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  • In "Random on Purpose" Abby is seconds away from being chopped into pieces. Sam and Callen are standing above the room, at a skylight. They conclude that they can't jump down there safely. So, what do they do? Lower Callen in on a fire hose to shoot the bastard holding the axe.
  • "You're not traceless. You've got my teeth marks in your finger, you creep!"
  • The team convincing a militia that they had an entire army upon them, when it was just 4 people, tops. Hetty's move with the F-22s is the kicker.
  • Kensi and Deeks combine to get one in Deliverance getting Kensi out of the room full of lasers using balance and what's in Deeks' pocket.
  • Four words: "I broke the internet."
  • In the Season Three premiere, "Lange, H.", the team storms the crime family's house to rescue Hetty and completely curbstomp the guards.
  • Agent Callen, not willing to let the Chameleon go free, kills the guy in cold blood. On live TV. He gets arrested for it. But the bastard had it coming.