's message to the gay community.
- That's quite a name you've got there son...
- In Matrimony
- This. Let's just say that Rainbow knows that *Cupcakes could never happen, because the real Pinkie would never hurt her.
- Little Filly Pinkie during Christmas!
- Rainbow Dash is best Santa Pony.
- Derpy helps Carrot Top get rid of a black cloud.
- Lauren Faust's My Little Pony.
- Made even more touching when you remember the fact that Lauren based the Mane 6 on the way she used to play with the toys.
- A very touching and beautiful tribute that shows just the impact the show has had on a lot of people.
- This amazing piece, which summarizes season one in a beautiful picture.
- Sweet dreams, Fluttershy.
- To quote the artist: An overly dramatic fictionalization of the making of MLP:FiM, which pays tribute to the creators, especially Lauren Faust. It's especially poignant if you recall what prompted Faust to gradually leave the production team.
- Another beautiful Ditzy/Dinky comic.
- They love the night!
- This image perfectly captures the close bond between Spike and Twilight.
- This. The artist says he based it on the ever-popular fanfic My Little Dashie. This time, it's Dash's turn to be the guardian.
- Applejack and Big Macintosh greet the newest member of the Apple Family.
- This comic depicts Discord trying to Mind Rape Spike, but... Well, read for yourself. Doubles as a Crowning Moment of Awesome.
- Always by your side
- The Lesser Known Tale of Dinky
- You're mah undefeated champion!
- She may not be related by blood, but she's still their big sister.
- Making up after an argument is always the most touching thing.
- This picture of Rainbow Dash reading to a hospitalized Twilight Sparkle.
- Any picture, that shows the close bond between Spike and Twilight
- What happens when worlds collide? This.
- A search for related art turned up this. Aww.
- Philomena's always been there.
- This "Save Derpy" fancomic.
- Turns out that they are each others' heart's desire.
- Regardless of whether or not the pairing is jossed, this is still nice.
- The best bit is, maybe the pairing isn't jossed - after all, "Hearts and Hooves Day" was pretty open ended.
- The final pages of the comic series "Alone", not just because of the comics themselves, but because it has the perfect middle ground between the side supporting Rainbow Dash and the side supporting the rest of the group in The Mysterious Mare Do Well.
- I'm your number one fan, too.
- Enjoy the view Twilight?
- Celestia meets Miss Smartypants.
- Pinkie Pie decides to brighten up Fluttershy's day with a hug... and also some reality warping.
- Friends make a cloudy day bright.
- Good Night Twilight.
- Pipsqueak and Dinky.
- Twilight Sparkle comforting Celestia.
- Wanna Help?
- This adorable picture of Twilight and Luna sharing a scarf.
- Just when you thought Apple Bloom couldn't get any cuter....
- Rarity certainly took her lesson to heart.
- Luna finally gets some appreciation.
- Derpy forgives Fluttershy.
- Filly Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash plus a box equals adorable.
- Bubbles!
- Friendship is Love
- Boop!
- Hey.... Won't you believe in her?
- Doubles as a C Mo A
- Now this is a real dandy.
- Scootawoo's Perfect Day
- Some advice from Fluttershy.
- Pinkie cheers Derpy up.
- Pinkie will make your heart explode with science!
- Maybe it's the soothing colors, or Celestia's warm smile, or maybe it's just Derpy's goofy grin but whatever it is this picture is just adorable.
- After the Migration
- Ever wondered where Smarty Pants came from?
- Pie Family Picnic
- You're forgiven, Gilda.
- Parents can be embarrassing sometimes.
- A filly, a colt, and his big blue box exploring the universe together.
- Rainbow, Dinky, Pipsqueak, and Derpy watching TV together. Derpy's predicament makes it a Crowning Moment of Funny.
- Friends forgive.
- A guard helps Luna understand her plight.
- I love this fandom.
- Best Foalsitter Ever.
- Cadence and Shining Armor tuck Twilight into bed.
- Gilda has aPet the Dog moment with Scootaloo.
- Don't make Luna cry.
