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  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: When a TV series was announced.
  • Arc Fatigue: The Idol storyline went on for longer than some people liked (a year in real time) before the arc finally came to an end in chapter 48.
  • Audience-Alienating Premise: To those who are bothered by saliva drinking, or to those who simply have trouble swallowing the premise.
  • Broken Base: The Idol arc. Not only did it take an extremely long time to resolve, but for many it also marked a change in Urabe's personality, causing her to ignore her increasing feelings towards Tsubaki and become increasingly hostile to his attempts to simply make physical contact with her.
  • Fetish Fuel: This manga runs on Fetish Fuel. A short list: glasses, spit/drool, finger-sucking, stoicism, weird tan lines, bikinis, short girls...
    • Plus short hair (the protagonist's personal turn-on), exhibitionism, school swimsuits and more than a little Les Yay.
    • ...ear licking, hair play, panty shots, possessiveness, body paint...
    • Imai Momoka wears some easily visible restraining garters.
    • ...cutting off a girl's clothes, upskirt, downblouse...
    • We have eating raw bacon while wearing cat ears. ...Wait, what?
    • Face masks, fevers... when did this turn into Ai Kora?
  • Genius Bonus: The covers of the books contain rather large portions of the English language versions of various literary classics — the original Frankenstein for Volume 1, for example.
  • Les Yay: Urabe and Oka, exchanging saliva whenever they have lunch (not like that! Granted, it's kinda kinky all on its own...).
    • Oka peeking down Urabe's top.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Akira's ex-crush, Hayakawa. To the point that she's openly taunting Urabe, faking being in an abusive relationship, and suckering Akira into faking a date with her — at the same time she's getting Urabe to show up to "accidentally" catch them so he'll take the fall for it. Turns out Urabe was one step ahead of her...
  • Moral Dissonance: Urabe shreda Tsubaki's magazines simply because she disapproves of them. There's also the case of the public property she desecrates by cutting it to pieces...
  • Squick: Sucking saliva off someone's fingers may not be the most romantic thing for most people.
    • In the anime it's drawn a lot thicker and gooier than it looks in the manga, with a slight yellow tint.
  • What an Idiot!: Tsubaki, multiple times. Part of it is due to his naïveté, part because he has had the Idiot Ball surgically implanted and partly because his girlfriend is, quite honestly, really weird.