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My Pokemon Ranch Screenshot

Behold the raw power of Grou... Wait, WHAT?

My Pokémon Ranch is a Pokémon Video Game for the Wii, developed by Ambrella, not Nintendo/Game Freak. It was released for Wii Ware in 2008, for 1000 Wii Points, or about US$10. It's mostly unplayable without Diamond & Pearl, similar to Pokémon Battle Revolution for the Wii.

It lets you transfer up to 1000 Pokémon into a Pokémon Ranch, which, despite the game's Non-Indicative Name, is not run by you, but by Hayley, a friend of Bebe, the Expy of Bill in Diamond & Pearl. There, you can see your Pokémon as Super-Deformed, or chibis.

Apart from giving you a place to store extra Pokémon, it has one extra useful function: to get Mew. After you send 999 Pokémon here, Hayley will give you a level 50 Mew if you give her an Egg. Now if only the game were actually compatible with Platinum, HeartGold, and SoulSilver...

This game has examples of the following tropes:[]

  • Disc One Nuke: That Shroomish you can trade for? Seed Bomb, Spore, Stun Spore, and... False Swipe? It's a catching god.
  • No Export for You: Rather, No Upgrade For You, but only Japan has the Platinum upgrade. However, considering that this game has the most negative reviews, it may be for the best. Still rather infuriating for the other Platinum players who need a dumping ground for their 'Mons, though.
  • Super-Deformed: Every Pokémon here.