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Alien From L.A.[]

Attack of the The Eye Creatures[]

Bride of the Monster[]

  • "He tampered in God's domain." [5]

Cave Dwellers[]

The Day the Earth Froze[]

  • The Sampo! [7]
  • The words that Joel and the bots sing to the music at Lemminkäinen's wedding..


  • Watch out for snakes! [8]

Escape 2000[]

  • On this wiki, at least: The Toblerone. [10]

The Final Sacrifice[]

  • "Rowsdower!" [11]
  • Rowsdower saves us and saves all the wooooorld!!! [12]

Fugitive Alien[]

  • Sing it with me now! "This is the song written for the train chase, this is the chase, Rocky and Ken. HE TRIIIIIEEEDDDD TO KILL ME WITH A FORKLIFT...! [13]
    • OLE!
  • "Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha, a-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha... YOU'RE STUCK HERE!"
    • "Cigar, kid?"

Gamera vs. Guiron[]

  • Gamera is really neat, he is filled with turtle meat, we'll be eating Gamera! [14]

The Giant Gila Monster[]

  • "Whenever I sing, I sing." [15]

Godzilla vs. Megalon[]

Invasion of the Neptune Men[]

  • "They took out the Hitler building!" [17]

It Conquered the World[]

  • "He learned too late that man is a feeling creature and because of this the greatest in the universe..." [18]

Lost Continent[]

  • "Rock climbing, Joel." [19]

Master Ninja[]


Manos: The Hands of Fate[]

  • Fans love to represent the oddly stilted speech of Torgo from Manos: The Hands of Fate (including Mike Nelson's impersonations of him) bY rANdoMLy cAPitALIzInG lEttErS.
  • The Master would not approve.
  • The haunting "Torgo Theme". [20]
  • "There is no way out. It'll be dark soon. There is no way out. iT'lL Be DaRk SoOn!"

Merlin's Shop of Mystical Wonders[]


 Crow (as Merlin): "Remember to believe in magic. Or I'll kill you."

  • You're welcome!
  • "MY GOD, DAVID!"

Pod People[]

  • The show's treatment of Pod People spawned the famous "Potato Soliloquy". [21]
  • And puts thumb and index in the OK position IT STINKS! [22]
  • Trumpy, you can do stupid things! [23]
  • Beastmaster? Ringo? Axel? Sinead? Chief? McCloud! [24]

Puma Man[]

Prince of Space[]

Red Zone Cuba[]

Santa Claus[]

  • "NO, LUPITA!" [32]
  • And good old-fashioned Nightmare Fuel. [33]

Santa Claus Conquers the Martians[]

  • Dropo, you're the laziest man on Mars! [34]
  • Drop 'em, Dropo!
  • "Have yourself a Patrick Swayze Christmas" [35]

Space Mutiny[]

  • Everything about this movie, especially the many names of David Ryder, seen here.
  • Railing Kill! [36]
  • He tried to kill me with a forklift!
    • Olé!
  • Ow! My mask!
  • "Listen, lady!" "Doctor!" "Doctor lady!"


  • Mr. Beardsley! MR. BEARDSLEY!
  • You gonna be the WORM FACE!

Teenagers from Outer Space[]



A Case of Spring Fever[]

  • NOOOOOOOO SPRRIIIIIINGS! A-hee-hee-hee-hee!
    • *BWEEP-BUU!*

Are You Ready For Marriage[]

  • "Where did the rubber band go!?!?" [41]

A Date With Your Family[]

  • "Dad, I had a feeling today." "Well, DON'T, son." [42]

Mr. B Natural[]

Gumby in: Robot Rumpus[]

  • Gumby was nude!
  • This way we don't have to hire illegal immigrants.

Riding With Death[]

  • "Dinobot has spoken. My rigid grill structure is coming in on your unprotected cargo door." [44]


