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Film watched: Danger: Diabolik aka Diabolik

The MST3K treatment provides examples of:[]

  • Brick Joke: When preparing for returning to Earth, Mike mentions that he's bringing rice. He asks if anybody wants some in the last scene.
  • Buffy-Speak:

Observer: Apparently, you initiated re-entry protocol for the satellite.
Pearl: Well, make it...not...protocol the re-entry. Make it better!


Eva: There must be something I haven't got...
{{[[[Coincidental Broadcast]] news story about a famous emerald necklace}}]
Eva: Those emeralds!
Servo: (as Eva) Typical guy, doesn't take the hint!


Mike: "Keep my potty down"? Women and their toilet seat issues...


Crow: Driving off to the store / Gonna pick up some bread / Maybe stop by the post office / Meet Delores for lunch / Hope they're serving that ham... oh yeah!


Mike: This is it! I love you Crow, I love you Servo, I love you Gypsy!
Gypsy: I love you Mike, I love you Servo, I love you Crow!
Crow: I love you Gypsy, I love you Mike, I love you Servo!
Servo: I love you Gypsy, I love you Mike! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
(the self-destruct fails, merely causing a very small explosion)
Crow: Um...Servo, you wanna add--?
Servo: I was gonna say it! I just couldn't think of your name!
Crow: Yeah, right.

  • Steal the Surroundings: Authorities try to prevent Diabolik from stealing 20 tons of gold from a train by melting it into a single ingot and sealing it into a thick welded steel container. Diabolik blows up a bridge that sends the train into the water, where the super villain steals the entire container with the aid of balloons and a mini sub. Once back at his lair Diabolik drills a hole at the top of the steel container to insert a super heated rod to melt the gold inside. He then attaches a hose to a hole drilled at the bottom of the container in order to pour the melted gold into molds so that it can be converted to regular sized gold bars.
  • Stuff Blowing Up: Servo gets rid of all the extra hims that have built up over the years.
  • Sorry, I'm Gay: Uttered by the guys when Eva tries to Femme Fatale a car-jacking victim.
    • Made better when the driver turns out to have a gravelly voice, and they claim he borrowed it from Harvey Fierstein.
  • Take That: When Diabolik makes everybody at a press conference laugh hysterically:

Tom: Dan Quayle announces his candidacy.


Bobo: This can't be good for us!
Bobo: (as he collapses) See?



Mike: (laughs) It doesn't really seem like he comes out ahead.
Crow: Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha-- Hey! Who turned out the lights??

Servo: This has been the official biopic of Larry Fine.
—The last lines in the theater