My Wife is a High School Girl (Oku-sama wa Joshi Kōsei) is a Seinen Manga series created by Hiyoko Kobayashi and published by Shueisha in their publication magazine Young Jump. The Manga ran from 2002 to March 2007 and compiled thirteen volumes over its run.
The Manga would later be adapted to a Video Game designed for the Play Station 2 and Dreamcast. The games were released on June 20th, 2002 for the Play Station 2, and November 21st, 2002 for the Dreamcast.
Another adaptation came in the form of an Anime, produced by studio Madhouse under director Jun Shishido. The show's original run was on the TV Saitama network between July 2nd, 2005 and September 24th, 2005, with 26 episodes produced.
The plot of the Manga and adaptations involve Asami Onohara a seventeen-year old high-school student who is married to Kyosuke Ichimaru, her Physics teacher in the same high school she attends. However, even though they are officially a married couple, Asami's father forbids them to have any sexual contact until after Asami has graduated. The story involves the hiding of the relationship from people; specifically those of the highschool, while the couple face opposition to the relationship on behalf of Asami's father and third parties.
- All Women Are Lustful:
- Asami, as she consistently tries to get Kyosuke to break her father's rules that forbids them from having sexual contact until she graduates from high school. Hilarity Ensues.
- Iwasaki-sensei tries to tempt Kyosuke with her feminine wiles to no avail
- Chick Magnet: For someone as lampshadedly plain as Kyosuke is, he certainly had a lot of women throwing themselves at him.
- Hot for Student:
- The entire plot of the story.
- There's even another teacher guilty of this. But it's okay--the teacher was just using him so she could feel good, she wasn't going to marry him or anything. (This is exactly how it was treated in the anime.)
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Iwasaki-sensei
- Jail Bait Wait: Kyosuke is waiting for Asami to graduate from High School before they could make any sexual contact.
- Love Makes You Crazy: Iwasaki-sensei, upon realizing Kyosuke loves someone else, develops an obsession and repeatedly tries to tempt him away from his love interest. When she finds out it's a student, and they're "dating", she refuses to lose to a "little girl" and uses her authority to separate them, and blackmails Kyosuke at least twice.
- Male Gaze: And how.
- Ms. Fanservice:
- Asami, between her own erotic fantasies (and her husband's), hilarious real-life situations, and attempts to actually seduce her husband. Ironic in the fact that she's the only character who's off limits.
- Secondary is Sakura, who works at a night club and is anything but subtle when she wants a man.
- Overprotective Dad: Asami's father.
- Shipper on Deck: Her friends are very supportive of a potential hookup between their friend and her teacher crush.
- Through His Stomach: Played with, in that she's already married and a traditional Japanese wife: she sort of has to cook for him. That doesn't stop her from trying to effect some reaction from him by cooking elaborate, tasty meals.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Asami