- Foalhood friends reunited.
- Twilight finishes a checklist.
- Shining Armor protects his little sister.
- Good night, Apple Bloom.
- A Sleepover in the Nursery. That is all.
- Screw Ball and Derpy
- First date.
- Leave it to Spike to say the right things and provide a little love and comfort.
- Whie the artist who drew them is mostly prone to drawing Trollish or crackish art, these three pictures are all pretty heartwarming in their own ways.
- "I cleaned out your pantry"
- Who cares what "they" say.
- Why is Octavia friends with Vinyl Scratch?
- My baby sister
- The Broforce is strong with this one...
- Mothers Is a very sweet and heartwarming story focusing on the relationship between Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo
- Will You Be My Friend Tells how Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo first met.
- What Rainbows Are Made Of Is a great way to get over the horror of Rainbow Factory.
- The ending of this fan-fiction. Especially with Diamond Tiara giving her crazy mother a diamond-covered dress that she sewed herself!
- What about Rarity's reaction to what Sweetie Belle's time under Discord was like?
- The author also did them for Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. Both also contain heartwarming moments with Fluttershy successfully singing her Evil Counterpart to sleep and promising to help her become a better person and Rainbow Dash comforting Scootaloo while also realizing she shouldn't be so hard on herself for the same thing. Both are completely in character, but Fluttershy certainly takes the cake in the heartwarming department for viewing FlutterCruel as a newborn child who needs to be taught, not an evil monster she should be rid of. It's completely in character for Fluttershy and shows the non-judgemental side of her character she's showed so much.
Fluttershy: You just had a bad parent. But I promise to help you. |
- Keep in mind she's saying this to her own Evil Counterpart!
- Now another one, this time for Applejack. After being permitted to see into a pool capable of showing the absolute truth by Celestia, Applejack uses the knowledge gained and spends the next day running herself ragged helpping everyone she saw recover from Discord's attack. Also touching is the reveal that if Applejack hadn't come back from her Aunt and Uncle Orange, her brother would've been the one to take up the Element Of Honesty instead. Even though some parts are sad, she still gains a newfound appreciation for her friends and loved ones as well.
- Twilight pulling Trixie out of her Discord-induced catatonia.
- The d'aww-inducing A Day For Spike and Twilight. It's an adorable fic that explores Spike and Twilight's friendship.
- A Light in the Darkness, one of the best cures for Cupcakes out there.
- One surprising example is born of "Yet Another Cupcakes Ending" (tm). After a last-minute rescue by Twilight the cause of Pinkie's madness is discovered and removed from her brain. Weeks later we discover that Dash; in spite of the amputated wings, nightmares, and a need to steel herself against panic attacks to even look at Pinkie; refuses to blame her and is campaigning against anyone in Ponyville doing so. Loyalty indeed.
- My Little Dashie, a masterpiece of fan-fic which was inspired by this image and tells a truly heartwarming and tear inducing story of Rainbow Dash being raised by a lonely man who found her in a box and treated her like his own daughter. Seriously, if you aren't wiping your cheeks clean of tears by the end you might want to get your eyes checked.
- Azekahh readthis fanfic out, and even he was moved by the story of a Rainbow Dash who was adopted into a loving home.
- The crowner on Azekahh's reading however is how his attitude shifts during the story. Initially, he goes into it after having been pressured by fans and is rather skeptical about it's supposed B'AWWWWW potential, but by the time he makes it to Dash discovering the truth about herself and Celestia and the other 5 showing up to take her back to Equestria he's actively fighting back tears just so he can finish the story without breaking down. Heart=Warmed.
- Azekahh readthis fanfic out, and even he was moved by the story of a Rainbow Dash who was adopted into a loving home.
- In this fanfic, Prince Blueblood gets trapped in a Groundhog Day Loop. And by the end, he manages to redeem himself utterly. Yeah, you heard it right, Prince Charmless himself manages to get some Crowning Moments of Heartwarming.
