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My Little Ponies! My Little Ponies! Aaa-aaa-aaa—okay, let's skip this part. It is not my favorite. Hehehehe! |
The Mentally Advanced Series is an Abridged Series of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic, which is mainly written, voiced and produced by FimFlamFilosophy. Later episodes start featuring additional people doing voices and editing. The show features a more adult sense of humor than the original show, which include darker interpretations of the original characters that come from the brony community's Fanon and from the team's own creations.
Unlike most of the other MLP:FiM Abridged Series out there, the series starts with the third episode of the original series ("The Ticket Master"), which means every episode number mentioned here is the same as the original series number minus 2.
Apart from the Abridged Series, the team also does the Spin-Off Rainbow Dash Presents, which features re-imaginings of popular Friendship Is Magic Fan Fiction as narrated by Mentally Advanced's Rainbow Dash.
Their YouTube channel can be found here.
- Abusive Parents: Princess Celestia to Twilight Sparkle.
- AcCENT Upon the Wrong SylLABle: Scootaloo in Rainbow Dash Presents: Captain Hook the Biker Gorilla.
Scootaloo: What if we opt out of taking the test? |
- Adorkable: Rainbow Dash in the spinoff Rainbow Dash Presents.
- Ambiguously Bi: It is implied that Big Mac has had sex with Rarity, and in Spiderses he proposed having sex with Twilight. However he also mentioned he missed Caramel which leads us to...
- Rarity says she should sleep around with some mares, just to be less monodimensional.
- In Griffon the Brush Off, Rainbow Dash's double entendres intentionally make her sexuality, unclear.
- Ambiguously Gay: Big Mac is implied to be "a certain colt-cuddling stallion" and in Rainbow Dash Presents: Spiderses, he wishes he could go back to Caramel. However,he initiates sex with Twilight within the same episode.
- Attention Whore: Rainbow Dash
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: Celestia's long list of atrocities include genocide, earth salting, torture, and Ass Shoves.
- Ax Crazy: Pinkie Pie
- Badass Baritone: Thrackerzod.
- Bigger Is Better in Bed: They don't call him Big Mac for nothing.
- Bilingual Bonus: Snips and Snails. They mostly talk about food (Snips reads lines from a German recipe for Wiener Schnitzel, while Snails takes quotes from a Swedish recipe for Janssons Frestelse), but occasionally they'll say stuff that is downright hilarious (not matching the subtitles at all).
- Lampshaded when Spike wonders why he always feels hungry after talking to them.
- Blessed with Suck: Fluttershy gets mind-reading powers because of a curse. All the other ponies think it's cool, but she finds other's thoughts disturbing.
- Bottle Fairy: Applejack.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Tends to happen a lot in Rainbow Dash Presents. Perhaps due to the narrator.
- British Accents: Celestia speaks with a thick, gruff cockney accent.
- Buffy-Speak: Rainbow Dash herself in Rainbow Dash Presents: Cupcakes.
Rainbow Dash: "You put too much dizzy stuff in the cupcakes." |
- Butt Monkey: Fluttershy. But every character (except Pinkie) gets it to an extent. Well, mostly Twilight.
- Aurora, she has Pony AIDS and her wing keeps snapping off, physics and biology quit being consistent just so that she'd fail her exam.
- The Caligula: Celestia and the Mayor of Ponyville.
- Catch Phrase: Fluttershy often responds to Twilight getting her name wrong with "My name is Fluttershyyy!"
- Chain of Deals: The plot of episode 9 (the Winter Wrap-Up episode). Twilight needs holy water from Pinkie, who wants vengeance on Fluttershy, who wants her hairbrush back from Rarity, who wants Applejack to lend her some farm hands for her work. It eventually falls apart when Twilight can't remember who wanted what or why.
Pinkie Pie: You were to procure misery from the miserable Fluttershy. An easy task, if Pinkie were to remark. Yes. But instead... YOU RETURN WITH A HAIRBRUSH! |
- Clothes Make the Superman: Subverted. Rainbow Dash thought that a hat would give her super powers, but it didn't.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Rainbow Dash
- Pinkie Pie as well
- Comedic Sociopath: Pinkie Pie
Pinkie Pie: I have a better plan! I am going to wear a box, and the box is full of poison lobsters! |
- Comically Missing the Point: Rarity in episode 6.