  • We have to mention... Crow: You know you want me, baby!
    • Nobody understands me baby ... I'm the wind!
  • Mike broke the Hubble! Mike broke the Hubble!
  • In a more meta sense, the show help popularize the concept of MSTing itself, though it's been around for years before the show.
    • Speaking of which, MSTing made "The Long March" palatable, and "The Long March" led to its own fountain of memes, such as (X despite the name), in a reference to "Ashley Montagu (Jewish despite the name)".
  • All over the world! [45]
  • Think about it, won't you? Thank you.
  • Push the button, Frank.
    • I am the button.
  • Hi-Keeba! [46]
  • Jack Perkins and Peter Graves even more than they were before.
  • Bite me- it's fun!
  1. A reference to Kathy Ireland's only apparent facial expression in the movie. This is actually a migratory meme, as it is used by the Transformers fandom when referencing Dreamwave comic book art and similar artwork with dull expressions.
  2. A host segment following the movie showing clips of how the production crew Just Didn't Care
  3. Riff in response to a Ric Astley look alike showing up. Naturally, once the Rick-Roll meme took off, the joke went from obscure to oddly predictive.
  4. The Title Card, due to the line splitting, reads "Attack of The The Eye Creatures"
  5. Said, somewhat garbled, of Bela Lugosi's scientist character. Became a running gag in other Mystery Science Theater 3000 movie scenes where other mad scientists would meet their end.
  6. A play on the starring actor's name.
  7. The Sampo is a Finnish mythological device which creates an endless supply of grain, salt, and gold. This translated movie has it as the center of the quest, but glosses over what it actually does.
  8. An obviously and oddly dubbed-in line seemingly only put in the movie to make some stock footage of snakes fit. Joel and the Bots get quite confused at who the heck is supposed to be saying it.
  9. At the start of the film, these lines are repeated so often as to become an unintentional Overly Long Gag
  10. A mishearing of the name Dablone, a loveable boisterous bruiser who is one of the bright spots in the movie.
  11. Zap Rowsdower is the unlikely-named and even unlikelier hero of the movie.
  12. Mike and the Bots singing along to the end credit music.
  13. A song sung to the not-so-thrilling chase music of the movie.
  14. Lyrics made up for the Gamera Theme Song.
  15. A lame song that the mechanic main character sings throughout the movie and inexplicably becomes a smash hit. Would be brought up in repetitive music moments in other Mystery Science Theater 3000 films
  16. From the Crowning Moment of Funny Gag Sub of the Jet Jaguar theme song.
  17. Actual World War II footage was used in this movie's battle scenes, including a shot where a building with a large Hitler poster is displayed. Kind of a tasteless thing to put in your movie.
  18. Peter Graves' ending speech. Was repeated several times at the end of the show to kill time.
  19. An incredibly long and boring scene of the leads climbing a canyon wall. Would be brought up in other MST-ings as a sign that things are getting repetitive.
  20. A incessently repetitive 4 note piece of music.
  21. Crow does an Emo Phillips/Elephant Man impression while Trumpy, an ALF looking alien checks out the things in the kids room, apparently looking for something to eat.
  22. A main character's sarcastic reaction to a song performed in the movie. Would be used as a call back to any appearance of the A-OK hand gesture.
  23. Trumpy the Alien's magical powers are... unimpressive.
  24. Joel and the bots reaction to people shouting out the names of whoever they're looking for in the scene is to rattle off pop-culture references, ending with a reference to McCloud
  25. Mike and the bots singing along to the theme song.
  26. Puma Man's flying powers fail to impress.
  27. Puma Man is constantly outclassed by his Native American sidekick.
  28. Mentioned once in the start, then followed throughout by a number of times where Puma Man notably fails to sense impending danger. Tom Servo is happy to point it out.
  29. The Prince of Space seems to take a little too much glee in No Selling any enemy attacks.
  30. Said by a very NOT-Cherokee looking fellow.
  31. This is about as salty as salty as the language of the supposedly hardened convicts get.
  32. During the movie the devil tries to tempt an aggressively cute girl named Lupita into committing sins. The narrator really doesn't like it.
  33. Said in response to several shots of truly malevolent looking puppets.
  34. Dropo, the fat clumsy Martian, is the film's alleged comic relief. Alleged.
  35. A Christmas Song sung during a host-segment about a Road House Christmas. A fan-favorite.
  36. More than the fair share of deaths in this movie feature being knocked over a railing.
  37. The villain's odd pronunciation of "Torture".
  38. The female lead doesn't quite add the emotion to the line that you might expect.
  39. Over the tribal chants that play during the credits, Mike and the Bots sing an impressive medley of songs that fit the rhythm, tied together by shouts of TUSK!, a reference to Fleetwood Mac
  40. No character in the movie seems to give "werewolf" the standard English pronunciation.
  41. A marriage counselor uses a stretching rubber band to illustrate the psychological difference between two kids not ready for marriage. When the thing snaps, those kids seem genuinely confused as to what has happened.
  42. Mike and Tom supply the dialogue for a silent conversation Dad and Junior have.
  43. The male Mr. B is played by a female. A hot female. It gets confusing.
  44. A Transformer fan accidentally conflagrated a "Dinobot Has Spoken" line with this quip given during an oddly suggestive trucking scene.
  45. Joel did this as an homage to standup comedian Michael Floorwax, who himself became a frequent callback on ESPN's Mystery Science Theater 3000-like show Cheap Seats. M&TB closed the loop by appearing in Cheap Seats' season two premiere and mocking the hosts' dancing abilities.
  46. Martial arts cry typically given before an unfunny pratfall.