- The Vinyl Scratch Tapes: Octavia realising Vinyl is more than just a deranged showboater, Octavia going Mama Bear for her ensemble, and Vinyl going Mama Bear for Octavia probably qualify. The Aw, Look — They Really Do Love Each Other moment in chapter 1 of part 2 is a definite, though.
Octavia: (on a badly made pie) And if it was really that bad, why did you nearly eat the whole thing all by yourself?! |
- My client was you... (the fic itself is in the description)
- This letter to Derpy.
- "Breaking Out" gives one to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon of all ponies
Fan Videos[]
- This video is a rare (but well-done) example of non-ironic usage of Louis Armstrong's "What a Wonderful World".
- The pony world is awesome.
- Reminding each of us what it's all about.
- This video, set to "Forever Young", warmed my heart.
- It's a shipping video, so Your Mileage May Vary quite a bit, but this Pinkie/Dash PMV set to to an old My Little Pony Tales song is awfully cute.
- The Derpy & Dinky moments of this video follow the aforementioned rule of "Derpy & Dinky must be overwhelmingly cute".
- This is basically what Lauren Faust used to do with her own ponies, except with a camera.
- "Big Blue Wave" is yet another cute and peaceful PMV that makes you feel the love. Bonus points for using a song by Ashleigh Ball's (voice actress of Rainbow Dash/Applejack) band, Hey Ocean!
- Spikero2 created an amazing video of the fanart "Memories" (linked above), called "Memories: A Rainbow Dash 'Tail'". It has the same warm, nostalgic, sweet feeling as Life Is Beautiful only without nazis.
- Even better, someone added "Time" from Inception.
- "When She Loved Me". You will shed tears. Manly Tears.
- Another one, this time about Celestia/Discord.
- This.
- This video certainly counts.
- This tribute to the cast and creators.
- This video featuring Fluttershy meeting her gender-swapped counterpart Butterscotch is ridiculously cute.
- We Make a Perfect Team, an original song about Twilight and Spike, is one big ball of heartwarming.
- What harmony has joined, let not discord tear asunder. Whatever travails may come, know that you are not alone.
- A wonderfully written vid for the brony inside us.
- This wonderful mash-up between the mane six's cutie mark stories, and The Rainbow Connection.
- Find A Pet- Filly Version. It's as adorable as you'd expect.
- This Christmas flash from the creator of the ever adorable Ask Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie blog.
- Episode 4 of the "Doctor Whooves and Assistant" has a quite touching version of the "Winter Wrap-Up" song with Ditzy Doo teaching the Doctor to do the Winter Wrap-Up.
- This video, featuring a young Discord, young Celestia, and "Heaven's Light." Bring a few tissues.
- Six words: "Baby Cakes" à la "Yoshi's Island".
- While also a Tear Jerker, this flash animation ends on a touching note. Trixie, having finally snapped under the pressure of hitting rock bottom and losing everything, runs outside in tears, trips and knocks herself out. A pony implied to be Luna finds her and tucks her into bed, leaving a large sum of money for her along with a note reading "You are not alone" signed "Your #1 Fan". Even more touching when you think why Luna would do something like that, given her background, she knows exactly how Trixie feels to feel like she's all alone.
- The last quote on this selection of Derpy voice clips. Dinky asks Derpy if she still can't eat muffins, Derpy tells her of course she can. Dinky is overjoyed to hear her mother back to normal, presumably after her Discording.
- Rainbow Dash's new love of reading expressed by the perfect song.
- A game you'll be happy to lose.
- As if 'Smile Smile Smile' couldn't get more heartwarming. Pinkie Pie and Bubble Berry make a wonderful duet.
- And now Derpy singing it along with 200 other bronies
- Philsterman does it again! In particular, what he says toward the end:
- And now Derpy singing it along with 200 other bronies
Philsterman: Nopony deserves to be sad. So think of the happiest thing you can. And smile! |
- This will make you weep from all the heartwarming.
- This music video with Zecora singing "Dig a Little Deeper". The segment directed at Spike fits particularly well in context of the show. The last verse directed at Twilight is less applicable, but the clips chosen makes it heartwarming nevertheless.