Applejack: Maybe I should kick you all in your pretty face! |
- Crap Saccharine World: The world is bright, colorful, and populated by adorable animals. There's also a lot of Fantastic Racism going around, the government is both incompetent and corrupt, and the ruling god-queen is a twisted, malevolent, God Save Us From the Queen iron-hoofed]] tyrant who practices all manner of torture and racial genocide.
- Cross Dressing Voice: All the main characters are voiced by the same guy, who does not even try to make them sound female (except arguably Fluttershy).
- Played With/Lampshaded when two of the rare male characters are obviously voiced by a girl.
- Like Fluttershy, Rarity sounds slightly more feminine than the other cast members in the later episodes.
- And in Rainbow Dash Presents: Spiderses we learn that Big Mac has a "girl's voice".
- Cruel and Unusual Death: Princess Celestia will shove a thing in your butt.
- She also tortured ponies with molten silver.
- Cursed with Awesome: In episode 7, Fluttershy's curse lets her read minds. Her friends think they all got gypped curse-wise after learning that.
- Democracy Is Bad: In Rainbow Dash Presents: Captain Hook the Biker Gorilla, the pegasi didn't want to grind up their youth to produce rainbows... but they were outvoted by the other two races. And the reason the subject came up in the first place is because the electorate wanted rainbows.
- Demonic Possession: Seaty Belt, who is apparently possessed by "Taz" the thing that lived in Twilight's attic.
- Disproportionate Retribution: Celestia tortured and killed one of her advisors for warning another advisor that he was going to be executed.
- Double Entendre: Scootaloo speaks mainly in this form.
- Rainbow Dash says a few in Griffon the Brush Off. One is that she's gay because she's so colorful, but she meant it in the "happy" way. Later she says she doesn't want anything to do with dicks.
- Subverted when Twilight says Rarity it building a nest, and Applejack wonders if it's a Double Entendre. Then, Twilight starts talking about the stallions "plowing the field" and stuff to mess with her.
- Drowning My Sorrows: Twilight everytime she is remembered of her traumatic childhood.
- Early-Bird Cameo: Thrackerzod turns up in the Stinger for episode 7 claiming that it's never heard of the character Sweetie Belle
- Everything Is Better With Primates: Rainbow Dash likes to put Primates into her stories in some way. First in Cupcakes she dresses as a gorilla. In Somewhere only We know her owner is an Orangutan, and in Rainbow Factory she hides it under the title of "Captain Hook the Biker Gorilla"
- Evil Brit: Celestia. See British Accents.
- Evil Laugh: Celestia at the beginning of Rainbow Dash Presents: Spiderses.
- Evil Overlord: Princess Celestia.
- Evil Sounds Deep: Celestia
- Eye Scream: Pinkie Pie was going to have Fluttershy's face sprayed with Aqua Regia, mentioning she might go blind.
- Extreme Doormat: Fluttershy.
- Fake Brit: Celestia sounds like an East End gangster, which pretty much compliments her grotesque evil.
- Fake Irish: For whatever reason, Spike talks like he's from Scotireland.
- Fantastic Racism: Twilight really hates Earth Ponies and Pegasi. As does Rarity.
- Pinkie has some less-than-kind things to say about griffons
- Fantastic Slurs: Sometimes, Twilight and Rarity call the earth ponies "mud ponies."
- They also use 'horsefly' as a slur against pegasi, and Suprise calls unicorns 'boneheads' in her song.
- Flat Character: Fluttershy's character is very flat, and Rarity worries she may be this.
- Follow the Bouncing Ball: A bouncing cupcake is used during Pinkie Pie's song in Rainbow Dash Presents: Cupcakes.
- Freeze-Frame Bonus: Episodes usually have long messages to read in the credits, sometimes only for a few seconds. Video descriptions also have messages and anecdotes from the creator.
- God Save Us From the Queen: Celestia
- Gratuitous Foreign Language: Snips and Snails speak only German and Swedish respectively.
- Hard Work Hardly Works: From Rainbow Dash Presents: Captain Hook, The Biker Gorilla:
Rainbow Dash: Darn it, I've got my own songs, a lengthy script with over two hundred fifty lines of dialogue, several voice actors and the entire thing is hand-drawn and edited, frame by over one thousand frames! Seriously, I have more than one thousand pictures in this folder! BUT THEY SAID THEY'RE NOT GONNA TOUCH IT! |
- High-Class Glass: Rainbow Dash imagines a rubber duck in a top hat with a monocle, 'cause he's rich.
