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Proof that the remaining 10% is worth dying for here:
These are recommendations made by Tropers for Fan Fics, all of which have been signed. After a few samples, you will be able to judge whether you might be interested in the 'fic, based on who recommended it. No-name recommendations will be Zapped (wiki). Nobody would back up the rec. Discussion of the recommendation is welcome on the discussion page. As such discussion is important, do remember to add the discussion page to the watchlist, if need be.
Do warn when a fanfic may head into non-canon territory. Some people just don't like it, and as we all know, Shipping is Serious Business.
Authors and Websites[]
- Recommended by Unknown Troper
- The archives of MSTers Megane 6.7, Scott "Zoogz" Jamison, and Jack Acid. All of their work is very funny and quite well-written, particularly Zoogz's MSTing of Sailor Trigger.
Everything What Is Crap (The site formerly known as Shuuichi's Vault of Anime MSTings.)
- Recommended by Binaroid
- An archive of MSTings of Anime, video game, and other genres, dating back to 1996. Contains collections of works by Doctor Thinker, Eyrie Productions, Unlimited, and Stephen Ratliff's "Marissa Picard" stories.
- Recommended by Snoofleglax
- The two House MiSTings done by a fellow named pitbap. A poster on house_mst, which does MiSTings with characters from the show.
- Snoofleglax: Though he's only written two so far, his MiSTings are hilariously written and both of them were more than enough to leave me literally choking with laughter (hint: don't eat a Pop Tart while reading them). House and the others are well-written and in character, and somehow he's managed to capture the feel of House's snarkiness in text form.
- Link's dead; it takes you to a big FRIENDS ONLY sign.
General Fics[]
Stories focused on the family and the friendly relationships of the cast. Plot-focused stories or light day-in-the-life stories. Pretty much anything that isn't focused on romance.
MSTtings of The Rangers of NIMH [dead link] and The Rangers of NIMH II [dead link] by Håkan Svensson & Kevin A. Pezzano, originals by David Gonterman (first story co-written with Paul Lapansee)
- Recommended by Mark Lungo
MiSTing of The Eye of Argon
- Recommended by pretty much everyone, but Freezair For A Limited Time was the one who finally added it here (though you can find a link to it on the The Eye of Argon page, too).
- One of the classic MSTings, this follows Mike and the 'bots on their journey through the "magical" land of The Eye of Argon. Some of its lines have even made their way to being page quotes on this very wiki — a true sign of a brilliant fic. Even better yet, it actually turned this troper on toward the original TV show. Now there's a recommendation!
MSTing of Dark Dungeons
- Recommended by: Jsonitsac
- A MSTing of the Chick Tract "Dark Dungeons," which is Jack Chick's condemnation of Tabletop Games ("Dark Dungeons" is an Fictional Counterpart for Dungeons & Dragons). The website is set up like a Syfy episode of the show, complete with a MIDI and animated GIF version of the opening sequence. The jokes not only go after Chick's bashing of things he doesn't understand but also make plenty of references to geek and tabletop RPG culture.
Mystery Science Theater Adventures by Emi Briet
- Recommended by Toby Mobias
- A collection of short, script-styled fanfics that bridge off from canon some point before the end of Season 6 (TV's Frank is around in the first short). The general synopsis is that Joel has been returned to the SOL and, after Dr. F cuts them loose, they drift off into deep space. Joel and Mike get frozen and the bots switch off eventually. Four hundred years later, they are found by a "Dominion" (i.e., Starfleet) ship, and their propulsion systems are fixed to they can cruise around the universe. After some time traveling wackiness, the crew crash lands in China...where they fall into the Spring of the Drowned Girl. Yes, all of them.
- Apart from a few canon errors (Mike never worked for Gizmonic; he was a temp) and repeated usage of "Gizmonics", it's a pretty good read with some great humor and the characters are written in-character. Well, one could make arguments for Cambot...
3000: A Space Oddity by Mike Barklage
- Recommended by Doryna
- A story set in Season 5 right after Mike's ascendancy to the Satellite of Love, it details Joel's adventures following his escape, including the consequences of accidentally defrauding Gizmonic Institute of $14.78, foiling Dr. Forrester's sinister and quite outlandish plot to take over the world (of course!) and building yet another robot companion to assist him in all the chaos. Very much in the spirit of the show, quite meta, and hilarious all around. Some knowledge of the early series is handy for getting all the jokes, but not needed to understand the story.
- For a time, the link led to Molossia's website. It shouldn't anymore, but keep we should keep our eyes out for some kind of conspiracy. Bet Dr. F's trying to erase the evidence...
MST3K II by Xavier Writes
- Recommended by Mogo
- Set after the end of the series, Mike's apartment is launched into space by Doctor Erdhart, who has decided to continue the experiment and make Mike Nelson and his robot pals torture themselves with the worst Fan Fiction he can find. Feels just like the show, complete with host segments during the fic, definitely worth a read for both hardcore MSTies and newbies alike.
MST3k: Operation: Return to Earth by Garfieldodie
- Recommended by Maniago
- Set during the final episode of the series, between the moment the SOL crashes on earth and the final scene with Mike and the bots in their new apartment. Shows how they survive the crash, get in trouble with Gizmonic Institue, and meet both Joel and Dr. Erdhart again.
Shipping Fics[]
Stories focused on the romantic relationships between the cast.
Sadly, none listed here yet, although there's a growing bit of it out there — check out Livejournal's MST3KSlash webpage, or just Google "Mystery Science Theater 3000 slashfic". Joel/Mike is the most frequent pairing, known as "JOIKE" after Gypsy's sweater during the episode mocking the Mexican flick Santa Claus.