- The Fluttershy edition of My Little Pony in Thinking with Portals, which features her trying to use the Portal Gun in hopes of staying over with one of her friends during a stormy night, with Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash showing up at Fluttershy's home (via Rarity's custom Portal Gun) near the end after Fluttershy discovers that they're not at home.
- This Shining Armor/Princess Cadance PMV, set to "Far Longer Than Forever".
- The Massive Smile Project. All the best brony musicians got together and made this and it was beautiful.
- You're not alone.
- If you thought Luna's Cutie Mark cant get cuter, now it's animated.
- Another wonderful example of why this fandom is so great.
- Judging by the fact that, a mere few hours after it was aired, a couple of the new non descript background ponies are already being made fanart of, this is clearly not a fandom to be taken lightly. And as someone in the comments said, "MLPFIM: The only fandom where every background character will be named and fully fleshed out with a backstory. Every pony." When it comes to bronies, no pony is forgotten.
- And no pony is abandoned. Consider Incidental Pony #2, or as the fanbase calls her, "Lyra". Recently, a blindbag toy came out - although it was clearly a Twilight Sparkle recolor, it had Lyra's colors and Cutie Mark. Its name was "Heartstrings". After quite a bit of argument and debate, did the fandom cry Ruined FOREVER? Nope. To them, she's now "Lyra Heartstrings". Love and tolerance at work.
- This Troper recalls a EQD comment that sums it up nicely: "'Lyra Heartstrings'? I like it!"
- And a few months later, the fandom's voices were heard.
- This Troper recalls a EQD comment that sums it up nicely: "'Lyra Heartstrings'? I like it!"
- And no pony is abandoned. Consider Incidental Pony #2, or as the fanbase calls her, "Lyra". Recently, a blindbag toy came out - although it was clearly a Twilight Sparkle recolor, it had Lyra's colors and Cutie Mark. Its name was "Heartstrings". After quite a bit of argument and debate, did the fandom cry Ruined FOREVER? Nope. To them, she's now "Lyra Heartstrings". Love and tolerance at work.
- Essentially any time a group of fans come together for a massive project. Not just the fact they're so devoted to the fandom that they're willing to devote days, maybe even weeks of time for no pay, but that it's normally a huge effort on the part of many people working together to do it. The fandom is literally bringing people together! Considering some fandoms barely get along at all, seeing this kind of unity is a wonderful change of pace!
- This beautiful piece of artwork drawn by Jiayi, framed as one of Twilight Sparkle's letters to Celestia, summarizing all of Season One in a series of images that captures the essence of the entire series so perfectly it brings tears to this tropers' eyes every time she looks at it, and I don't usually cry over fictional things. It's no wonder Faust herself favorited it.
- This fanmade video, inspired by Google Chrome videos, featuring video clips of the brony community, spreading their love of the show and each other, telling each other to make 2012 the year of the brony. Make It Happen!
- On one YouTube video of "Big Brother, Best Friend Forever", the first Top Comment is:
My older brother just left for Afghanistan a couple of days ago. He leads a military squad, just like how Shining Armor leads the guards. He didn't tell me he was getting married when he did not too long ago, but i'm still very happy for him. He has a kid now. |
- This article, well specifically the comments section the article is just another person who makes it clear from some of the ridiculous things he says has never watched the show, ranting about how Bronies couldn't possibly be "real men" etc etc... It's basically one giant plea for a Flame War just begging for some normal internet rageing and uproar. Guess what; Bronies didn't rise to the bait, instead the comments are filled with bronies defending the show with polite, well reasoned arguments, calmly replying to critics and "haters" with passionate yet polite reasoning. The high lite being one lady that stated she would be highly disturbed if her husband started liking something like this show, yet after talking back and forth with several bronies, finally agreed that maybe she was being to eager to judge something based just on preconceived notions and that she should at least watch the show before criticizing it, to the point where she asked their recommendations for some good episodes to start with.
- ↑ Rainbow Dash comforts Scootaloo.