- Hilariously Abusive Childhood: Twilight, at the hands of Princess Celestia
- If Rainbow Dash Presents is anything to go by, Rainbow Dash had one as well.
- Hostile Show Takeover: Celestia takes over from Rainbow Dash's reading in Rainbow Dash Presents: Spiderses.
- I Have Many Names:
I go by many names: Seaty Belt, Sweaty Belt, Treaty Teats... but you may call me... Thrackerzod! |
- Ill Girl: Aurora. Her wing keeps breaking off and she has Pony AIDS.
- Insufferable Genius: Twilight, especially in the later episodes. In episode 10, she debates Apple Bloom to the point of tears, then fears she might be turning into Celestia.
Apple Bloom: Well, maybe I won't need the sciences! Maybe your science can't explain the reasons why I feel... and it can't explain all the big things, like what makes as angry... or in love... or full of hate about something! |
- What makes it worse is Twilight started the debate by saying that someday Apple Bloom would get A Degree in Useless.
- Battle of Wits. Twilight just wouldn't pull any punches, the bully.
- What makes it worse is Twilight started the debate by saying that someday Apple Bloom would get A Degree in Useless.
- Jerkass: Twilight. She can't stand any of the other ponies, only associating with them out of fear of Celestia.
- Freudian Excuse: Said fear and bitchiness comes from Celestia constantly and mercilessly abusing her.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Twilight has moments where she is of decent moral fibre, such as apologizing to Apple Bloom.
- Jive Turkey: Scootaloo talks with this type of flair. HOO!
- Kick the Dog: Parodied in Rainbow Dash Presents: Captain Hook the Biker Gorilla. Apparently, the rainbow making process works better if the kid is sent into the machine with a puppy, a picture of the kid's family, and some crayons so they can draw on their way to death.
- Kids Are Cruel: Apple Bloom uses this as an argument to bully a pony into buying some apples so she would get ice cream.
Apple Bloom: Children have no Empathy, I don't even care! |
- Kissing Cousins: Apparently, Applejack's first kiss (we hope) was her cousin Braeburn.
- Laughing Mad: Pinkie Pie
- Lip Lock: In the early episodes, FimFlamFilosopher openly admitted he had no idea what he was doing, so scenes were minimally edited, and the dialogue written to fit the preexisting lip-flaps, which sometimes leads to some... weird lines. Shrimps.
- Light Bulb Joke: In the Winter Wrap Up episode, Rarity tells a racist light bulb joke about pegasi.
- The Load: Fluttershy. During the journey to slay the dragon, all she ended up doing was slow everyone down. Later, when they went to confront Zecora, she was tasked with bringing a shovel that they would kill the zebra with, but she forgot to bring it.
- Loophole Abuse: Applejack figures out to cancel Twilight's Celestia-mandated slumber party by daring Twilight to do so in a game of Truth Or Dare.
- Lovable Sex Maniac: Scootaloo. Strangely enough.
- Man of a Thousand Voices: All the main characters are voiced by the same guy.
- Somewhat subverted in the earlier episodes when most of the ponies (except of course for Pinkie) sound alike. He varies the voices more as the series goes on.
- Master Race: The unicorn ponies, who see themselves as the master race due to their magic powers and look down on the earth ponies and even the pegasus ponies.
- Minion with an F In Evil: Rainbow Dash in Rainbow Dash Presents: Captain Hook the Biker Gorilla. However, she's supposed to be the one in charge of the Rainbow Factory, which technically makes her a Big Bad with an F in Evil.
- Dragon-in-Chief: As a result, the Factory's day to day operations fall to chief engineer Surprise.
Surprise: Man, get over it! After a few of these, it's like nothing! Sure, you stay up late at night thinking about how your family would think of you, you wonder what Pony Hell's gonna be like, but other than that it's no big deal! |
- Mistaken for Gay: Rainbow Dash; Gilda outright says she's a lesbian and operates under the assumption that they're in a relationship, but the former thinks that means she's from the island of Lesbia.
- Most Definitely Not a Villain: Thrackerzod
Thrackerzod: I do not want to plummet to my death. Do normal ponies do that? I don't want to do that unless that's what normal ponies do. |
- My Life Flashed Before My Eyes: Twilight in Episode 8.
