Downplayed: The teachers' lounge isn't anything fancy, but it is designed to be a soothing place.
Justified: Teaching is a stressful job; they need a place to regain composure.
Subverted: The students expect the lounge to be a magical place, but it's an ordinary room with sofas, a little kitchenette area, and vending machines.
Double Subverted: But once the student leaves, a teacher presses some buttons on the vending machine, and a wall turns around to reveal a spa, a party room, a bar, or some other such great place.
Deconstructed: The school likely doesn't have the funding to pay for all these amenities. And even if it did, wouldn't it be better to pay the teachers a higher wage instead of just giving them Bread and Circuses?
Reconstructed: The school manages its budget so that it has the resources to provide teachers with a decent living wage, as well as a place of refuge from the stress of the workday...without compromising the quality of the students' education.