- My Name Is Not Durwood: Twilight almost never gets Fluttershy's name right, even though she keeps claiming that she knows it.
- The Nicknamer: Twilight seems to have taken to calling Rainbow Dash "Chump" recently.
- Oblivious to Love: Rainbow Dash does not realize Gilda's Feelings.
- Obstructive Bureaucrat: Rainbow Dash is prone to complaining about all the paperwork she needs to submit in order to change the weather.
- One of the Kids: Deconstructed. Rainbow Dash, by her own admission, isn't good with kids; not because she doesn't like them, but because she encourages and joins in on their shenanigans.
Rainbow Dash: This one time, I was supposed to be watching my cousin's kid, and her kid wanted to try eating ice cream for dinner! And, y'know, I thought, I'd never really tried that before! Kids have good ideas sometimes! But then I got all hyperactive, and I did a bunch of tricks to impress her, but then I crashed and broke both my wings and all four legs, and she started throwing up because she had too much ice cream... And when I woke up in the hospital, I wasn't allowed to watch my cousin's kids anymore. |
- Only Sane Pony: Apparently, Apple Bloom. Naturally she gets ignored.
- Although it more she does what her children's books tell her is right.
- Overly Long Gag: Miss Blossomforth describing the criteria for failure in Rainbow Dash Presents: Captain Hook the Biker Gorilla.
- Also in the same video, we have Thrackerzod 's escape plan, which also doubles as a shout out to Legends of the Hidden Temple.
- Also in the same video, we see the very long introduction. It is even lampshaded
- Pokémon-Speak: None of the background ponies say anything other than "meep".
- Twist still only speaks in meeps, yet inexplicably still has a lisp.
Twist: thmeep thmeepthmeep thmeep! |
- Power Incontinence: Fluttershy, after Zecora's curse gives her the ability to read minds but she cannot turn it off, discovering that A Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Read.
- Psychic Static: Twilight uses the Rubber Ducky Song to stave off mind reading.
- Punch Clock Villain: In Rainbow Dash Presents: Captain Hook the Biker Gorilla, Dash makes it clear that she's only running the rainbow factory for the healthcare benefits.
- Really Gets Around: Rarity
Rainbow Dash: Oh my god, when we get back from this, we're SO getting laid! |
- Room 101: Alluded to by name. Spike says he admitted to things that never even happened.
Spike: They asked me if you were secretly workin' for Mothra, I told 'em yes! If you weren't already on a list, you're definitely on one now! |
- Running Gag: There's punch and cookies by the door!
- Also, Twilight forgetting Fluttershy's name.
- Sanity Slippage: Twilight while speaking with Celestia in episode 8.
- Saying Sound Effects Out Loud: "Screeeeeeeaaaaaammm!!!"
- The Scapegoat: According to episode 8, Pinkie Pie uses Fluttershy to act as one a lot.
Rarity: Last week, I caught you spray painting the word 'ass' all over my windows, and you told me it was Fluttershy! |
- Seinfeldian Conversation: The series loves this trope.
- Self-Insert Fic: Rainbow Dash accidentally locks herself into the story she's narrating in Rainbow Dash Presents: Bubbles.
- Shaggy Dog Story: In Rainbow Dash Presents: Captain Hook the Biker Gorilla, it turns out that the factory employees could have produced rainbows from crayons and photographs, and therefore didn't need to kill so many foals. Also may count as an inversion of Shoot the Shaggy Dog
- Shout-Out: Thrackerzod's dubious claims of normalcy, and her preferred name, are a reference to a one-off villain from The Tick.
- Dash makes the obligatory Cupcakes reference when being hounded by Pinkie in Griffon the Brush Off.
Dash: "I don't wanna be cupcakes!" |
- A nod to The Twilight Zone in Pie in the Sky: "It's a cookbook!"
- Spike says that they took him to Room 101.
- In "Rainbow Dash Presents: Cupcakes," one of the skulls on the wall is painted like The Joker. Later, Pinkie Pie sings part of the theme songs for SpongeBob SquarePants and the Power Rangers.
- "Rainbow Dash Presents" is a reference to Alfred Hitchcock Presents.
- In the Somewhere Only We Know episode, the marquee over the movie theater says Planet of the Apes.
- Spell My Name with an "S": People seem to think the demon possessing Sweetie Belle is spelled Thrakkorzog, when the credits show it as Thrackerzod.
- Fair mistake, seeing as how that's the name of the Tick villain Thrackerzod is based on.
- Spin-Off: Harry Potter and the Soul Stroller.
- There's also Rainbow Dash Presents, where Rainbow Dash reads and puts her own spin on various fanfics. One episode even tackles the infamous Cupcakes.
- Another episode parodies Rainbow Factory and another episode parodies Spiderses. Yes, you apparently can parody a blatant Troll Fic.
- Allen Hour might become one, a series of short sketches written by Allen.
- Start My Own: The creator used to be part of the team creating another abridged series of the show but left over Creative Differences with the rest of the crew.
- The Straight Man: Applejack has, by far, the most common sense out of any of the main characters.
- To the point she doesn't even get her lines changed in the theme song!
- Sweet Tooth: Apple Bloom's eyes light up at the mention of cupcakes, and she's willing to help Pinkie smuggle contraband cupcakes across the border in order to taste some. Earlier on, she is less than enthusiastic at the idea of selling apples, but throw in the promise of ice cream and she becomes rather too eager.
Apple Bloom: "Children have no empathy. I don't even care! Now give me some friggin ice cream!" |
- Take That: In Episode 4 (the Boast Busters episode), the original MLP:FiM Abridged project that FimFlamFilosopher left is the butt of a few jokes.
Rarity: So what exactly is this show? |
- Rainbow Dash Presents: Captain Hook the Biker Gorilla refers to "Equestria Daily" as "Trixie Variety Show", given the site owner's liking of Trixie.
- There's also mention in Dash's rant of someone named "Alclop Pones", a pretty thinly-veiled reference to the maker of another abridged series, SherclopPones.
- Rainbow Dash Presents: Captain Hook the Biker Gorilla refers to "Equestria Daily" as "Trixie Variety Show", given the site owner's liking of Trixie.
- Talking to Himself: All the main characters are voiced by the same guy. The creator's friends Smeg and Allen voice Gilda and Celestia respectively, while his female friend voices Snips and Snails (and other male background ponies).
- This Is for Emphasis, Bitch: Twilight to Rarity
Applejack: I bet Rarity knows best about getting facials. |
- Third Person Person: Pinkie Pie
- Those Wacky Nazis: "Sieg heil, sleep Nazi. Ven do ve put Applejack in der concentration camp?"
- Throwaway Country: The Gryphon Homeland was burned to the ground by Celestia in response to their invasion.
- However, this took place decades ago, so they may have rebuilt at least partially.
- Trouble Entendre: The weather is fast, and it's everywhere!
- Tsundere: Twilight
- Unfortunate Names: Carwash Rugmuncher.
- Unreliable Narrator: Rainbow Dash tends to get off track with the stories she reads.
- Verbal Tic: Pinkie Pie ends a lot of her sentences with "Yes!"
Pinkie Pie: It is so cute when you give up on life. Yes! |
- Scootaloo also apparently has... *hoof gesture* HOO! ...one
- Virginity Makes You Stupid: Rainbow Dash is completely clueless about how Gilda sees their relationship and thinks "Lesbia" is a tropical island somewhere.
- Made extra funny from the fact that the word "lesbian" is also used to describe people from the island of Lesbos.
- In Rainbow Dash Presents: Cupcakes, she talks about ponies "hugging" each other.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Twilight Sparkle and Applejack, besides the fact that they are constantly at each other throats, and the casual racist remark really do seem to get along better than the others.
- Vocal Dissonance: Thrackerzod.
- Technically all the characters bar Spike and Big Macintosh have this, as all mares are voiced by men and the few stallions so far seem to have female voices.
- Also, Celestia.
- Aurora sounds like Bill Cosby.
- Enforced Trope, all characters have a voice opposite of what's expected of their gender, except Big Mac, who has a girly voice.
- What the Hell Is That Accent?: Pinkie Pie's accent is...Russian mob leader? Colombian Drug Dealer?
- ...Yes
- She seems to be some kind of communist revolutionary. So possibly Russian. Or both.
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: Apple Bloom, who despite (and perhaps because of) being a child, is the only member of the cast who tries to stick to principles (and, for that matter, basic pony decency).
- You Just Told Me: How Rarity finds out about Applejack and Braeburn